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Some Related Sentences

is and trade
The dweller at p is last to hear about a new cure, the slowest to announce to his neighbors his urgent distresses, the one who goes the farthest to trade, and the one with the greatest difficulty of all in putting over an idea or getting people to join him in a cooperative effort.
Engaged as it is in a battle for world trade as a condition of national survival, this country can have little patience with labor's family feuds.
What we will be sacrificing in any such arrangement will be our power to be selective which is contained in the reciprocal trade principle under which we now operate.
The pressure for our entry to the Common Market is mounting and we will proceed towards this amalgamated trade union by way of a purely `` economic thoroughfare '', or garden path, with the political ramifications kept neatly in the background.
The Office of Foreign and Domestic Commerce is also active in the field of international trade, assisting Rhode Island firms in developing and enlarging markets abroad.
Through trade and travel across the seas the American Merchant Marine is carrying out its historic mission of linking the United States of America with friendly nations across the seas ; ;
The drug's chemical name is listed, since most states require feed processors to use this name instead of the trade name on the feed tag.
In some instances, the trade name is shown in parentheses following the chemical name.
This indicates that this drug is being marketed under one trade name only or state regulatory organizations have approved its use on the feed tag.
Fortunately, although only a few years ago they held the student at arms length, today the business houses welcome the opportunity to aid the student, not only from an increased sense of community responsibility but also from the realization that the student of today is the interior designer of tomorrow -- that the student already is `` in the trade ''.
In most states, trade and industrial training is provided in a minority of the high schools, usually located in the larger cities.
According to the theory underlying odd-lot indices, the trader who trades odd lots is most likely a small trader, one who can't afford to trade round lots.
For example, property `` used in the trade or business '' of a transferor corporation, as defined in section 1231, presumably would not retain its special status following a non-taxable reorganization if it is not so used in the business of the acquiring corporation.
Normally, because agricultural labor is not covered by unemployment insurance, we would not expect any issues to arise regarding benefit payments under the trade dispute provision of the Unemployment Insurance Code, although such a situation is quite within the realm of possibility.
Richardson had returned their departing grins with the noncommittal nod that is the security officer's stock in trade.
`` Unfortunately '', says Chief Postal Inspector David H. Stephens, who has prosecuted many device quacks, `` the ghouls who trade on the hopes of the desperately ill often cannot be successfully prosecuted because the patients who are the chief witnesses die before the case is called up in court ''.
This is important because, despite all the efforts of the French government, an appreciable segment of France's export trade in wines is still tainted with a misrepresentation approaching downright dishonesty, and there are many too many negociants who would rather turn a sou than amass a creditable reputation overseas.
Nevertheless, it is from the Selden organization that the industry inherited its institutional machinery for furthering the broader interests of the trade.
`` Purely from the business man's standpoint and without regard to the lawyer's view '', commented a trade journal, `` the matter of patents in the automobile and accessory trade is developing some phases and results that challenge thought as to how far patents are to become weapons of warfare in business, instead of simple beneficient protection devices for encouraging inventive creation ''.
`` It is a much easier course to agree to let one another alone so far as ordinary patents are concerned '', said a trade authority, `` than to continue the costly effort of straightening the tangle in the courts or seeking to reform the patent system, which appears to be getting into deeper confusion every day ''.
Spahn not only is a superior pitcher but a gentlemanly fine fellow, a ball player's ball player, as they say in the trade.

is and language
He speaks your language too, for he is the grandson of a chieftain on Taui who made much magic and was strong and cunning.
When Heidegger and Sartre speak of a contrast between being and existence, they may be right, I don't know, but their language is too philosophical for me.
it is a mystique, and their private language is rich in the multivalent ambiguities of sexual reference so that they dwell in a sexualized universe of discourse.
For this reason, too, their language is more forthright and earthy.
Jazz is the musical language of sex, the vocabulary of the orgasm ; ;
Of the longer pieces of the volume none is so memorable as `` Nameless And Immortal '', which at once took rank among the finest poems ever written in the Swedish language.
The capacity for making the distinctions of which diplomacy is compact, and the facility with language which can render them into validity in the eyes of other men are the leader's means for transforming the moral intuition into moral leadership.
and it is surely clear that the first of these is the result of the way in which the individual's command of language interacts with the other two.
How literature does this, or for whom, is certainly not clear, but the content, form, and language of the `` message '', as well as the source, would all play differentiated parts in giving and molding a sense of purpose.
But to go from here to the belief that those more sensitive to metaphor and language will also be more sensitive to personal differences is too great an inferential leap.
Much of his earlier work was conceived in terms of a `` pseudo-anthropological '' myth reference, which is concerned with imaginary places and beings described in grandiloquent and travelogue-like language.
This, in more diplomatic language, is what Adlai Stevenson told the newspaper men of Latin America yesterday on behalf of the United States Government.
This is going to be a language lesson, and you can master it in a few minutes.
One is impressed with the dignity, clarity and beauty of this new translation into contemporary English, and there is no doubt that the meaning of the Bible is more easily understandable to the general reader in contemporary language in the frequently archaic words and phrases of the King James.
Some of the poetic cadence of the older version certainly is lost in the newer one, but almost anyone, with a fair knowledge of the English language, can understand the meaning, without the necessity of interpretation by a Biblical scholar.
but I am also a young, able and willing girl who wants to study the Chinese language but is not old enough.
A significant reduction in the voume of store information is thus realized, especially for a highly inflected language such as Russian.
Here again, in the written language it is possible to help the reader get his stresses right by using underlining or italics, but much of the time there is simply reliance on his understanding in the light of context.
It is clear that patterns of stress sometimes show construction unambiguously in the spoken language where without the help of context it would be ambiguous in the written.
In the first of these sentences if by is the complement of come and Tuesday is an adjunct of time equivalent to on Tuesday, there will be strong stress on by in the spoken language ; ;

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