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Page "On Horsemanship" ¶ 83
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Some Related Sentences

If and rough
If the ball has a rough surface, the fluid flowing past it will make it rotate.
If the solid surface is rough, and the liquid is in intimate contact with the solid asperities, the droplet is in the Wenzel state.
If the surface is rough enough to create path-length differences exceeding one wavelength, giving rise to phase changes greater than 2π, the amplitude, and hence the intensity, of the resultant light varies randomly.
If a strong wind is blowing from the west it will be against the tide in places along the course, causing the water to become very rough.
If the chimney was particularly narrow the boys would be told to " buff it ", that is to do it naked, otherwise they just wore trousers, and a shirt made from thick rough cotton cloth.
If the sea was rough they had to clamber around the rocks on a very narrow track on the crater ’ s edge.
While most House committees maintain membership in a rough proportion to the full chamber ( If the majority party controls 55 % of the House, it will tend to have 55 % of committee seats ), membership on the Rules Committee is disproportionately in favor of the majority party.
If the tree was to become canoes then it would often be divided into sections and worked into rough canoe shapes before transport, but if it were to be used for a totem pole or building materials it would be towed in the round to the village.
" Time magazine was lukewarm, saying, " If the ending of Eleanor Bergstein's script is too neat and inspirational, the rough energy of the film's song and dance does carry one along, past the whispered doubts of better judgment.
If this is the smallest line a person can read, the person's acuity is " 20 / 40 ," meaning, in a very rough kind of way, that this person needs to approach to a distance of twenty feet to read letters that a person with normal acuity could read at forty feet.
If articulation is limited, one wheel on an axle may be lifted off the ground by rough terrain, thus losing all traction to all wheels ( all power goes to the lifted wheel, which spins freely ).
If he was on a canoe when the sea became rough, he would make magic over some ginger which he cooked in an old pot and then he would spit the ginger on the waves, calling on the masalai or spirits of the sea to help them.
If the pitch was uneven or otherwise difficult for batting, he was extremely difficult to bat against: in 1892, Wisden noted: " On anything like a rough or bumpy wicket he is, beyond all question, the most difficult and dangerous bowler of the day, the ball getting up from the pitch so high and so fast as to intimidate all but the very pluckiest of batsmen.
If there is no guidance provided, twice as much kosher salt ( by volume ) to replace table salt serves as a rough estimate.
If these deviations are large, the surface is rough ; if they are small the surface is smooth.

If and bit
If we break the minister to our bit, we are buying back our own sins.
If the record buyer's tastes are somewhat eclectic or even the slightest bit esoteric, he will find them satisfied on educational records.
If the mettle which Ellen exhibits has a bit of theatrical dross in it, never mind ; ;
If only they and Fausto Cleva in the pit had got together a bit more.
If the traffic on a virtual circuit is exceeding its traffic contract, as determined by the GCRA, the network can either drop the cells or mark the Cell Loss Priority ( CLP ) bit ( to identify a cell as potentially redundant ).
If he had been a bit more trustworthy, if his character was somewhat better, the CCP would have been unable to beat him ".
If this output is then used as the clock signal for a similarly arranged D flip-flop ( remembering to invert the output to the input ), you will get another 1 bit counter that counts half as fast.
If the test was true, the value one is written to the least significant bit of the destination register to indicate the condition.
If n is itself a power of 2, this can be done by bit masking and bit shifting.
If there are no more-significant bits, then take the value of the current bit position.
If the low-order bit is 0, the remaining 7 bits of the DSAP specify an individual address, which refers to a single local service access point ( LSAP ) to which the packet should be delivered.
If the low-order bit is 1, the remaining 7 bits of the DSAP specify a group address, which refers to a group of LSAPs to which the packet should be delivered.
# If not, it provides a descriptive label for the format of content, with respect to the presence of 8 bit or binary content.
If there are four alternative symbols ( corresponding to a musical instrument that can generate four different tones, one at a time ), the first symbol may represent the bit sequence 00, the second 01, the third 10 and the fourth 11.
If the symbol rate ( also known as the baud rate ) is symbols / second ( or baud ), the data rate is bit / second.
If a gag bit is used, there will be a drop noseband in addition to the cavesson, supporting the tie-down.
If the communication is mediated by several links in series with different bit rates, the maximum throughput of the overall link is lower than or equal to the lowest bit rate.
If the ends are long enough, one can sometimes untie it by pulling one end generally parallel to the bound object and a bit up away from it, and prying it into the opposite end's part to open the knot.
If the input bit above the leftmost divisor bit is 0, do nothing.
If the input bit above the leftmost divisor bit is 1, the divisor is XORed into the input ( in other words, the input bit above each 1-bit in the divisor is toggled ).

If and is
If the circumstances are faced frankly it is not reasonable to expect this to be true.
If his dancers are sometimes made to look as if they might be creatures from Mars, this is consistent with his intention of placing them in the orbit of another world, a world in which they are freed of their pedestrian identities.
If a work is divided into several large segments, a last-minute drawing of random numbers may determine the order of the segments for any particular performance.
If they avoid the use of the pungent, outlawed four-letter word it is because it is taboo ; ;
If Wilhelm Reich is the Moses who has led them out of the Egypt of sexual slavery, Dylan Thomas is the poet who offers them the Dionysian dialectic of justification for their indulgence in liquor, marijuana, sex, and jazz.
If he is the child of nothingness, if he is the predestined victim of an age of atomic wars, then he will consult only his own organic needs and go beyond good and evil.
If it is an honest feeling, then why should she not yield to it??
If he thus achieves a lyrical, dreamlike, drugged intensity, he pays the price for his indulgence by producing work -- Allen Ginsberg's `` Howl '' is a striking example of this tendency -- that is disoriented, Dionysian but without depth and without Apollonian control.
If love reflects the nature of man, as Ortega Y Gasset believes, if the person in love betrays decisively what he is by his behavior in love, then the writers of the beat generation are creating a new literary genre.
If he is good, he may not be legal ; ;
If the man on the sidewalk is surprised at this question, it has served as an exclamation.
If the existent form is to be retained new factors that reinforce it must be introduced into the situation.
If we remove ourselves for a moment from our time and our infatuation with mental disease, isn't there something absurd about a hero in a novel who is defeated by his infantile neurosis??
If many of the characters in contemporary novels appear to be the bloodless relations of characters in a case history it is because the novelist is often forgetful today that those things that we call character manifest themselves in surface behavior, that the ego is still the executive agency of personality, and that all we know of personality must be discerned through the ego.
If he is a traditionalist, he is an eclectic traditionalist.
If our sincerity is granted, and it is granted, the discrepancy can only be explained by the fact that we have come to believe hearsay and legend about ourselves in preference to an understanding gained by earnest self-examination.
If to be innocent is to be helpless, then I had been -- as are we all -- helpless at the start.

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