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was and particularly
And while he was ever alert for game, and most particularly a tiger, Penny marvelled at the Eden they were traversing.
This was particularly true in the world arena, which was an anarchical battleground characterized by strife and avaricious competition for colonial empires.
When they were first written, there was evidently no thought of their being published, and those which refer to the writer's love for Mrs. Meynell particularly have the ring of truth.
A particularly galling phrase was `` O.K., Panyotis, we have time at our disposal ''.
The headquarters of Morgan was on a farm, said to have been particularly well located so as to prevent the farmers nearby from trading with the British, a practice all too common to those who preferred to sell their produce for British gold rather than the virtually worthless Continental currency.
He was a learned and brilliant man, one of the best jurists in Europe and with flashes of penetrating insight, and yet in his dealings with other people, particularly when he tried to be ingratiating, he was capable of an abysmal stupidity that can have come only from a complete incomprehension of human nature and human motives.
Almost inevitably, the first result of this technological revolution was a reaction against the methods and in many cases the conclusions of the Oxford school of Stubbs, Freeman and ( particularly ) Green regarding the nature of the Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain.
In light of the scholarly reappraisals engendered by the higher criticism this is a most remarkable statement, particularly coming from one who was well known for his antifundamentalist views.
Both abolition of war and new techniques of production, particularly robot factories, greatly increase the world's wealth, a situation described in the following passage, which has the true utopian ring: `` Everything was so cheap that the necessities of life were free, provided as a public service by the community, as roads, water, street lighting and drainage had once been.
The audience was fond of Harry Hawk, he was a dear, in or out of character, but he was not particularly funny.
What made these new location figures particularly impressive was the fact that although 1960 was a year of mild business recession throughout the nation, Rhode Island scored marked progress in new industry, new plants, and new jobs.
This project was started at a time when there was a critical need for a high-energy fuel to provide an extra margin of range for high performance aircraft, particularly our heavy bombers.
The new work was a boon to the partnership, not only for its own value but particularly for the stimulation it provided to the imagination of J. R. Brown toward yet further developments for production equipment.
One of the many things that was so nice about her was that she always took your questions seriously, particularly your very, very serious questions.
It is quite likely that an even greater area was covered, particularly downwind.
This was particularly noticeable in group A and group B sera, in which cases activity in Regions 1 and 2 was usually not detectable without prior concentration and occasionally could not be detected at all.
The autofluorescence from the walls of the xylem cells was particularly brilliant.

was and well
He was well rid of her.
The wound in his scalp was examined, pronounced healing, and well doctored with simples, before they dished up the victuals.
Leading his pony, he hurried that way, not remounting till he was well below the level of the surrounding range.
I was so scared well, I just ran to my car and came here ''.
I must say the figure was well made up.
If it were not that I knew who it was I could have mistaken it for my Aunt so well did her clothes fit him.
Karipo was something of a politician as well as a militarist.
The Command post was underground, and well camouflaged.
There was a measure of protection in its concrete walls and ceiling, but the engineers who hastily installed it were well aware that concrete is not much better than prayer, if as efficacious, when a direct hit comes along.
It was just as well that the ignorant Dandy enjoyed himself to the hilt that first evening, for the room was to become his prison cell.
Social Darwinism was able to stave off the incipient socialist movement until well into the present century.
Soon he was playing in the Cologne Municipal Orchestra, and during World War 1,, when musicians were scarce, he joined the opera orchestra as well.
The double editorial on Two Aspects Of `` The U.S. Spirit '' was subtly calculated to suggest a moral sanction for gambles great as well as small, reflecting popular approval of this questionable attitude toward the highest office in the land.
In New York he was well received by what was then only a small brave band of non-figurative artists, including Alexander Calder, George K. L. Morris, De Kooning, Holty and a few others.
Thus, Margenau remarks: `` A large number of unrelated epicycles was needed to explain the observations, but otherwise the ( Ptolemaic ) system served well and with quantitative precision.
A smart, shrewd and ambitious young man, well connected, and with a knack for getting in the good graces of important people, he was bound to go far.
Henrietta, however, was at that time engaged in a lengthy correspondence with Joe's older and more serious brother, Morris, who was just about her own age and whom she had got to know well during trips to Philadelphia with Papa, when he substituted for Rabbi Jastrow at Rodeph Shalom Temple there during its Rabbi's absence in Europe.
In any case, Miss Millay's sweet-throated bitterness, her variations on the theme that the world was not only well lost for love but even well lost for lost love, her constant and wonderfully tragic posture, so unlike that of Fitzgerald since it required no scenery or props, drew from the me that I was when I fell upon her verses an overwhelming yea.
But all this, I am well aware, is the bel canto of love, and although I have always liked to think that it was to the bel canto and to that alone that I listened, I know well enough that it was not.

was and known
He knew who was riding after him -- the men he had known all his life, the men who had worked for him, sworn their loyalty to him.
But she'd known plenty of handsomer guys, and, conceding his good looks, what was there left??
For Matilda, it was the first she had known in many a night.
Even the knowledge that she was losing another boy, as a mother always does when a marriage is made, did not prevent her from having the first carefree, dreamless sleep that she had known since they dropped down the canyon and into Bear Valley, way, way back there when they were crossing those other mountains.
`` Gyp Carmer couldn't have known about Colcord's money unless he was told -- and who else would have told him ''??
When the possibility that he had not given reconsideration to so weighty a decision seemed to disconcert his questioners, Mr. Eisenhower was known to make his characteristic statement to the press that he was not going to talk about the matter any more.
Besides, Miss Henrietta -- as she was generally known since she had put up her hair with a chignon in the back -- had little time to spare them from her teaching and writing ; ;
The contents of this 195-page document would become known to many before it would become known to the man it was written about.
I had known him for some years, when I was a delegate and before, and this manner had never been his ''.
On one visit he stopped at the office of the American, where he was known surreptitiously as `` the Great White Chief '', and for the first time met his managing editor, fat Moses Koenigsberg.
It need hardly be remarked that Thompson was not generally known for his scrupulosity about keeping his social engagements, which makes his irritation in this letter all the more significant.
The internationally known sportsman and traveler Friedrich Gerstacker was typical of its detractors in the mid-thirties.
What is not so well known, however, and what is quite important for understanding the issues of this early quarrel, is the kind of attack on literature that Sidney was answering.
This was accordingly done, and the plight of the grateful Mrs. Morris was much relieved as a result of the generous loan, the amount of which is not known.
In spite of the armistice negotiated by Amadee two years earlier, the war between Bishop Guillaume of Lausanne and Louis of Savoy was still going on, and although little is known about it, that little proves that it was yet another phase of the struggle against French expansion and was closely interwoven with the larger conflict.
And with the publication of E. T. Leeds' Archaeology Of The Anglo-Saxon Settlements the student was presented with an organized synthesis of the archaeological data then known.
The malady was popularly known as the `` Spanish flu '' from the alleged locale of its origin.
He was placed in charge of athletics, and among other things adapted the type of calisthenics known as the daily dozen.
The CTCA program of activities was profuse: William Farnum and Mary Pickford on the screen, Elsie Janis and Harry Lauder on the stage, books provided by the American Library Association, full equipment for games and sports -- except that no `` bones '' were furnished for the all-time favorite pastime played on any floor and known as `` African golf ''.

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