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Page "Federación Anarquista Ibérica" ¶ 1
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is and still
Let me pass over the trip to Sante Fe with something of the same speed which made Mrs. Roebuck `` wonduh if the wahtahm speed limit '' ( 35 m.p.h. ) `` is still in ee-faket ''.
Even though in most cases the completion of the definitive editions of their writings is still years off, enough documentation has already been assembled to warrant drawing a new composite profile of the leadership which performed the heroic dual feats of winning American independence and founding a new nation.
Truman Capote is still reveling in Southern Gothicism, exaggerating the old Southern legends into something beautiful and grotesque, but as unreal as -- or even more unreal than -- yesterday.
He is still concerned, however, with a personal event.
nearby, another sits motionless, while still another is twirling an umbrella.
We are desperately in the need of such invention, for man is still very much at the mercy of man.
There is still the remote possibility of planetoid collision.
Even in domains where detailed and predictive understanding is still lacking, but where some explanations are possible, as with lightning and weather and earthquakes, the appropriate kind of human action has been more adequately indicated.
Each is still glorified as a national hero.
This favorable image of America in the minds of Russian men and women is still there despite years of energetic anti-American propaganda ''
Incest is still a durable theme, but if it wants to get written about it will have to find ways to surprise the emotions, and there is no better way to do this than that of concealment and symbolic representation.
If many of the characters in contemporary novels appear to be the bloodless relations of characters in a case history it is because the novelist is often forgetful today that those things that we call character manifest themselves in surface behavior, that the ego is still the executive agency of personality, and that all we know of personality must be discerned through the ego.
Even if people do, in a not far distant future, begin to read one another's minds, there will still be the question of whether what you find in another man's mind is especially worth reading -- worth more, that is, than what you can read in good books.
There is another side of love, more nearly symbolized by the croak of the mating capercailzie, or better still perhaps by the mute antics of the slug.
But still, the proposition is worth examination.
The other is that the charge for cabanas and parasols, though modest from an American point of view, still is a little high for many Athenians.
In spite of the armistice negotiated by Amadee two years earlier, the war between Bishop Guillaume of Lausanne and Louis of Savoy was still going on, and although little is known about it, that little proves that it was yet another phase of the struggle against French expansion and was closely interwoven with the larger conflict.
Behind him lay the Low Countries, where men were still completing the cathedrals that a later Florentine would describe as `` a malediction of little tabernacles, one on top of the other, with so many pyramids and spires and leaves that it is a wonder they stand up at all, for they look as though they were made of paper instead of stone or marble '' ; ;
On the other hand, the consensus of opinion is that, used with caution and in conjunction with other types of evidence, the native sources still provide a valid rough outline for the English settlement of southern Britain.
The image of man which enters into force with Aeschylus is still vital in Phedre and Athalie.

is and operation
He is said to have reported that once, when she went to a hospital to call on a friend after a serious operation, and the friend protested that it had been `` nothing '', she replied, `` Well, it was your healthy American peasant blood that pulled you through ''.
No matter that the Katanga operation is strategically insane in terms of Western interests in Africa.
The motor pool is a completely centralized and mechanized operation.
The resulting setup, it was declared, `` would be similar to that which is in successful operation in a number of metropolitan counties as large or larger than Rhode Island ''.
Expansion and relocation of industry in Rhode Island is the direct responsibility of the Development Council's Industrial Division, and the figures quoted above indicate a successful year's operation.
A primary function is the operation of a Government Bid Center, which receives bids daily from the Federal Government's principal purchasing agencies.
This is a $14 million operation involving 3,500 employees who work on commuter traffic exclusively.
One of the greatest obstacles to the achievement of this goal is the lack of trained men and women with the skill to teach the young and assist in the operation of development projects -- men and women with the capacity to cope with the demands of swiftly evolving economics, and with the dedication to put that capacity to work in the villages, the mountains, the towns and the factories of dozens of struggling nations.
But nighttime operation by stations of other classes of course entails skywave interference to groundwave service, interference which is substantial unless steps are taken to minimize it.
Because the bobbin-to-cone winding process is a relatively high-cost operation for the mill, the almost complete automation provided by the Uniconer can mean important economies in textile production, at the same time upgrading quality.
Consider adopting a system of holidays in which time off is granted with an eye to minimum inconvenience to the operation of the plant.
What can be done for the `` individual contributor '' who is extremely important -- and likely to be more so -- in the operation of the technically oriented company??
This is a pilot operation sponsored by a new entity chartered in Delaware as the Tri-State Pipeline Corporation, with principal offices in New York State.
For this first development the supplier signing the lease is a major oil company but in turn the deal is being transferred for operation to its local fueloil distributor.
We assume that average total unit cost in the relevant region of operation is constant with respect to quantity produced ( the average cost curve is horizontal, and therefore is identical with the marginal cost curve ), and is the same for every firm ( and therefore for the industry ).
A tax-free reorganization not complying with the merger or consolidation statutes of the states involved is difficult to fit into an `` operation of law '' mold.
The impact of noncompliance under the Wagner-Peyser Act is clear: the withdrawal of some $11 million a year of administrative funds which finance our employment service program or, as a corollary, the taking over by the Federal Government of its operation.
The declarative operation EQU is used to equate symbolic names to item numbers ( see page 85 ).
Hence P is the increase in value of the stream minus the cost of operation, that is, the net profit.
the startling statement in a respectable periodical that `` Catholics, if the present system is still in operation, will constitute almost one-third of the House of Lords in the next generation '' ; ;

is and today
seeing an aborigine today is a difficult thing.
I consider it to be my job to expose the public to what is being written today ''.
Nostalgic Yankee readers of Erskine Caldwell are today informed by proud Georgians that Tobacco Road is buried beneath a four-lane super highway, over which travel each day suburbanite businessmen more concerned with the Dow-Jones average than with the cotton crop.
I think it is essential, however, to pinpoint here the difference between the two concepts of sovereignty that went to war in 1861 -- if only to see better how imperative is our need today to clarify completely our far worse confusion on this subject.
In homely terms whose timeliness is startling today, he thus declared his own right to secede.
It will readily be seen that in this suggested network ( not materially different from some of the networks in vogue today ) greater emphasis on monitoring is implied than is usually put into practice.
He is a utopian with a stake in tomorrow and he is a vulnerable human made captive by the circumstances of today.
The Agreeable Autocracies is an attempt to explore some of the institutions which both reflect and determine the character of the free society today.
It is world-wide knowledge that any power which might be tempted today to attack the United States by surprise, even though we might sustain great losses, would itself promptly suffer a terrible destruction.
Although because of the important achievements of nineteenth century scholars in the field of textual criticism the advance is not so striking as it was in the case of archaeology and place-names, the editorial principles laid down by Stevenson in his great edition of Asser and in his Crawford Charters were a distinct improvement upon those of his predecessors and remain unimproved upon today.
The road to a guaranteed-neutral, coup-proof Laos is today almost as difficult as warfare on that nation's terrain.
It is a war to stay out of today, especially in view of the fact that President Ngo Dinh Diem apparently does not want United States troops.
But far from being concerned about whether or not Russia will have achieved Utopia by 1980, the world is watching Moscow today primarily for clues as to whether or not there will be nuclear Armageddon in the immediate future.
The 350th anniversary of the King James Bible is being celebrated simultaneously with the publishing today of the New Testament, the first part of the New English Bible, undertaken as a new translation of the Scriptures into contemporary English.
The New Testament offered to the public today is the first result of the work of a joint committee made up of representatives of the Church of England, Church of Scotland, Methodist Church, Congregational Union, Baptist Union, Presbyterian Church of England, Churches in Wales, Churches in Ireland, Society of Friends, British and Foreign Bible Society and National Society of Scotland.
It is high time the United States began to realize that the God-given rights of men set forth in that document are applicable today to Katanga.
There is a trend today to bemoan the fact that Americans are too `` soft ''.
I did so because I agree with so many here today, that he is the beloved Speaker of all the people of the United States.
My sincere wish is that he continues to add to this record he sets here today.

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