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Page "Irreducible complexity" ¶ 49
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Some Related Sentences

is and correct
One might argue that the ultimate purpose of literary scholarship is to correct this spontaneous provincialism that is likely to obscure the horizons of the general public, of the newspaper critic, and of the creative artist himself.
Whether or not Danchin is correct in suggesting that Thompson's resumption of the opium habit also dates from this period is, of course, a matter of conjecture.
If Krutch is correct, tragedy may have quite the opposite effect.
This mother is quite correct.
The first step in using a formula is to insert the numerical values of the factors involved in their correct positions in the formula.
However, it is essential that the various mathematical symbols used in the equations be understood so that the mathematical processes can be done properly and in their correct order.
When more than two figures are separated by subtraction symbols the subtraction must be carried out from the left to right if the result is to be correct.
Look at the physical features of the land to determine how desirable it is for use, what can be done to correct the faults, and what it will cost to make the area meet your needs in comparison to other sites.
The best way to determine the correct figure ( in captives ) is by direct observation of pairs isolated from birth, a method that produced surprising results: maturing of a male Indian python in less than two years, his mate in less than three ; ;
probably it is correct to think of it as a matter of a well-grooved, stereotyped mode of expression -- and no, or but a few, other communicational grooves, as yet -- being there, available for the patient's use, as newly-emerging emotions and ideas well up in him over the course of months.
If this analysis is correct, the suburban branches will turn out to be what management's cost accountants refuse to acknowledge, marginal operations rather than major factors.
The operator must continually supply the correct amount of turning current to the gyro torquers so that the effect of gyro drift is canceled.
If the polarity is correct, the platform will turn until the heading error angle is zero.
In American romance, almost nothing rates higher than what the movie men have called `` meeting cute '' -- that is, boy-meets-girl seems more adorable if it doesn't take place in an atmosphere of correct and acute boredom.
`` Both because of our culture's stress on beauty and our improved economic conditions, some parents demand that the dentist try to correct a problem before it is wise to do so.
That is, if he marks as most correct a reading not meant for him, the total experimental score falls.
It is possible to find out in which categories most of her correct statements fall, and where she makes most of her `` hits ''.
The sheik smiled and murmured: `` That is precisely correct ''.
A publicity release from Oregon Physicians Service, of which Harvey is president, quoted him as saying the welfare office move to Salem, instead of `` crippling '' the agency, had provided an avenue to correct administrative weaknesses, with the key being improved communications between F & A and the commission staff.
One of his problems in life is that he can rarely find the correct words to express what he means.
It is thus a term used to describe attempts to use philosophical methods to identify the morally correct course of action in various fields of human life.
Bioethics, for example, is concerned with identifying the correct approach to matters such as euthanasia, or the allocation of scarce health resources, or the use of human embryos in research.

is and say
`` I realize that this is hardly the time to say it, Penny '', said Keith.
`` There isn't anything left to say, is there, Keith ''??
The enormous changes in world politics have, however, thrown it into confusion, so much so that it is safe to say that all international law is now in need of reexamination and clarification in light of the social conditions of the present era.
One's impulse is to say that the smell was a stink and unpleasant.
This is not to say that the South is no longer agrarian ; ;
One is tempted to say that, on the difference between the concepts of sovereignty in these two preambles, the worst war of the Nineteenth century was fought.
To my knowledge, Lincoln remains the only Head of State and Commander-in-Chief who, while fighting a fearful war whose issue was in doubt, proved man enough to say this publicly -- to give his foe the benefit of the fact that in all human truth there is some error, and in all our error, some truth.
It only means that there will be new form, and that this form will be of such a type that it admits the chaos and does not try to say that the chaos is really something else.
Harold Clurman is right to say that `` Waiting For Godot '' is a reflection ( he calls it a distorted reflection ) `` of the impasse and disarray of Europe's present politics, ethic, and common way of life ''.
Professionally a lawyer, that is to say associated with dignity, reserve, discipline, with much that is essentially middle-class, he is compelled by an impossible love to exhibit himself dressed up, disguised -- that is, paradoxically, revealed -- as a child, and, worse, as a whore masquerading as a child.
that is to say, to the churchyard ''.
Who will say that our country is even now a homogeneous community??
A man must be able to say, `` Father, I have sinned '', or there is no hope for him.
That is to say Gabriel's fundamental law had been so much modified by this time that it was neither fundamental nor law any more.
That is questionable, to say the least.
Thus, it is no mystical intuition, but an analyzable conception to say that man and his tradition can `` fall out of existence ''.
It is to say rather, I believe, that he has brought to bear on the history, the traditions, and the lore of his region a critical, skeptical mind -- the same mind which has made of him an inveterate experimenter in literary form and technique.
It is more difficult with Faulkner than with most authors to say what is the extent and what is the source of his knowledge.

is and set
`` All I have to do to set the record is to go on down.
And the best way to conceal and disguise the elements of an incest story is not to set out to write an incest story.
The strongest appeal of the Copernican formulation consisted in just this: ideally, the justification for dealing with special problems in particular ways is completely set out in the basic ' rules ' of the theory.
Once the scene is set, Trevelyan skilfully builds up the tense story until it reaches its climax in the dramatic victory of Marlborough and Eugene of Savoy at Blenheim.
Criticism is as old as literary art and we can set the stage for our study of three moderns if we see how certain critics in the past have dealt with the ethical aspects of literature.
To say this is to set aside the realness of time.
I refer to the notion that the structure of society is a microcosm of the cosmic design and that history conforms to patterns of justice and chastisement as if it were a morality play set in motion by the gods for our instruction.
Even to be `` from hope and fear set free '' is at least better than to have lost the first without having got rid of the second.
I believe it is an area in which professional planners have failed to set adequate guide posts ; ;
It is high time the United States began to realize that the God-given rights of men set forth in that document are applicable today to Katanga.
One of the inescapable realities of the Cold War is that it has thrust upon the West a wholly new and historically unique set of moral dilemmas.
The day is now appropriately set aside to honor the American men and women who have contributed to the success of our merchant marine fleet in peace and war.
The Act further provides for a `` floor '' or minimum allotment, set at the 1954 level, which is called the `` base '' allotment, and a `` ceiling '' or maximum allotment, for each State.
The method used in computing the allotments is specifically set forth in the Act.
The method used for computing the respective Federal and State shares in total program costs is specifically set forth in the Act.
It is equipped with electronic controls that can be set to hold precise tension and speed.
the purpose of producing plays at the College is three-fold: to provide the Carleton students with the best possible opportunity for theater-going within the limits set by the maturity and experience of the performers and the theatrical facilities available ; ;
The first substantially complete stereo Giselle ( and the only one of its scope since Feyer's four-sided LP edition of 1958 for Angel ), this set is, I'm afraid, likely to provide more horrid fascination than enjoyment.
The Rio Grande KC is also considering having their Junior Classes set up so that Juniors can qualify with points for Westminster.
There is no limit to what you can spend, yet it is easily possible to keep within a set budget.
The main set of bars are the `` tappets '' and one tappet is connected to each lever.
He is a fine-looking colt with a good body, good set of legs and nice way of going.
This one was set up here in 390 A.D. on a pedestal, the faces of which are carved with statues of the emperor and his family watching games in the Hippodrome, done so realistically that the obelisk itself is included in them.
There is even one set that has `` barbecue '' written on it.

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