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Page "Universal grammar" ¶ 28
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Some Related Sentences

keeping and with
From then on, in keeping with the traditions they had followed since childhood, the whole group settled down to relish their food.
The careless writing was in keeping with his mood of savage discontent.
I strongly recommend to the Congress the avoidance of mandatory floors on the size of the reserve components so that we may have the flexibility to make adjustments in keeping with military necessity.
If the house you plan to buy or build won't have big overhangs, you can still do a fair job of keeping the sun off walls and windows with properly designed trellises, fences and awnings.
It's fun, and it's easy -- so easy that there is time left after cooking, and tent keeping, for the women to get out and enjoy outdoor fun with their families.
Under the circumstances, I had difficulty keeping up with the conversation on the phone, but when I hung up I was reasonably certain that Francesca had wanted to remind me of our town meeting the next evening, and how important it was that Hank and I be there.
The St. Basil's scene opens with little groups of beggars milling around the square, the ever present police keeping them under scrutiny.
The necessity for keeping alert to his bride's hazards can act as an interference with the man's spontaneous desire.
This is not out of keeping with its origins, probably the most humble of any in the Ivy group.
The legend as it exists in Fall River today always includes the solemn assurance that Bridget returned to Ireland after the trial with a `` big bundle '' of cash which Lizzie gave her for keeping her mouth shut.
With its power to investigate, the Senate can paralyze the Secretary by keeping him in a state of perpetual testimony before committees, as it did with Dean Acheson.
It was evident that a captain should remain at his desk, directing with a firm hand and keeping a firm seat.
Mrs. Molvar asked again that the board join in taking a stand in keeping with Jack Lowe's program.
Talking of the rapid population growth ( upwards of 12,000 babies born daily ) with an immigrant entering the United States every 1-1/2 minutes, he said `` our organization has not been keeping pace with this challenge ''.
In addition, Lincoln had to contend with reinforcing strong Union sympathies in the border slave states and keeping the war from becoming an international conflict.
" In keeping with that sentiment, Lincoln led the moderates regarding Reconstruction policy, and was opposed by the Radical Republicans, under Rep. Thaddeus Stevens, Sen. Charles Sumner and Sen. Benjamin Wade, political allies of the president on other issues.
In keeping with the times, much of anthropology became politicized through the Algerian War of Independence and opposition to the Vietnam War ; Marxism became an increasingly popular theoretical approach in the discipline.
Foucault warns of the risks of keeping the author's name in mind during interpretation, because it could affect the value and meaning with which one handles an interpretation.
Thus we hear of abbots going out to hunt, with their men carrying bows and arrows ; keeping horses, dogs and huntsmen ; and special mention is made of an abbot of Leicester, c. 1360, who was the most skilled of all the nobility in hare hunting.
left In keeping with his democratic ideals, Mackenzie refused the offer of a knighthood three times, and was thus the only one of Canada's first eight Prime Ministers not to be knighted.
In keeping with its many Walter Scott references, Rose Street in Edinburgh has a bar called the " Kenilworth ", along with one named the " Abbotsford ".
In keeping with the prevailing view of celestial bodies as balls of fire in the sky, Anaximenes proposed that the earth let out an exhalation of air that rarefied, ignited and became the stars.
Students are led to change their largely automatic routines that are interpreted by the teacher to currently or cumulatively be physically limiting, inefficient or not in keeping with anatomical structure.

keeping and these
The largest of these contingents was that of the Goths, who in 382, had been allowed to settle within the imperial boundaries, keeping a large degree of autonomy.
In US and British usage, the production of ornamental plantings around buildings is called landscaping, landscape maintenance or grounds keeping, while international usage uses the term gardening for these same activities.
In keeping with this social function, various characteristics of the games tend to support that aspect well, and these have become quite common across the genre.
Hence, ( keeping these in mind ), by self-control and by making dharma ( right conduct ) your main focus, treat others as you treat yourself.
Despite the fact that Brite's first novel was criticized by some mainstream sources for allegedly " lack a moral center: neither terrifyingly malevolent supernatural creatures nor ( like Anne Rice's protagonists ) tortured souls torn between good and evil, these vampires simply add blood-drinking to the amoral panoply of drug abuse, problem drinking and empty sex practiced by their human counterparts ", many of these so-called " human counterparts " identified with the teen angst and goth music references therein, keeping the book in print.
In Hong Kong, the increasing maintenance cost of keeping the old Jetfoils running is resulting in these vessels slowly being phased out.
House music today, while keeping several of these core elements, notably the prominent kick drum on every beat, varies a lot in style and influence, ranging from the soulful and atmospheric deep house, to the more minimalistic microhouse.
Aroutcheff then sold on these rights only keeping the right to make Tintin's red rocket when he goes to the moon.
People who observe these laws are colloquially said to be " keeping kosher ".
The Indigenous Australians were hunter-gatherer tribes and did not farm or cultivate crops, and in keeping with these cultural features, they also never developed pottery.
The frame has bars on which the layers are rolled, keeping these together without the need for basting or pinning.
Despite this and reports of Indira Gandhi keeping red pandas as pets when she was a child, widespread adoption of these animals as pets has not been reported.
The residents of these villages, towns and cities engaged in farming, cattle keeping, iron, copper and tin mining, metal tool making, and long distance direct and indirect trade.
The Beijing government rejected some of these demands but yielded to the Japanese insistence on keeping the Shandong territory already in its possession.
Even so, many ( if not most ) modern pigments are still dangerous unless certain precautions are taken ; these include keeping pigments wet in storage to avoid breathing their dust.
Five of these original Qurans ( Mus ' haf ) were sent to the major Muslim cities of the era, with Uthman keeping one for his own use in Medina.
The hero who speaks these words in Dryden's play is a Spanish Muslim, who, at the end of the play, in keeping with the requirements of a heroic drama, is revealed to have been, unbeknownst to himself, the son of a Christian prince ( since heroic plays by definition had noble and exemplary protagonists ).
Understanding how near the end of their life each of these components is has been a major undertaking involving labor intensive record keeping until recent developments in software.
In these cases, the smooth muscles surrounding the veins become slack and the veins fill with the majority of the blood in the body, keeping blood away from the brain and causing unconsciousness.
Bacchylides then tells of the greatness of these men ’ s sons, Achilles and Ajax, alluding to a second myth, the tale of Ajax repelling Hector on the beaches of Troy, keeping the Trojans from burning the Greek ships.
I did know that I had trouble keeping track of whether he was married or not in these stories.
Progressive, left, center-left and peace movement related individuals and organizations, as well as the opposition parties, labor and youth groups advocate keeping ( and even strengthening ) the existing constitution in these areas, while right-leaning, nationalist and / or conservative groups and individuals advocate changes to increase the prestige of the Emperor ( though not granting him political powers ) and to allow a more aggressive stance of the self-defense force, e. g. by turning it officially into a military.
From a new Marxist perspective, Akhmatova's poetry was deemed to represent an introspective " bourgeois aesthetic ", reflecting only trivial " female " preoccupations, not in keeping with these new revolutionary politics of the time.

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