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Some Related Sentences

is and one
But there's one thing I never seen or heard of, one thing I just don't think there is, and that's a sportin' way o' killin' a man ''!!
I seized the rack and made a western-style flying-mount just in time, one of my knees mercifully landing on my duffel bag -- and merely wrecking my camera, I was to discover later -- my other knee landing on the slivery truck floor boards and -- but this is no medical report.
The true artist is like one of those scientists who, from a single bone can reconstruct an animal's entire body.
In fact, one important aspect of their very religion is the annihilation of men ''.
It took thirty of our women almost six moons to build this one, which is higher and stronger than the old one.
I clapped the big man with the bleached hair on his shoulder and said heartily, hoping it would make an impression on the women: `` This one is the maku Frayne.
`` This one is a tender chicken, oui??
but he presents it publicly so enmeshed in hypocrisy that it is not an honest one.
My definition of this much abused adjective is that a reconstructed rebel is one who is glad that the North won the War.
For one thing, this is not a subject often discussed or analyzed.
The general acceptance of the idea of governmental ( i.e., societal ) responsibility for the economic well-being of the American people is surely one of the two most significant watersheds in American constitutional history.
A third, one of at least equal and perhaps even greater importance, is now being traversed: American immersion and involvement in world affairs.
Today, as new nations rise from the former colonial empires, nationalism is one of the hurricane forces loose in the world.
Historically, however, the concept is one that has been of marked benefit to the people of the Western civilizational group.
It is one of the ironic quirks of history that the viability and usefulness of nationalism and the territorial state are rapidly dissipating at precisely the time that the nation-state attained its highest number ( approximately 100 ).
But it is more than irony: one of the main reasons why nationalism is no longer a tenable concept is because it has spread throughout the planet.
Accidental war is so sensitive a subject that most of the people who could become directly involved in one are told just enough so they can perform their portions of incredibly complex tasks.
Only one rule prevailed in my conversations with these men: The more highly placed they are -- that is, the more they know -- the more concerned they have become.
However, the system is designed, ingeniously and hopefully, so that no one man could initiate a thermonuclear war.

is and 19
If your child is under 19 or is a student you may also claim an exemption for him if he qualifies as your dependent, even though he earns $600 or more.
The idol of the hackers, of course, is Ray Ainsley, who achieved a 19 in the United States Open.
St Thomas interprets ' You should love your neighbour as yourself ' from Leviticus 19 and Matthew 22 as meaning that love for ourselves is the exemplar of love for others.
Thus at Mobile the annual mean is 67 ° F ( 19 ° C ), the mean for the summer 81 ° F ( 27 ° C ), and for the winter 52 ° F ( 11 ° C ); and at Valley Head, in De Kalb county, the annual mean is 59 ° F ( 15 ° C ), the mean for the summer 75 ° F ( 24 ° C ), and for the winter 41 ° F ( 5 ° C ).
At Montgomery, in the central region, the average annual temperature is 66 ° F ( 19 ° C ), with a winter average of 49 ° F ( 9 ° C ), and a summer average of 81 ° F ( 27 ° C ).
The " Theater am Bahnhof " ( Theatre at the Railway Station ) is mostly used by the Theatergruppe Lampenfieber and was opened on 19 October 2008.
is: 19. ágúst
It lies on Abadan Island ( long, 3 – 19 km or 2 – 12 miles wide, the island is bounded in the west by the Arvand waterway and to the east by the Bahmanshir outlet of the Karun River ), from the Persian Gulf, near the Iraqi-Iran border.
Originally based on the date used to calculate the age of fruit trees for tithing as mandated in Leviticus 19: 23 – 25, the holiday now is most often observed by planting trees, or raising money to plant trees.
Supporters of this view believe that “ to a hypothetical outside reader, presents Christianity as enlightened, harmless, even beneficent .” Some believe that through this work, Luke intended to show the Roman Empire that the root of Christianity is within Judaism so that the Christians “ may receive the same freedom to practice their faith that the Roman Empire afforded the Jews .” Those who support the view of Luke ’ s work as political apology generally draw evidence from the facts that Christians are found innocent of committing any political crime ( Acts 25: 25 ; 19: 37 ; 19: 40 ) and that Roman officials ’ views towards Christians are generally positive.
Many who side with this view disagree that Luke portrays Christianity or the Roman Empire as harmless and thus reject the apologetic view because “ Acts does not present Christians as politically harmless or law abiding for there are a large number of public controversies concerning Christianity, particularly featuring Paul .” For example, to support this view Cassidy references how Paul is accused of going against the Emperor because he is “ saying that there is another king named Jesus .” ( Acts 17: 7 ) Furthermore, there are multiple examples of Paul ’ s preaching causing uprisings in various cities ( Acts 14: 2 ; 14: 19 ; 16: 19-23 ; 17: 5 ; 17: 13-14 ; 19: 28-40 ; 21: 27 ).
Supporters of this view believe that the Roman Empire does not threaten the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ because Luke “ simply recognizes its existence as a political reality, but he is clear that God is greater .” Throughout Acts, believers like Paul are being charged with spiritual crimes concerning “ teaching against Israel, the law, and the temple ” ( Acts 21: 21, 28 ; 23: 29 ; 24: 5 ; 25: 8, 19 ; 28: 17 ) or being a civil disturbance ( Acts 16: 20, 21: 38, 25: 8 ) rather than political charges.
Here Acts 12: 21-23 is largely parallel to Antiquities 19. 8. 2 ; ( 2 ) the cause of the Egyptian pseudo-prophet in Acts 21: 37f and in Josephus ( War 2. 13. 5 ; Antiquities 20. 8. 6 ); ( 3 ) the curious resemblance as to the order in which Theudas and Judas of Galilee are referred to in both ( Acts 5: 36f ; Antiquities 20. 5. 1 ).
10 – 19 ), to Jerusalem where he is crucified, raised and ascended into heaven ( chs.
At 19 years of age, Paul enlists in the German Army and is deployed to the Western Front where he experiences the severe psychological and physical effects of the war.
Overall, his size and behavior make him seem older than Paul, yet he is the same age as Paul and his school-friends ( roughly 19 at the start of the book ).

is and Tasmanian
The Tasmanian Seaway separates East Antarctica and Australia, and is reported to have opened to water circulation 33. 5 Ma.
The Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens is a popular recreation area a short distance from the City centre.
Hobart is home to the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, which is resident at the Federation Concert Hall on the city's waterfront.
Hobart is home to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.
The annual Tulip Festival at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens is a popular Spring celebration in the City.
However, a bid for an Tasmanian AFL team is a popular topic among football fans.
The spotted hyena is renowned for its strong bite proportional to its size, but a number of other animals ( including the Tasmanian devil ) are proportionately stronger .< ref >
This system is used in the Upper House in India, Australia ( Senate, Tasmanian and Australian Capital Territory Houses of Assembly and the Legislative Councils in New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria ), Ireland, Northern Ireland ( assembly, local government and European elections, but not national ), Malta, local government elections in Scotland and selected ( optional ) local governments in New Zealand.
The name is derived from Thomas Hare, who initially developed the system and the Tasmanian Attorney General, Andrew Inglis Clark, who worked to have a modified version introduced.
The permanent recognition of his name in the Tasmanian system is perhaps appropriate despite little being left of his original proposals.
The Tasmanian devil ( Sarcophilus harrisii ) is a carnivorous marsupial of the family Dasyuridae, now found in the wild only on the Australian island state of Tasmania.
The date that the Tasmanian devil became locally extinct from the Australian mainland is unclear ; most evidence suggests they had contracted to three relict populations around 3000 years ago.
The specific lineage of the Tasmanian devil is theorised to have emerged during the Miocene, molecular evidence suggesting a split from the ancestors of quolls between 10 and 15 million years ago, when severe climate change came to bear in Australia, transforming the climate from warm and moist to an arid, dry ice age, resulting in mass extinctions.
Although Tasmanian history is amongst the most contested by modern historians, conflict between colonists and Aborigines was referred to in some contemporary accounts as the Black War.
Australia is home to the world's two largest freshwater crayfish – the Tasmanian giant freshwater crayfish Astacopsis gouldi, which can achieve a mass of up to and is found in the rivers of northern Tasmania, and the Murray crayfish Euastacus armatus, which can reach and is found in much of the southern Murray-Darling basin.
An instructive example of this is the population of Superb Lyrebirds in Tasmania, which have retained the calls of species not native to Tasmania in their repertoire, but have also added some local Tasmanian endemic bird noises.
The world's largest surviving carnivorous marsupial is the Tasmanian Devil ; it is the size of a small dog and can hunt, although it is mainly a scavenger.
A lesser-used name is shānjiāo ( 山椒 ; literally " mountain pepper "; not to be confused with Tasmanian mountain pepper ), which is also the root of the Japanese.
Sydney in particular is noted for its harbourside seafood restaurants, including the Doyles chain in Sydney, notably Doyles on the Beach at Watson's Bay ; and Tetsuya's Restaurant owned by chef Tetsuya Wakuda which bases its menu on Australian, Japanese and classic French cuisine, and makes use of Australian ingredients including Tasmanian Ocean Trout.

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