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Page "Sapphic stanza" ¶ 7
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is and clear
This is puzzling to an outsider conscious of the classic tradition of liberalism, because it is clear that these Democrats who are left-of-center are at opposite poles from the liberal Jefferson, who held that the best government was the least government.
It is clear that, while most writers enjoy picturing the Negro as a woolly-headed, humble old agrarian who mutters `` yassuhs '' and `` sho' nufs '' with blissful deference to his white employer ( or, in Old South terms, `` massuh '' ), this stereotype is doomed to become in reality as obsolete as Caldwell's Lester.
This is clear.
This confession serves to make clear in part what is behind this sexual revolution: the craving for sensation for its own sake, the need for change, for new experiences.
Experience is not seen, as it is in classical rationalism, as presenting us initially with clear and distinct objects simply located in space and registering their character, movements, and changes on the tabula rasa of an uninvolved intellect.
In this respect experience is broader and full of a richer variety of potential meanings than the mind of man or any of his arts or culture are capable of making clear and distinct.
and it is surely clear that the first of these is the result of the way in which the individual's command of language interacts with the other two.
This is clear when one distinguishes the types of motion appropriate to both regions.
The formal position of Americans who identify themselves with one or more of the several identities of the Jewish symbol is already clear ; ;
How literature does this, or for whom, is certainly not clear, but the content, form, and language of the `` message '', as well as the source, would all play differentiated parts in giving and molding a sense of purpose.
There is a clear relationship between their educational evaluations and their basic pattern of general values.
Therefore, it is plain that the clear distinctions of the nineteenth century are no longer with us.
While it is hazardous to project the trend of history, it seems clear that a genuine community is painfully emerging in the Western world, particularly among the countries of Western Europe.
Even in these cases we should promote self-help by making it clear that our supporting assistance is subject to reduction and ultimately to termination.
It is not clear, however, whether they are thinking of all movable property or only of boats, trailers, aircraft or certain other types of personal property whose assessment would be advantageous to their particular towns.
The haphazard fiscal year calendar is an obstacle to the planning of clear and efficient state-local revenue and expenditure relationships.
As mentioned, the primary allocation objective to be followed in the allocation of stations on clear channels is the provision of widespread service, free from destructive interference.
And the reason this could happen is clear: men of government, business men, lawyers and all who concerned themselves with the welfare of their fellow men did not let their concern to run their businesses at a profit restrict the development of freedom and opportunity.
The outlook for entertainment electronics in 1961 is certainly far from clear at present, but recent surveys have shown a desire on the part of consumers to step up their buying plans for durable goods.
If the lever is pulled to clear a signal or move a switch, the tappet moves a short distance lengthwise at the same time.

is and if
`` That is, if we can be sure this is Colcord's money '' --
Let me pass over the trip to Sante Fe with something of the same speed which made Mrs. Roebuck `` wonduh if the wahtahm speed limit '' ( 35 m.p.h. ) `` is still in ee-faket ''.
It is the last of the three tests of manhood which the women impose, to discover if a male is worthy of survival there.
There was a measure of protection in its concrete walls and ceiling, but the engineers who hastily installed it were well aware that concrete is not much better than prayer, if as efficacious, when a direct hit comes along.
`` And if the dive goes OK he has the exclusive import rights to your line for this country, is that right ''??
`` All right, if you can't do your arithmetic during school hours you can do it after school is out '', Miss Langford said firmly, not smiling.
Why, in the first place, call himself a liberal if he is against laissez-faire and favors an authoritarian central government with womb-to-tomb controls over everybody??
And if he is so scornful of the rights of states, why not advocate a different sort of constitution that he could more sincerely support??
If his dancers are sometimes made to look as if they might be creatures from Mars, this is consistent with his intention of placing them in the orbit of another world, a world in which they are freed of their pedestrian identities.
I think it is essential, however, to pinpoint here the difference between the two concepts of sovereignty that went to war in 1861 -- if only to see better how imperative is our need today to clarify completely our far worse confusion on this subject.
Unruly hair goes straight up from his forehead, standing so high that the top falls gently over, as if to show that it really is hair and not bristle.
If he is the child of nothingness, if he is the predestined victim of an age of atomic wars, then he will consult only his own organic needs and go beyond good and evil.
He will not curb his instinctual desires but release the energy within him that makes him feel truly and fully alive, even if it is only for this brief moment before the apocalypse of annihilation explodes on earth.
If love reflects the nature of man, as Ortega Y Gasset believes, if the person in love betrays decisively what he is by his behavior in love, then the writers of the beat generation are creating a new literary genre.
And if I have gone into so much detail about so small a work, that is because it is also so typical a work, representing the germinal form of a conflict which remains essential in Mann's writing: the crude sketch of Piepsam contains, in its critical, destructive and self-destructive tendencies, much that is enlarged and illuminated in the figures of, for instance, Naphta and Leverkuhn.
All such imitations of negative quality have given rise to a compensatory response in the form of a heroic and highly individualistic humanism: if man can neither know nor love reality as it is, he can at least invent an artistic `` reality '' which is its own world and which can speak to man of purely personal and subjective qualities capable of being known and worthy of being loved.
But Aristotle kept the principle of levels and even augmented it by describing in the Poetics what kinds of character and action must be imitated if the play is to be a vehicle of serious and important human truths.
Operating as a one man police force in fact if not in name, he is at once more independent and more dedicated than the police themselves.

is and she
Even the knowledge that she was losing another boy, as a mother always does when a marriage is made, did not prevent her from having the first carefree, dreamless sleep that she had known since they dropped down the canyon and into Bear Valley, way, way back there when they were crossing those other mountains.
The artist looks at an ankle, a calf, a bosom and, in his mind's eye, the clothes drop away and he sees her as she really is.
Actually, she is a sad beauty, I believe.
And all the time, she had the heat of hatred in her, like charcoal that is burning on its under side, but not visibly.
She, too, is concerned with `` the becoming, the process of realization '', but she does not think in terms of subtle variations of spatial or temporal patterns.
The destiny of Racine's Phedre is sealed from the beginning: she will proceed into the dark.
If it is an honest feeling, then why should she not yield to it??
`` Most often '', she says, `` it's the monogamous relationship that is dishonest ''.
Sibylla is pregnant with their second child when she finds the ivory tablet concealed by her husband, and the identities of mother and son are revealed.
usually, this is most exasperating to men, who expect every woman to verify their preconceived notions concerning her sex, and when she does not, immediately condemn her as eccentric and unwomanly.
it is a dedication which began the moment she met Carl.
The only way to describe Paula Sandburg is to say she is beautiful in a Grecian sense.
This is the most delightful trial I have ever had '', she decided.
This prospect did not please Mrs. King any more than did the possibility that her daughter might marry a Bohemian, but she used it to suggest to Thompson that, `` It is not in her nature to love you ''.
It is difficult to say what Thompson expected would come of their relationship, which had begun so soon after his emotions had been stirred by Maggie Brien, but when Katie wrote on April 11, 1900, to tell him that she was to be married to the Rev. Godfrey Burr, the vicar of Rushall in Staffordshire, the news evidently helped to deepen his discouragement over the failure of his hopes for a new volume of verse.
We may further grant to those of her ( Poetry's ) defenders who are lovers of poetry and yet not poets, the permission to speak in prose on her behalf: let them show not only that she is pleasant but also useful to States and to human life, and we will listen in a kindly spirit ; ;
He is said to have reported that once, when she went to a hospital to call on a friend after a serious operation, and the friend protested that it had been `` nothing '', she replied, `` Well, it was your healthy American peasant blood that pulled you through ''.
he usually draws some kind of comparison with the jazz tradition and the poem he is reading -- for instance, he draws the parallel between a poem he reads about an Oriental courtesan waiting for the man she loves, and who never comes, and the old blues chants of Ma Rainy and other Negro singers -- but usually the comparison is specious.
She's been in and out of my house for a dozen years now, although she's still a teen-ager who looks like a baby, she is getting married.
She has studied and observed and she is convinced that her young man is going to be endlessly enchanting.

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