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is and most
I want the room in the attic prepared for him He is a most unusual lad, quite precocious in many ways.
In fact it has caused us to give serious thought to moving our residence south, because it is not easy for the most objective Southerner to sit calmly by when his host is telling a roomful of people that the only way to deal with Southerners who oppose integration is to send in troops and shoot the bastards down.
but for this discussion the most important division is between those who have been reconstructed and those who haven't.
But apart from racial problems, the old unreconstructed South -- to use the moderate words favored by Mr. Thomas Griffith -- finds itself unsympathetic to most of what is different about the civilization of the North.
The general acceptance of the idea of governmental ( i.e., societal ) responsibility for the economic well-being of the American people is surely one of the two most significant watersheds in American constitutional history.
Accidental war is so sensitive a subject that most of the people who could become directly involved in one are told just enough so they can perform their portions of incredibly complex tasks.
Even though in most cases the completion of the definitive editions of their writings is still years off, enough documentation has already been assembled to warrant drawing a new composite profile of the leadership which performed the heroic dual feats of winning American independence and founding a new nation.
It is clear that, while most writers enjoy picturing the Negro as a woolly-headed, humble old agrarian who mutters `` yassuhs '' and `` sho' nufs '' with blissful deference to his white employer ( or, in Old South terms, `` massuh '' ), this stereotype is doomed to become in reality as obsolete as Caldwell's Lester.
Presenting an individualized Negro character, it would seem, is one of the most difficult assignments a Southern writer could tackle ; ;
All but the most rabid of Confederate flag wavers admit that the Old Southern tradition is defunct in actuality and sigh that its passing was accompanied by the disappearance of many genteel and aristocratic traditions of the reputedly languid ante-bellum way of life.
Yet often fear persists because, even with the most rigid ritual, one is never quite free from the uneasy feeling that one might make some mistake or that in every previous execution one had been unaware of the really decisive act.
Perhaps the most illuminating example of the reduction of fear through understanding is derived from our increased knowledge of the nature of disease.
The consciousness it mirrors may have come earlier to Europe than to America, but it is the consciousness that most `` mature '' societies arrive at when their successes in technological and economic systematization propel them into a time of examining the not-strictly-practical ends of culture.
And the life they lead is undisciplined and for the most part unproductive, even though they make a fetish of devoting themselves to some creative pursuit -- writing, painting, music.
The music which Lautner has composed for this episode is for the most part `` rather pretty and perfectly banal ''.
Presupposed in Plato's system is a doctrine of levels of insight, in which a certain kind of detached understanding is alone capable of penetrating to the most sublime wisdom.
As long as perception is seen as composed only of isolated sense data, most of the quality and interconnectedness of existence loses its objectivity, becomes an invention of consciousness, and the result is a philosophical scepticism.
And it is precisely in this poorer economic class that one finds, and has always found, the most racial friction.
It is something which most of us try to get out from under.
We assume for this illustration that the size of the land plots is so great that the distance between dwellings is greater than the voice can carry and that most of the communication is between nearest neighbors only, as shown in Figure 2.

is and remarkable
And it is clearly argued by Lord Percy of Newcastle, in his remarkable long essay, The Heresy Of Democracy, and in a more general way by Voegelin, in his New Science Of Politics, that this same Rousseauan idea, descending through European democracy, is the source of Marx's theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Perhaps the mere fact that by plucking on the nerves nature can awaken in the most ordinary of us, temporarily anyway, the sleeping poet, and in poets can discover their immortality, is the most remarkable of all the remarkable phenomena to which we can attest??
Then he would get to his feet, as though rising in honor of his own remarkable powers, and say almost invariably, `` Gentlemen, this is an amazing story!!
In light of the scholarly reappraisals engendered by the higher criticism this is a most remarkable statement, particularly coming from one who was well known for his antifundamentalist views.
Considering then the optimism which has permeated science fiction for so long, what is really remarkable is that during the last twelve years many science-fiction writers have turned about and attacked their own cherished vision of the future, have attacked the Childhood's End kind of faith that science and technology will inevitably better the human condition.
The really remarkable thing to me is that most California natives unhesitatingly elect to slow down and permit the invading car free access.
One of the more remarkable of the new cooling systems is one that can be switched to heating.
The nuclei of these fibers, as is shown in Figures 3 and 4, showed remarkable proliferation and were closely approximated, forming a chainlike structure at either the center or the periphery of the fiber.
There is nothing remarkable about this at all.
It is not hard to find that concurrence of opinion which Fromm finds so remarkable when you ignore all who hold a different opinion.
The ratio is thoroughly remarkable, because the lines are so long -- half again as long as those of Beowulf.
The vagina is an organ capable of remarkable contraction and dilation.
Both, of course, were remarkable feats and further embossed the fact that baseball rightfully is the national pastime.
This is all the more remarkable because the Kirov is to ballet what Senator Goldwater is to American politics.
This, of course, is baseball's most remarkable mark: The 60 home runs hit in 1927 by the incorrigible epicure, the incredible athlete, George Herman ( Babe ) Ruth of the Yankees.
This is a remarkable book and an astonishingly interesting one.
The extent of adaptations to specific ecological circumstances among amphibians is remarkable, with many discoveries still being made.
In Italian, possibly following a tradition of antiquity, the Arcipelago ( from medieval Greek * ἀρχιπέλαγος ) was the proper name for the Aegean Sea and, later, usage shifted to refer to the Aegean Islands ( since the sea is remarkable for its large number of islands ).
This family has a remarkable ecological and economical importance, and is present from the polar regions to the tropics, colonizing all available habitats.
Little is known of the personality of Agnes, beyond the remarkable influence which she seems to have exercised over Philip II.

is and because
This is puzzling to an outsider conscious of the classic tradition of liberalism, because it is clear that these Democrats who are left-of-center are at opposite poles from the liberal Jefferson, who held that the best government was the least government.
Had the situation been reversed, had, for instance, England been the enemy in 1898 because of issues of concern chiefly to New England, there is little doubt that large numbers of Southerners would have happily put on their old Confederate uniforms to fight as allies of Britain.
But it is more than irony: one of the main reasons why nationalism is no longer a tenable concept is because it has spread throughout the planet.
The `` approximate '' is important, because even after the order of the work has been established by the chance method, the result is not inviolable.
Often it is recognized that all the details of the pattern may not be essential to the outcome but, because the pattern was empirically determined and not developed through theoretical understanding, one is never quite certain which behavior elements are effective, and the whole pattern becomes ritualized.
Or is it relevant because it teaches us something useful to know about ourselves??
I knew that a conversation with the author would not settle such questions, because a man is not the same as his writing: in the last analysis, the questions had to be settled by the work itself.
I suggested that one must let it in because it is the truth, but Beckett did not take to the word truth.
That is why the form itself becomes a preoccupation, because it exists as a problem separate from the material it accommodates.
It is because there is not only darkness but also light that our situation becomes inexplicable.
If they avoid the use of the pungent, outlawed four-letter word it is because it is taboo ; ;
Jazz is good not only because it promotes wholeness but because of its decided sexual effect.
It is worth dwelling in some detail on the crisis of this story, because it brings together a number of characteristic elements and makes of them a curious, riddling compound obscurely but centrally significant for Mann's work.

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