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Page "Mark Souder" ¶ 21
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is and with
Clayton is with him, takin him out of the valley.
His wife had said to him: `` Nellie is in love with Clayton Roy.
`` Exterminatin' cow thieves is just a business proposition with me '', he'd blandly announce.
It is also possible, but equally doubtful, that he actually shot down the hundreds of men with which his legend credits him.
Let me pass over the trip to Sante Fe with something of the same speed which made Mrs. Roebuck `` wonduh if the wahtahm speed limit '' ( 35 m.p.h. ) `` is still in ee-faket ''.
One of my virtues or vices is a sort of three-dimensional imagination complete with sound effects and glorious living color.
this is not so, for education offers all kinds of dividends, including how to pull the wool over a husband's eyes while you are having an affair with his wife.
It is nothing you can put your fingers on but the air suddenly fills with a high charge of electricity.
It is Eromonga -- look hard, you can see with your naked eye the wooden scaffolding on the cliff ''.
I clapped the big man with the bleached hair on his shoulder and said heartily, hoping it would make an impression on the women: `` This one is the maku Frayne.
That place is crawling with Bill Doolin and his gang ''.
The woman eyed the youth with the avidity a coin collector might display toward a rare doubloon which is not yet in his collection.
`` What is with this vow jazz ''??
-- liberal considers that the need for a national economy with controls that will assure his conception of social justice is so great that individual and local liberties as well as democratic processes may have to yield before it.
Why, in the first place, call himself a liberal if he is against laissez-faire and favors an authoritarian central government with womb-to-tomb controls over everybody??
In fact it has caused us to give serious thought to moving our residence south, because it is not easy for the most objective Southerner to sit calmly by when his host is telling a roomful of people that the only way to deal with Southerners who oppose integration is to send in troops and shoot the bastards down.
Reduced to its simplest terms, it is an assumption of a collective duty to compensate for the inability of individuals to cope with the rigors of the era.
( Since the time-span of the nation-state coincides roughly with the separate existence of the United States as an independent entity, it is perhaps natural for Americans to think of the nation as representative of the highest form of order, something permanent and unchanging.
Only one rule prevailed in my conversations with these men: The more highly placed they are -- that is, the more they know -- the more concerned they have become.
He was, and is, with the RAND Corporation, a nonprofit pool of thinkers financed by the U.S. Air Force.
They include the Navy's Atlantic Command at Norfolk, Virginia, which is in contact with the Polaris subs ; ;
In point of fact, this is a beige box with a bright red door, about one and a half feet square and hung from the wall about six feet from the door to Wisman's right.
It has nothing of the proud stride of the trained runner about it, it is not a lope, it is not done with style or verve.

is and great
`` His address '', Walter added, `` is that great foundling home, the American Express.
Meredith was irritated when the Grafin knocked at his door and told him, `` She is a great beauty!!
It is not good, Mr. Waddell: you will do him great harm ''.
Idje, here '', and he nodded at the man, `` is said to have great odor.
It is a great spectacle.
So great a man could not but understand, too, that the thing that moves men to sacrifice their lives is not the error of their thought, which their opponents see and attack, but the truth which the latter do not see -- any more than they see the error which mars the truth they themselves defend.
It is this curious blend of rugged individualism and public service which accounts for the great appeal of the mythological detective.
We assume for this illustration that the size of the land plots is so great that the distance between dwellings is greater than the voice can carry and that most of the communication is between nearest neighbors only, as shown in Figure 2.
Since the hazards of poor communication are so great, p can be justified as a habitable site only on the basis of unusual productivity such as is made available by a waterfall for milling purposes, a mine, or a sugar maple camp.
( B ) A message runs too great a risk of being distorted if it is to be relayed more than about six consecutive times.
Since the difficulty of drawing the net is great, we will merely discuss it.
He terms this early enthusiasm `` Romantic Christianity '' and concludes that its similarity to democratic beliefs of that day is so great that `` the doctrine of liberty seems but a secular version of its counterpart in evangelical Protestantism ''.
This is important to understanding the position that doctrinaire liberals found themselves in after World War 2, and our great democratic victory that brought no peace.
`` My doctors assure me that this increased percentage of risk is not great ''.
The making of distinctions, like the perception of the great distinctions made, is an inordinately difficult business.
Their great error is to mingle the responses typical of each of the three types of change.
Moral dread is seen as the other face of desire, and here psychoanalysis delivers to the writer a magnificent irony and a moral problem of great complexity.
The discrepancy between what we commonly profess and what we practice or tolerate is great, and it does not escape the notice of others.
The men who speculate on these institutions have, for the most part, come to at least one common conclusion: that many of the great enterprises and associations around which our democracy is formed are in themselves autocratic in nature, and possessed of power which can be used to frustrate the citizen who is trying to assert his individuality in the modern world ''.
Growing out of this concern is the realization that all people of the Free World have a great stake in the progress, in freedom, of the uncommitted and newly emerging nations.
It is world-wide knowledge that any power which might be tempted today to attack the United States by surprise, even though we might sustain great losses, would itself promptly suffer a terrible destruction.

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