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Page "Branch Davidians" ¶ 4
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says and matter
The Connally amendment says that the United States, rather than the court, shall determine whether a matter is essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of the United States in a case before the World Court to which the United States is a party.
They invade his temple, and he says that the matter should be brought before Athena.
" Further, the text of the Articles of Remonstrance says that no believer can be plucked from Christ's hand, and the matter of falling away, " loss of salvation " required further study before it could be taught with any certainty.
He says that from now on their marriage will be only a matter of appearances.
" Calmer, though cockier and marginally more intelligent than Beavis, Butt-Head is oblivious to subtlety of any sort and is usually completely confident in everything he says and does, no matter how ridiculous or frivolous it is -- unless it has to do with females, in which case he either wavers or comes on too strongly.
After Zeus had seduced Kallisto, Lykaon, pretending not to know of the matter, entertained Zeus, as Hesiod says, and set before him on the table the babe which he had cut up.
In this passage Jesus says that an offended Christian should draw the offender's fault to his attention at first privately ; then, if the offender refuses to listen, to bring one or two others, that there may be more than a single witness to the charge ; next, if the offender still refuses to listen, to bring the matter before the church, and if the offender refuses to listen to the church, to treat him as " a Gentile and a tax collector ".
When Jason asks Brandon what the Omega 13 does, Brandon says that while some people believe it was a bomb capable of destroying all matter in the universe in 13 seconds, he and others believes it is a time machine that sends its user 13 seconds into the past.
A letter by the patriarch Germanus written before 726 to two Iconoclast bishops says that " now whole towns and multitudes of people are in considerable agitation over this matter " but there is little written evidence of the debate.
For example, to cite Cynthia Freeland's catalogue: " Aristotle says that the courage of a man lies in commanding, a woman's lies in obeying ; that " matter yearns for form, as the female for the male and the ugly for the beautiful ;" that women have fewer teeth than men ; that a female is an incomplete male or " as it were, a deformity ": which contributes only matter and not form to the generation of offspring ; that in general " a woman is perhaps an inferior being "; that female characters in a tragedy will be inappropriate if they are too brave or too clever "( Freeland 1994: 145-46 )
It says, " Learn till old, live till old, and there is still one-third not learned ," meaning that no matter how old you are, there is still more learning or studying left to do.
For example, a person's height is affected by genetics, but if they are malnourished growth will be stunted no matter what their genetic coding says.
When ( modern ) Klingon Worf and his crewmates see an original-series Klingon, his crewmates ask about the stunning difference in appearance ; Worf says tersely that the matter is something Klingons " do not discuss with outsiders ".
... the Chancellor of the Exchequer shall boldly uphold economy in detail ; and it is the mark ... of ... a chicken-hearted Chancellor of the Exchequer, when he shrinks from upholding economy in detail, when, because it is a question of only £ 2000 or £ 3000, he says that is no matter.
Additionally, when Desmond meets a mysterious woman with apparent knowledge of the future ( later revealed as Eloise Hawking ), she points out a man with red shoes, who moments later is killed by falling scaffolding ; when Desmond asks why she didn't try to save the man, she says that " it wouldn't matter.
Extension also plays an important part in the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza, who says that substance ( that which has extension ) can be limited only by substance of the same sort, i. e. matter cannot be limited by ideas and vice versa.
Paul Davis, another modern historian who addresses both sides in the debate over whether or not this Battle truly determined the direction of history, as Watson claims, or merely was a relatively minor raid, as Cardini writes, says " whether Charles Martel saved Europe for Christianity is a matter of some debate.
Pope presents an idea on his view on the Universe ; he says that no matter how imperfect, complex, inscrutable and disturbing the Universe appears to be, it functions in a rational fashion according to the natural laws.
Judah ha-Levi ( Kuzari 1: 115 ) puts the whole matter very strikingly when he says:
*< span class =" plainlinks ">" Only a matter of time, says Frank Drake "</ span > A Q & A with Frank Drake about his famous equation and the meaning of SETI, from an interview in February 2010, leading up to the 50th birthday of SETI.
( Seneca says that it can be used to read letters no matter how small or dim )
He also sets about disagreeing with everything she says, and forcing her to agree with everything he says, no matter how absurd ; on their way back to Padua to attend Bianca's wedding, she agrees with Petruchio that the sun is the moon, and proclaims that " if you please to call it a rush-candle ,/ Henceforth I vow it shall be so for me " ( 4. 5. 14 – 15 ).

says and is
`` Most often '', she says, `` it's the monogamous relationship that is dishonest ''.
as Piepsam says to the crowd in his last moments: `` His justice is not of this world ''.
The supreme object of their lives is now fulfilled, says the wife, her husband has achieved immortality.
Carl says it is the greatest poem ever written to the guitar because he has never heard of any other poem to that subtle instrument.
`` Mr. Gross, your report says that ' our function is investigative and advisory and does not in any way derogate from or prejudice Mr. Bang-Jensen's rights as a staff member.
His birth, education, and fortune, he says, have all been ridiculed simply because he has spoken with the freedom of an Englishman, and he assures the reader that `` whoever talks with me, is speaking to a Gentleman born ''.
This, no doubt, is part of what Gilbert Seldes implies when he says of the arts, `` They give form and meaning to life which might otherwise seem shapeless and without sense ''.
In his study Samuel Johnson, Joseph Wood Krutch takes this line when he says that what Aristotle really means by his theory of catharsis is that our evil passions may be so purged by the dramatic ritual that it is `` less likely that we shall indulge them through our own acts ''.
Krim says, in short, that he is a suffering Jew.
) when Krim says mine was as severe a critical-intellectual, environment as can be imagined, he is off his rocker.
Rimanelli is tough and square-built and adventurous, says what he thinks.
Perhaps, as Mr. Freeman says, American agriculture may stop the Communists, but it is also swindling the American taxpayer.
Triandos hasn't proved it yet, but he says he's convinced his thumb is all right.
The weekly loss is partly counterbalanced by 500 arrivals each week from West Germany, but the hard truth, says Crossman, is that `` The closing off of East Berlin without interference from the West and with the use only of East German, as distinct from Russian, troops was a major Communist victory, which dealt West Berlin a deadly, possibly a fatal, blow.
`` The President says '', the translator came in, `` that the reason he asked you where you were going is because he hoped you would be visiting other areas in Southeast Asia, and that everywhere you went, you would seek the answer to your question.
He says that if he were to express to you, once again, his own profound determination to go to the Mainland, and his faith that that return is feasible, he would merely sound redundant.
Jesus, the guy says he is trying.
`` What Master Calvin says is true.
It is, as one engineer says, `` indeed a difficult thing for the engineer to accept that he can go as far on his technical merit as he could employing managerial skills.
Another factor that may hold hope is for parallel recognition is, as one man says it: `` that the fad for educating top people along managerial lines is yielding to the technically trained approach ''.

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