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copes and well
* Ride quality, how well a vehicle copes with uneven surfaces
* Health: is how well the character copes with injury.
A reporter from The Examiner commented: " The oval is in good order and well grassed and the new motor mower copes with the latter very effectively under favourable conditions.

copes and with
Yet in several chapters on Scotland in the eighteenth century, Trevelyan copes persuasively with the tangled confusion of Scottish politics against a vivid background of Scottish religion, customs, and traditions.
This also copes with tasks such as sealing artificial turf.
The book includes all needed surveying and structural calculations, and a novel simplified building system that copes with regional shortages of wood and steel, uses easily-stored inexpensive materials, and produces long-lasting classic buildings with small amounts of materials, design and labor.
In " Intimate Behaviour " Morris studies the human side of intimate behaviour by comparing mans earlier evolutionary psychology to that of modern man and how man copes with an increasingly rigid society empty of physical interaction in public by enacting intimate behaviour in other forms in private or deviant behaviour in public.
The system whereby the body copes with stress, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis ( HPA axis ) system, was also first described by Selye.
The resultant theory copes with experiment better than classical mechanics, e. g. in the Michelson – Morley experiment that supports postulate 2, but also has many surprising consequences.
Mildred encounters both success and failure as she opens three successful restaurants, operates a pie-selling business and copes with the death of her younger daughter, Ray.
It describes his fight against the conviction for triple murder and how he copes with nearly twenty years in prison.
In The Madonna of the Astrolabe Patullo copes with his ex-wife, the undergraduates ' production of Tamburlaine, and the problems of raising enough money for the urgently-needed restoration of the crumbling Great Tower.
Lai copes with the loss by spending more and more time with Chang.
Although themes of death are apparent in Deep Space Nine < nowiki >'</ nowiki > s previous seasons, " Far Beyond the Stars " details how Sisko copes with the loss of a friend on a deeper psychological level.
The civil behavior among separated parents has a direct effect on how child copes with their situation ; this is especially seen in younger children who do not yet understand their familial separation, requiring both parents to establish a limited friendship to support the upbringing of their child.
Society copes with it with technology, law and religion ( however different societies have different ways to addressing it ), and according to Hofstede organizations deal with it with technology, law and rituals or in two ways-rational and non-rational, where rituals being the non-rational.
While Phil is held in Gloria's apartment, who for the first time copes with the presence of a child, a bunch of gangsters breaks into to the family's apartment and kill them all.
This is partly due to how the individual copes with looking ' visibly different ', though the extent of the disfigurement rarely correlates with the degree of distress the sufferer feels.
It claims that trauma that takes place before, during and soon after birth have strong influences on how someone interprets and copes with future life.

copes and while
Deborah struggles with guilt and resentment at her parents ' disappointment in her, while her younger sister Suzy copes with her frustration at having to arrange her life around Deborah's illness.
The canons met him at the gate in their copes, and although staying only a few days, he found time to take 200 stags and hinds while hunting in Inglewood forest.
They are united in their rejection of the claims of a violation of complementarity, while differing in the way they explain how complementarity copes with the experiment.
The series chronicles Kouji's experience with the machine as he copes with Kaiser's power while defeating Dr. Hell's forces.
Milly makes friends with her new neighbor Geneva, and Milly and her eight-year-old brother Louis ( Savage ) have difficulty adjusting to their new schools, while their mother Charlene ( Bedelia ) copes with a demotion at work and her inability to learn how to use a computer.

copes and temperatures
Z. mauritiana is hardy tree that copes with extreme temperatures and thrives under rather dry conditions with an annual rainfall of 6 to 88. 5 in ( 15 – 225 cm ).

copes and are
Solemn Vespers differ in that the celebrant wears the cope, he is assisted by assistants also in copes, incense is used, and two acolytes, a thurifer, and at least one master of ceremonies are needed.
No doubt the " copes " of the friars, to which so many references in the Wycliffite literature and in the writings of Chaucer and Langland are found, designate their open mantles, which were, we may say, part of their full dress, though not always black in colour.
Owing to its ample dimensions and unvarying shape, ancient copes are preserved to us in proportionately greater numbers than other vestments and provide the finest specimens of medieval embroidery we possess.
We are also indebted to the use of copes for some magnificent specimens of the jeweller's craft.
Still, life copes, with gills that are more efficient or by minimizing movement.
On Charity, he copes with both the incompetence of the arcology's administrators (" ou are by training a bureaucrat ," says Tuf to Jaime Kreen, " and thus good for virtually nothing ") and the religious tyranny of Moses ' Holy Altruistic Restoration.
The game plays a significant role in the 2007 Mike Binder film Reign Over Me as one of the ways Adam Sandler's character copes with his primary struggle – with aspects of the game mirroring the tragedy that befell Sandler's character ( Shadow of the Colossus falling giants mirroring the crashing towers of the 9 / 11 tragedy in which his wife and children died, and the game's lead character trying to resurrect his deceased love are two of the main themes which strike a similarity ).
Super Special # 2-Knowledge Is Power-Abby starts the sixth grade and copes with bullying, making new friends, and finally her parents are letting her get her ears pierced.

copes and high
For example, already in 870, in the Abbey of Saint Trond we find " thirty-three precious copes of silk " as against only twelve chasubles, and it was clearly the Cluny practice in the latter part of the tenth century to vest all the monks in copes during high Mass on the great feasts, though in England the regulations of Saint Dunstan and Saint Aethelwold show no signs of any such observance.

copes and .
Given its varied height it has many types of plants, including many mountain shrubs, heather ; oak, have and ash trees, rounded by grassland and copes.
Other characters in the show, such as Joy's own mother, believe that her obsession with control is how she copes with denial of her own out-of-control life, her daughter George's death, her younger daughter's rather unconventional style of grieving over George's death, and her divorce from her husband.
The final layer on the top of the wall also consists of large stones, called capstones, coping stones or copes.
The two hundred cappae or copes which appear in a Saint-Riquier inventory in the year 801, a number increased to 377 by the year 831, were thought to be mere cloaks, for the most part of rude material and destined for common wear.

well and with
The wound in his scalp was examined, pronounced healing, and well doctored with simples, before they dished up the victuals.
-- liberal considers that the need for a national economy with controls that will assure his conception of social justice is so great that individual and local liberties as well as democratic processes may have to yield before it.
It is well then that in this hour both of `` national peril '' and of `` national opportunity '' we can take counsel with the men who made the nation.
Yet he presents a realm of source material which may well serve other writers if not himself: the problems with which a New South must grapple in groping through a blind adolescence into the maturity of urbanization.
In method as well as in theme this little anecdote with its details selected as much for expressiveness and allegory as for `` realism '', anticipates a kind of musical composition, as well as a kind of fictional composition, in which, as Leverkuhn says, `` there shall be nothing unthematic ''.
Seemingly, with an unrestricted flow of ideas, all will be well, and we are even assured that `` an idea a day will keep the sheriff away ''.
Thus, Margenau remarks: `` A large number of unrelated epicycles was needed to explain the observations, but otherwise the ( Ptolemaic ) system served well and with quantitative precision.
A smart, shrewd and ambitious young man, well connected, and with a knack for getting in the good graces of important people, he was bound to go far.
Henrietta, however, was at that time engaged in a lengthy correspondence with Joe's older and more serious brother, Morris, who was just about her own age and whom she had got to know well during trips to Philadelphia with Papa, when he substituted for Rabbi Jastrow at Rodeph Shalom Temple there during its Rabbi's absence in Europe.
It must be granted that the flouting of convention, no matter how well intentioned one may be, is sure to lead to trouble, or at least to the discomfort that goes with social disapproval.
But I have been blest with excellent spirits, and to-day have been running about the deck, and dancing in our room for exercise, as well as ever ''.
Much to Damon Runyon's amazement, as well as my own, I got along splendidly with the Hetman ; ;
Sherman knew the uses of cavalry as well as Thomas but he imagined a moving base with infantry wings instead of cavalry wings.
His conception proved workable but slower and it enabled his enemy to make clean, deft, well organized retreats with small materiel losses.
One's daily work becomes sacred, since it is performed in the field of influence of the moral law, dealing as it does with people as well as with matter and energy.
The Americans lost forty-four men, among them Major Joseph Morris of Morgan's regiment, an officer who was regarded with high esteem and affection, not only by his commander, but by Washington and Lafayette as well.
The headquarters of Morgan was on a farm, said to have been particularly well located so as to prevent the farmers nearby from trading with the British, a practice all too common to those who preferred to sell their produce for British gold rather than the virtually worthless Continental currency.
It might be well to consider the literary evidence first because it can provide us with an answer to one important question ; ;
Since the great flood of these dystopias has appeared only in the last twelve years, it seems fairly reasonable to assume that the chief impetus was the 1949 publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, an assumption which is supported by the frequent echoes of such details as Room 101, along with education by conditioning from Brave New World, a book to which science-fiction writers may well have returned with new interest after reading the more powerful Orwell dystopia.
Nevertheless, with all these qualifications and exceptions, the current dystopian phenomenon remains impressive for its criticism that science and technology, instead of bringing utopia, may well enslave, dehumanize, and even destroy men.
The narrator feels himself catching a glimpse of pre-history, learning of man's `` age-old familiarity with misfortune '', as well as his `` equally age-old ingenuity, his secret faith in endurance, however crammed with catastrophes, the same faith perhaps as the cave-men used to have in the face of famine ''.

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