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I and believe
Actually, she is a sad beauty, I believe.
Of course, males play a role there, but believe me when I say you wouldn't enjoy yourself one bit on Eromonga.
`` I don't believe I'll play any more neither ''.
I suspect that there are far more unreconstructed ones than the North likes to believe.
and if a poll had been taken immediately following the dispatch of troops to Little Rock I believe the majority would have been for the Old South.
I believe that what I do has some effect on his actions and I have learned, in a way, to commune with drunks, but certainly my actions seem to resemble more nearly the performance of a rain dance than the carrying out of an experiment in physics.
The persistent horror of having a malformed child has, I believe, been reduced, not because we have gained any control over this misfortune, but precisely because we have learned that we have so little control over it.
Our Northern brethren also I believe felt a little tender under those censures ; ;
That John Locke's philosophy of the social contract fathered the American Revolution with its Declaration of Independence, I believe, we generally accept.
They have indicated the direction but they have not been explicit enough, I believe, in pointing out Faulkner's independence, his questioning if not indeed challenging the Southern tradition.
It is to say rather, I believe, that he has brought to bear on the history, the traditions, and the lore of his region a critical, skeptical mind -- the same mind which has made of him an inveterate experimenter in literary form and technique.
It would be profitable, I believe, to read these realistic humorists alongside Faulkner's works, the thought being not that he necessarily read them and owed anything to them directly, but rather that they dealt a hundred years ago with a class of people and a type of life which have continued down to our time, to Faulkner's time.
For innocence, of all the graces of the spirit, is I believe the one most to be prayed for.
I believe that the industrial countries are ready to participate actively in supplementing the efforts of the developing nations to achieve progress.
I believe it deficient in certain particulars.
I would like to believe that my ability warranted this advancement.
Speaking as a non-Jew I believe that its primary contribution is in the realm of future policy.
Consequently, on October 31, 1896, Mrs. King wrote to Thompson, quite against her daughter's wishes, asking him not to `` recommence a correspondence which I believe has been dropped for some weeks ''.
I believe there are seventeen short plays by Tom now housed in the Houghton Library at Harvard ; ;
This man, Tom said, had the play shut up in his desk, I believe, and when Tom sat down, he pulled it out and apologetically told Tom that they wouldn't be able to use it.
His fellow Virginian, George Washington, had stated, `` I believe no event was ever received with more heartfelt joy ''.
I believe that these proposals, however meritorious in terms of world needs, go far beyond our capacity to realize them.
I believe it is an area in which professional planners have failed to set adequate guide posts ; ;

I and is
My God, how long is he going to wait, I thought.
But there's one thing I never seen or heard of, one thing I just don't think there is, and that's a sportin' way o' killin' a man ''!!
I seized the rack and made a western-style flying-mount just in time, one of my knees mercifully landing on my duffel bag -- and merely wrecking my camera, I was to discover later -- my other knee landing on the slivery truck floor boards and -- but this is no medical report.
And that is the way I first saw her when my Uncle brought her into his antique store.
Ballet dancer: Protests, tears, and `` take what you want, Nicolas, I am a dancer, you are a poet, it is all beautiful ''.
I clapped the big man with the bleached hair on his shoulder and said heartily, hoping it would make an impression on the women: `` This one is the maku Frayne.
`` I realize that this is hardly the time to say it, Penny '', said Keith.
`` All I have to do to set the record is to go on down.
Now I wish to enter the American market, where the competition is very strong.
I want the room in the attic prepared for him He is a most unusual lad, quite precocious in many ways.
It is these other differences between North and South -- other, that is, than those which concern discrimination or social welfare -- which I chiefly discuss herein.
I suppose the reason is a kind of wishful thinking: don't talk about the final stages of Reconstruction and they will take care of themselves.
In spots such as the elbows and knees the second skin is worn off and I realized the aborigines were much darker than they appeared ; ;
The stink is all the same to me, but I really think they can make one another out blindfolded ''.
`` Now that Bruno Walter is virtually in retirement and my dear friend Dimitri Mitropoulos is no longer with us, I am probably the only one -- with the possible exception of Leonard Bernstein -- who has this special affinity for and champions the works of Bruckner and Mahler ''.
I consider it to be my job to expose the public to what is being written today ''.
Since attack serves to stimulate interest in broadcasts, I added to my opening statement a sentence in which I claimed that German youth seemed to lack the enthusiasm which is a necessary ingredient of anger, and might be classified as uninterested and bored rather than angry.
I think it is rather foolhardy to trust to luck ''.
`` I have just come from viewing a man who had made the fortune of his country, but now is working all night in order to support his family '', he reflected.

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