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Page "Noel Gallagher" ¶ 65
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Some Related Sentences

If and you
He said: `` If it's all right with you, Mr. Morgan, I'll sleep out here on the couch.
He added, `` If this doesn't work out, the three of you barricade yourself in the house and talk terms with them ''.
If you want to see '' --
If you were a man '' --
If you ever try anything without my orders I'll kill you ''.
`` If you hadn't I'd have killed you ''.
If you take the one, you'd better take both ''.
If you don't leave this country within 3 days, your life will be taken the same as Powell's was.
If we was both armed, you wouldn't talk so tough ''.
`` If you spot Carmer give a yell before you move in ''.
I showed her the shower and tub, and she said, smiling, `` If you really don't mind, I think I'll get clean in the shower, then soak for a few minutes in your tub.
If I even hint at it do you think it will matter that you are his nephew -- and not even a blood nephew ''??
If you tell him I made a pass at you he might think you misunderstood something I said or did, so instead of just telling him I made a pass, say I tried to date you and that you agreed so you could prove to him what a louse I really am.
Fruit compote: `` If you think I would understand it '' ; ;
If you want to get them aired ''
`` If you want to see something, he's back on the other side by the trunk of the car ''.

If and go
If we let them go, they won't stay away, they'll find men to ride with them and they'll be back.
If someone were to drop a match in here, this place would go up like a haystack ''.
If communications work, his decision would be instantly known in all command posts that would originate the actual go order.
If he is the child of nothingness, if he is the predestined victim of an age of atomic wars, then he will consult only his own organic needs and go beyond good and evil.
If Mrs. Wright doesn't accept the terms in the morning, I'll go either to Tokyo or to Holland, to do what I can.
If we go all gooey over this newest Castro ( until he proves he isn't ) we've got rocks in our heads.
If we go into this Common Market, we might just as well stop talking about Constitutional guarantees, Connally Amendments or, for that matter, conservatism in general.
If he were to go with White, he would be out there two days, not just listening in the dark at some point between here and Papa-san, but moving ever deeper into enemy land -- behind Papa-san -- itself.
If you want to fight, go down on the sidewalk ''.
If we had, then one of us would have had to go instead.
If any official operation abroad begins to go wrong, we shall look to the ambassador to find out why and to get suggestions for remedial action.
If so, are you saying, `` Where did the last few years go??
If you do, go to it.
When the date would try to bid her good-night at the door, she would tell him, `` If you go home now, I'll scream ''.
If the acting captain wanted his acting lieutenant to sit on his ass around the station all night, Killpath would just have to go out and drag Gun back by the heels once an hour ; ;
`` If you go broke '', she said, smiling up at him, `` I'll leave you ''.
If a man was good, if he was going to be governor, you felt it and you wanted him to go on forever.
`` If you find it necessary, Sam, go ahead '', she said, turning on the stair.
If I let her go, she'd disappear once more.
If because of this incident they become angry with Earth, I will not be permitted to go there at all.
In the summer of 1862 he said, " If you persist in forcing the issue of slavery against the government, I say in the face of heaven: Give me my government and let the negroes go.
He once wrote, " If I should go to Poland or Germany, every stone, every tree would remind me of contempt, hatred, murder, of children killed, of mothers burned alive, of human beings asphyxiated.
If the assets used are not identical ( so a price divergence makes the trade temporarily lose money ), or the margin treatment is not identical, and the trader is accordingly required to post margin ( faces a margin call ), the trader may run out of capital ( if they run out of cash and cannot borrow more ) and go bankrupt even though the trades may be expected to ultimately make money.
Shortly thereafter, he decided to follow the words of Jesus, who had said: " If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven ; and come, follow Me.
But this destruction, coupled with a protracted siege of Rain ( 9 – 16 July ), caused Prince Eugene to lament "... since the Donauwörth action I cannot admire their performances ", and later to conclude " If he has to go home without having achieved his objective, he will certainly be ruined.

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