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Page "Federalist No. 44" ¶ 7
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responds and critics
Vertov responds to their criticisms with the assertion that the critics were hacks nipping " revolutionary effort " in the bud, and concludes the essay with his promise to " explode art's tower of Babel.
Doyle responds that many critics appear to have little knowledge of the principles described in the book and simply react to what they imagine the book says.
" In the chapter, Becker responds to critics who argue that labeling theory fails to provide an etiological explanation of deviance or an explanation of how individuals come to commit deviant acts in the first place.
Myers responds that he limited his examples to passages already used as positive examples by literary critics.
Myers responds to the critics who say that he is too harsh and negative in his reviews, and he looks at the substandard rather than the good sections of a literary work.
It includes a new introduction and new appendices in which Hancock responds to some of his critics.

responds and who
Strong stress on hunger treats hunger as an additional stimulus, strong stress on stimulates treats stimulation as an additional effect of hunger, strong stress on man treats man as an additional creature who responds to the stimulation of hunger.
" Dilbert notes that the strip is " nothing but a clown with a small head who says random things " and Dogbert responds that he is " maintaining his artistic integrity by creating a comic that no one will enjoy.
" Elijah responds by throwing the charge back at Ahab, saying that it is Ahab who has troubled Israel by allowing the worship of false gods.
" Taking the bait " or " feeding the troll " refers to someone who responds to the original message regardless of whether they are aware the original message was intended to provoke a response.
" Geoffrey Yarlott, in 1967, responds to Eliot to claim, " Certainly, the enigmatic personages who appear in the poem ... and the vaguely incantatory proper names ... appear to adumbrate rather than crystalize the poet's intention.
" Loki responds to Gefjun by stating that Gefjun's heart was once seduced by a " white boy " who gave her a jewel, and who Gefjun laid her thigh over.
" Jesus responds, " They are like children who have settled in a field which is not theirs.
Edgar Crocker, a miner who has saved his money, falls for Elizabeth and she responds, although Ben does not notice since he thinks Raymond Janney is in love with her ( he is ).
Maslow and Rogers emphasized a view of the person as an active, creative, experiencing human being who lives in the present and subjectively responds to current perceptions, relationships, and encounters.
A notrump bidder who has at least four cards in each major suit normally responds in the longer or stronger major, with a preference given to spades.
Odin responds that Bragi knows well that the sounds are for Eric Bloodaxe, who will soon arrive in Valhalla.
" Dilbert notes that the strip is " nothing but a clown with a small head who says random things " and Dogbert responds that he is " maintaining his artistic integrity by creating a comic that no one will enjoy.
" Her aunt responds, " That may be, maybe not, but after the operation who would believe her, Doctor?
Obstinate in defeat, Saruman abuses Gríma, who responds by slitting his master's throat.
Ron introduces her to other people who have no need for wealth and status, and she responds positively.
Odin responds that Bragi knows well that the sounds are for Eric Bloodaxe, who will soon arrive in Valhalla.
Odin responds that Bragi knows well that the sounds are for Eric Bloodaxe, who will soon arrive in Valhalla.
The Tsaritsa writes a letter to Rasputin, who soon responds with words of comfort and confidence.
* The Jerky Boys, in their album Jerky Boys 3 feature a Florida resident who responds to a false ad.
At this point, Flaherty tells Corwin to " clean up this mess and get out of here ", as Dundee, angry at having his time wasted, throws accusations of incompetence at Flaherty, who responds that " like Corwin says, we're dealing with the supernatural here ".
* Melvin " Mel " Cooley ( Richard Deacon ) – the balding producer of The Alan Brady Show ( and Brady's brother-in-law ), who is constantly at odds with Buddy, who often makes insulting comments about Mel's baldness, to which Mel often responds with a simple " Yechh!
" Rogers ( who was born over 500 years earlier ) responds " You think so?
* In the 1996 comedy film Dear God, a character played by Greg Kinnear, who works in the dead letter office at Los Angeles, CA, responds to letters written to God.

responds and clause
The Israeli government responds by dropping a similar clause concerning the existence of Palestine.

responds and would
Bragi responds that if they were outside the hall, he would have Loki's head, but Loki only repeats the accusation.
By inserting separate, successive sections of V. cholerae DNA into the DNA of other bacteria, such as E. coli that would not naturally produce the protein toxins, researchers have investigated the mechanisms by which V. cholerae responds to the changing chemical environments of the stomach, mucous layers, and intestinal wall.
In response to Haeckel ’ s evolutionary claim that all vertebrates are essentially identical in the first month of embryonic life as proof of common descent, His responds by insisting that a more skilled observer would recognize even sooner that early embryos can be distinguished.
Vortigern responds that it is not in his power to appoint Hengist to these positions, reasoning that Hengist is a pagan, that he barely knows Hengist, that Hengist's people are strangers and that Vortigern's nobles would not accept the appointment.
God responds by showing Jonah that he is " angry at doing good ", and that he too would agree to spare an ephemeral plant if it has importance for him.
" Bragi responds that, were they outside of Ægir's hall, Bragi would be holding Loki's head as a reward for his lies.
Frigg responds that if there was a boy like her now-deceased son Baldr in the hall, Loki would not be able to escape from the wrath of the gods.
Hreidmar responds that if he had known this before, he would have taken their lives, yet that he believes those are not yet born whom the curse is intended for, and that he doesn't believe him.
Much of the chapter responds to George Jackson Mivart's criticisms, including his claim that features such as baleen filters in whales, flatfish with both eyes on one side and the camouflage of stick insects could not have evolved through natural selection because intermediate stages would not have been adaptive.
Job responds that is not the case and that he would be willing to defend himself to God.
Sigmund asks Odin why he would expect Eric more than any other king, to which Odin responds that Eric has reddened his gore-drenched sword with many other lands.
Also, even in the first film Skynet's plan would not really make sense unless it believed that history could be changed, and when Sarah Connor asks Kyle Reese if he's saying the Terminator is from the future, he responds ' One possible future.
In general, the victim machine cannot distinguish between the spoofed packets and legitimate packets, so the victim responds to the spoofed packets as it normally would.
Upon the potential victim contacting the scammer, the scammer responds by asking details pertaining to the potential victim's circumstances and location under the guise of ensuring the pet would have a suitable home.
Pericles responds by proposing to reimburse the city for all the expenses from his private property, on the condition that he would make the inscriptions of dedication in his own name.
Connla responds by saying, " Yet if I were not under a command, there is no man in the world to whom I would sooner tell it then to yourself, for I love your face.
High responds that it is strange that Gangleri is asking if Odin, the All-Father, would invite kings, earls, and other " men of rank " to his home and give them water to drink.
Sigmund asks Odin why he would expect Eric more than any other king, to which Odin responds that Eric has reddened his gore-drenched sword with many other lands.
Loki shouts and begs the eagle for a truce, and the eagle responds that Loki would not be free unless he made a solemn vow to have Iðunn come outside of Asgard with her apples.
Will tells Chuckie he wants to be a laborer for the rest of his life ; Chuckie responds that it would be an insult to his friends for Will to waste his potential, and that his fondest wish is that Will leaves to pursue something greater.
Lady Windermere makes clear her intention to cause a scene if Mrs Erlynne appears, to which Lord Windermere responds that it would be in her best interest not to do so.
Speaking of the forthcoming murder, Suffolk says, " And to preserve my sovereign from his foe ,/ Say but the word and I will be his priest " ( 3. 1. 271 – 272 ), to which Winchester responds " But I would have him dead, my Lord of Suffolk ,/ Ere you can take due orders for a priest " ( 3. 1. 273 – 274 ), disdaining priesthood and trivialising murder.
Because Cog's behavior responds to what humans would consider appropriate and socially salient environmental stimuli, the robot is expected to act more human.
Neo asks how she knew, to which the Oracle responds, " What's really going to bake your noodle later on is: would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything?

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