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Page "Occam's razor" ¶ 32
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has and since
The situation of the South since 1865 has been unique in the western world.
For lawyers, reflecting perhaps their parochial preferences, there has been a special fascination since then in the role played by the Supreme Court in that transformation -- the manner in which its decisions altered in `` the switch in time that saved nine '', President Roosevelt's ill-starred but in effect victorious `` Court-packing plan '', the imprimatur of judicial approval that was finally placed upon social legislation.
He returned to Germany for the first time in 1953, where he has since conducted in Cologne, Frankfurt, and Berlin.
according to many critics, in fact, the South has led the North in literature since the Civil War, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
An example of the changes which have crept over the Southern region may be seen in the Southern Negro's quest for a position in the white-dominated society, a problem that has been reflected in regional fiction especially since 1865.
There was also a lesson, one that has served ever since to keep Americans, in their conflicts with one another, from turning from the ballot to the bullet.
We have staved off a war and, since our behavior has involved all these elements, we can only keep adding to our ritual without daring to abandon any part of it, since we have not the slightest notion which parts are effective.
It had a bucolic atmosphere that it has lost long since.
Also, since the man questioned feels a strong compulsion to answer ( and thereby avoid the consequences of being thought queer ) the question has assumed some measurable properties of a command.
The novelist who has been badly baptized in psychoanalysis often gives us the impression that since all men must have an Oedipus complex all men must have the same faces.
`` We were possessed by visions of a new civilization to come, very pure and elevated '', he has said, `` in fact some ideal form of socialism such as we had dreamed of since the war of 1914-1918 ''.
The young William Faulkner in New Orleans in the 1920's impressed the novelist Hamilton Basso as obviously conscious of being a Southerner, and there is no evidence that since then he has ever considered himself any less so.
The planter aristocracy has appeared in literature at least since John Pendleton Kennedy published Swallow-Barn in 1832 and in his genial portrait of Frank Meriwether presiding over his plantation dominion initiated the most persistent tradition of Southern literature.
The book, published in 1927, has been selling steadily ever since.
Some of the children of the family could not pronounce this name and called her Paula, a soubriquet Carl liked so much she has been Paula ever since.
This rather detached attitude toward life's encumbrances has seemed to be the dominant trait in Mercer's personality ever since.
It has been a long time since he has seen any campaign money, and when the proposition is laid down to him as the friends of Mr. Hearst are laying it down these days he is quite likely to get aboard the Hearst bandwagon ''.
At about the age of twelve I became a Spencerian liberal, and I have always considered myself a liberal of some kind even though the definition has changed repeatedly since Spencer became a reactionary.
But since 1945, Sam Spade has undergone a metamorphosis ; ;
But since last fall the United States has been moving toward a pro-neutralist position and now is ready to back the British plan for a cease-fire patrolled by outside observers and followed by a conference of interested powers.
Less than half the sum has been spent, since the Interama board pinched pennies during that period of painstaking negotiations.
Chancellor Adenauer's Christian Democratic Party slipped only a little in the voting but it was enough to lose the absolute Bundestag majority it has enjoyed since 1957.
The crisis has been renewed since then but the confusion has hardly been compounded.

has and rejected
These are, of course, the same people whose support he has only now rejected to seek the independent vote.
`` There is not now, nor has there ever been in Emory University's charter or by-laws any requirement that students be admitted or rejected on the basis of race, color or creed.
" She has also rejected an immigrant designation for African-Americans and instead prefers the term " black " or " white " to denote the African and European U. S. founding populations.
It has been asserted by Mansoor Ijaz that in 1996 while the Clinton Administration had begun pursuit of the policy, the Sudanese government allegedly offered to arrest and extradite Bin Laden as well as to provide the United States detailed intelligence information about growing militant organizations in the region, including Hezbollah and Hamas, and that U. S. authorities allegedly rejected each offer, despite knowing of bin Laden's involvement in bombings on American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
The Catholic Church does recognise as valid ( though illicit ) ordinations done by breakaway Catholic, Old Catholic or Oriental bishops, and groups descended from them ; it also regards as both valid and licit those ordinations done by bishops of the Eastern churches, so long as those receiving the ordination conform to other canonical requirements ( for example, is an adult male ) and an orthodox rite of episcopal ordination, expressing the proper functions and sacramental status of a bishop, is used ; this has given rise to the phenomenon of episcopi vagantes ( for example, clergy of the Independent Catholic groups which claim apostolic succession, though this claim is rejected by both Orthodoxy and Catholicism ).
H P Wilmott has noted that deep battle contains two critical differences – it advocated the idea of total war, not limited operations and it also rejected the idea of the decisive battle in favour of several large scale and simultaneous offensives.
Understanding the Protestant " faith alone " doctrine to be one of simple human confidence in divine mercy, the Council rejected the " vain confidence " of the Protestants, stating that no one can know who has received the grace of God.
Mordecai Waxman, a leading figure in the Rabbinical Assembly, writes that " Reform has asserted the right of interpretation but it rejected the authority of legal tradition.
Orthodoxy has clung fast to the principle of authority, but has in our own and recent generations rejected the right to any but minor interpretations.
It has been rejected by the mainstream scientific community because the original experimental results could not be replicated consistently and reliably,
According to non-Orthodox Jews and critical historians, Jewish law too has been affected by surrounding cultures ( for example, some scholars argue that the establishment of absolute monotheism in Judaism was a reaction against the dualism of Zoroastrianism that Jews encountered when living under Persian rule ; Jews rejected polygamy during the Middle Ages, influenced by their Christian neighbors ).
This position has been softened by some adherents, or completely rejected by other churches where Jews are recognized to have a special status due to their covenant with God through Abraham, so this continues to be an area of ongoing dispute among Christians.
For instance in the Central fellowship, the BASF, the standard statement of faith, has 30 doctrines to be accepted and 35 to be rejected.
The authors concluded that " the risk-AIDS hypothesis ... is clearly rejected by our data ", and that "... The evidence supports the hypothesis that HIV-1 has an integral role in the CD4 depletion and progressive immune dysfunction that characterise AIDS.
Modern history has rejected these views, instead characterising Domitian as a ruthless but efficient autocrat, whose cultural, economic and political program provided the foundation of the peaceful 2nd century.
The model of decision making I am proposing has the following feature: when we are faced with an important decision, a consideration-generator whose output is to some degree undetermined produces a series of considerations, some of which may of course be immediately rejected as irrelevant by the agent ( consciously or unconsciously ).
Although modern historians have rejected this hypothesis, Czech historiography has supported the notion of mixed Piast-Přemyslid parentage for Vladivoj.
Alinei's proposal has been rejected by Etruscan experts such as Giulio M. Facchetti, Finno-Ugric experts such as A. Marcantonio, and by Hungarian historical linguists such as Bela Brogyanyi.
Gabriel Marcel explicitly rejected existentialism, due to Sartre, but not phenomenology, which has enjoyed a wide following among French Catholics.
Norway has rejected EU membership in two referendums, 1972 and 1994.
This description has become popular in the mass media, but has largely been rejected by mainstream scholars.
Richard Dawkins has rejected the charge of " fundamentalism ," arguing that critics mistake his " passion "— which he says may match that of evangelical Christians — for an inability to change his mind.
He kept all of the stories submitted to his magazine, even the ones he rejected ; Stephen King has stated that Ackerman showed up to a King book signing with a copy of a story King had submitted for publication when he was 11.

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