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Some Related Sentences

If and we
If we let them go, they won't stay away, they'll find men to ride with them and they'll be back.
If we was both armed, you wouldn't talk so tough ''.
If we have to we'll take him apart and see what he's made of ''!!
If we look at recent art we find it preoccupied with form.
If we were creating a wholly new society, we could insist that our social, political, economic and philosophic institutions foster rather than hamper man ; ;
If we want respect from ourselves or others, we will have to earn it.
If we cannot stop warfare in our own economic system, how can we expect to abolish it internationally??
If we examine the three types of change from the point of view of their internal structure we find an additional profound difference between the third and the first two, one that accounts for the notable difference between the responses they evoke.
If we remove ourselves for a moment from our time and our infatuation with mental disease, isn't there something absurd about a hero in a novel who is defeated by his infantile neurosis??
If many of the characters in contemporary novels appear to be the bloodless relations of characters in a case history it is because the novelist is often forgetful today that those things that we call character manifest themselves in surface behavior, that the ego is still the executive agency of personality, and that all we know of personality must be discerned through the ego.
If our sincerity is granted, and it is granted, the discrepancy can only be explained by the fact that we have come to believe hearsay and legend about ourselves in preference to an understanding gained by earnest self-examination.
If you had screamed right there in the street where we stood, I could not have felt more fear.
If to be innocent is to be helpless, then I had been -- as are we all -- helpless at the start.
If we grasp this opportunity to build an age of productive partnership between the less fortunate nations and those that have already achieved a high state of economic advancement, we will make brighter the outlook for a world order based upon security and freedom.
If art is to release us from these postulated things ( things we must think symbolically about ) and bring us back to the ineffable beauty and richness of the aesthetic component of reality in its immediacy, it must sever its connection with these common sense entities ''.
If he's going to the St. Louis convention as a delegate we ought to know it.
If we are to believe the list of titles printed in Malraux's latest book, La Metamorphose Des Dieux, Vol. 1 ( ( 1957 ), he is still engaged in writing a large novel under his original title.
If we break the minister to our bit, we are buying back our own sins.

If and wrap
If you're lyin' out in the hammock at night, and it gets kinda cool -- you know -- you just take these sides with the fringe on -- see -- and wrap 'em right over you.
If the legs are crossed above the knee, it is referred to as a wrap, and is considered poor technique, not only because it looks unattractive but because it interferes with the jump's mechanics.
If the launch fibre is fully filled ahead of the mandrel wrap, the higher-order modes will be stripped off, leaving only lower-order modes.
If a received signal is too strong a temporary fix is to wrap the cable around a pencil until the desired level of attenuation is achieved.
If the female displays submissive behavior, the male will use its mouth to grab the back of the female's head and the male will also wrap its front legs around the female's upper torso to keep her from moving.
If it is cold, the parent may wear a shirt or hospital gown with an opening to the front and a blanket over the wrap for the baby.
If an even longer game is desired, players can wrap back around to 2 after passing Ace.
If the variable has a signed integer type, an overflow can cause its value to wrap and become negative.

If and our
If only for this modest masterpiece of military history, Blenheim is likely to be read and reread long after newer interpretations have perhaps altered our picture of the Marlborough wars.
If one finger is raised against the authorities, all our moral power will vanish.
`` If you can firmly make the good knight sure to pleasure our Corporation '', Sturley wrote, `` besides that ordinary allowance for your diet you shall have 20 for recompence ''.
If a broader Atlantic community is to be formed -- and my own judgment is that it lies within the realm of both our needs and our capacity -- a ready nucleus of machinery is at hand in the NATO alliance.
If we go all gooey over this newest Castro ( until he proves he isn't ) we've got rocks in our heads.
If we grasp this orientation as a key, our national conduct in all of the events here mentioned becomes intelligible.
If it is not enough that all of our internationalist One Worlders are advocating that we join this market, I refer you to an article in the New York Times' magazine section ( Nov. 12, 1961 ), by Mr. Eric Johnston, entitled `` We Must Join The Common Market ''.
If we want to preserve our sovereignty, this is the way to do it ; ;
If there is anything which we can do in the executive branch of the Government to speed up the processes by which we come to decisions on matters on which we must act promptly, that in itself would be a major contribution to the conduct of our affairs.
If we sit here reading editorials and looking at public-opinion polls and other reports that cross our desks, we should realize that this is raw, undigested opinion expressed in the absence of leadership.
If our national interest lies in being able to fight and win a war rather than committing national suicide, then we must take a much more penetrating look at ballistic missiles.
If we could use all the small airfields we have in this country, we could disperse our strategic aircraft by a factor of 10 or more.
If, for some reason such as economy, we are not going to develop aircraft nuclear propulsion with a sense of national urgency, then we should turn our effort to developing jet engines with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 12 or 15 to one.
If our SAC bombers were, today, capable of surviving a surprise missile attack and because of infinite dispersion or long endurance had the capability to strike at Russia again, and again, and again, those bombers would unquestionably assure our military dominance.
If we fail to develop the means to hunt down and destroy the enemy's military force with extreme care and precision, and if war comes in spite of our most ardent desires for peace, our choice of alternatives will be truly frightening.

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