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Page "Renormalization" ¶ 96
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Some Related Sentences

may and be
`` The accommodations may not be the poshest, but man!!
The race problem has tended to obscure other, less emotional, issues which may fundamentally be even more divisive.
Accounts have been published of Northern liberals in the South up against segregationist prejudice, especially in state-supported universities where pressure may be strong to uphold the majority view.
Nevertheless, it may be helpful to cite one example -- that of employment -- for, as will be shown below, it cuts across both facets of the new concept.
A measure of its widespread acceptance may be derived from a statement of the International Congress of Jurists in 1959.
Recognizing that the Rule of Law is `` a dynamic concept which should be employed not only to safeguard the civil and political rights of the individual in a free society '', the Congress asserted that it also included the responsibility `` to establish social, economic, educational and cultural conditions under which his legitimate aspirations and dignity may be realized ''.
What these fragments are and how they activate the go order may not be revealed.
An example of the changes which have crept over the Southern region may be seen in the Southern Negro's quest for a position in the white-dominated society, a problem that has been reflected in regional fiction especially since 1865.
While there may still be many Faulknerian Lucas Beauchamps scattered through the rural South, such men appear to be a vanishing breed.
or it may involve more subtle distinctions: the sway may be gradually minimized or enlarged, its rhythmic emphasis may be slightly modified, or it may be transferred to become a movement of only the arms or the head.
The approach to the depiction of the experience of creation may be analytic, as it is for Miss Litz, or spontaneous, as it is for Merle Marsicano.

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To a stranger their delight in these things may seem paradoxical, for Persians chase the golden calf as much as any people.
If a work is divided into several large segments, a last-minute drawing of random numbers may determine the order of the segments for any particular performance.
They may even enroll a colored student or two for show, though he usually turns out to be from Thailand, or any place other than the American South.
In any event, whether society may have cancer, or merely a virus infection, the `` disease '', we shall find, is political, economical, social, and even medical.
The best gifts of the novelist will be wasted on the reader who is insulated against any surprises the novelist may have in store for him.
The fact that he has cast over those materials the light of a skeptical mind does not make him any the less Southern, I rather think, for the South has been no more solid than other regions except in the political and related areas where patronage and force and intimidation and fear may produce a surface uniformity.
It may be that in this comment he has broken from the conventional pattern more violently than in any other regard, for the treatment in his books is far removed from even the genial irony of Ellen Glasgow, who was the only important novelist before him to challenge the conventional picture of planter society.
The United States is always ready to participate with the Soviet Union in serious discussion of these or any other subjects that may lead to peace with justice.
If `` Jack the Courtier '' is really to be taken as Swift, the following remark is obviously Steele's comment on Swift's change of parties and its effect on their friendship: `` I assure you, dear Jack, when I first found out such an Allay in you, as makes you of so malleable a Constitution, that you may be worked into any Form an Artificer pleases, I foresaw I should not enjoy your Favour much longer ''.
William Wimsatt and Cleanth Brooks, it seems to me, have a penetrating insight into the way in which this control is effected: `` For if we say poetry is to talk of beauty and love ( and yet not aim at exciting erotic emotion or even an emotion of Platonic esteem ) and if it is to talk of anger and murder ( and yet not aim at arousing anger and indignation ) -- then it may be that the poetic way of dealing with these emotions will not be any kind of intensification, compounding, or magnification, or any direct assault upon the affections at all.
In any inquiry into the way in which great literature affects the emotions, particularly with respect to the sense of harmony, or relief of tension, or sense of `` a transformed inner nature '' which may occur, a most careful exploration of the particular feature of the experience which produces the effect would be required.
Those who walk on it may encounter at any turn ministers of grace or damnation.
Since more is known about Quiney than about any other acquaintance of Shakespeare in Stratford, his career may be followed to its sudden end in 1602.
And his performances attracted much attention, as the frequency of his surviving pieces in any calendar that may be set up for his undergraduate activities testifies.
but anyone who would put much trust in any phase of Prolusion 6, except its illusive allusiveness deserves whatever fate may be meted out to him by virtue of the egregiously stilted banter.
that their remote past is as discontinuous with their present selves, as lacking in any conscious likeness to their mature personality, as the self of a butterfly may be imagined discontinuous with that of the caterpillar it once was.
But now he knows `` that an intellectual is not only a man to whom books are necessary, he is any man whose reasoning, however elementary it may be, affects and directs his life ''.
A slow and painful trend toward unification has taken hold, a trend which may at any time be arrested and reversed but which may also lead to a binding federation of Europe.
Rexroth may sometimes achieve an effective juxtaposition, but he rarely makes any effort to capture any jazz `` feeling '' in the text of his poems, relying on his very competent musicians to supply this feeling.
Though Walter Ulbricht, by grace of Soviet tanks, may be head man in East Germany, that does not give him any right to usurp the government of East Berlin or to absorb that semi-city into the Soviet zone.
If any are left, presently, we may expect to see signs specifically prohibiting the feeding of them too.
Without this power we lay open any American industry which the Europeans may find it economically profitable to destroy to the will of others.

may and others
To guard against the tyranny of a numerical majority, Calhoun developed his theory of `` concurrent majority '', which, he said, `` by giving to each portion of the community which may be unequally affected by the action of government, a negative on the others, prevents all partial or local legislation ''.
I assume that the number of readers of this anthology who regard themselves as morally perfect is small, and that most readers are willing to consider procedures by which they may gain more insight into themselves and better understanding of others.
what is new and compelling is that the West is now but one of several powerful civilizations, or `` systems '', and that one or more of the others may pose a mortal danger to the West.
the Army, Navy and Air Force, among others, may question Secretary Freeman's claim that the high estate of United States agriculture is the `` strongest deterrent '' to the spread of communism.
others may drag their feet.
Funds may be readily donated for some purposes but not others.
County judges, commissioners, engineers, assessors, and others who have lived in the area for a long time may have valuable knowledge regarding the site or opinions to offer from their varied professional experiences.
Even though the registers may have an incomplete record of persons present in a particular area or include persons no longer living there, they contain precise information on ages, by date of birth, for some of the persons present ( especially children in relatively stable communities ) and supplementary information ( such as records of marital status ) for many others.
Some of these speculations may have some merit, others are somewhat ambiguous.
or we may say that his attitude was commendable, showing his independence of mind, in his refusal to adjust to the opinions of others.
The curriculum may be too difficult for some and too easy for others.
Difficult as it may have been at times, Pozzatti and I saw enough, talked to enough artists, historians and others to realize that the issue is quite clear.
There may be others.
Some mediums speak in practical, down-to-earth terms, while others may stress the spiritual.
She may not have been exact on this number, but others here feel quite certain that the percentage would be less than ten.
We should not allow the image of an immanent end brought about indirectly by our own action in the continuing human struggle for a just endurable order of existence to blind us to the fact that in some measure accelerating the end of our lease may be one consequence among others of many other of mankind's thrusts toward we know not what future.
`` It only does harm to talk to troops about new and desirable equipment which others may have but which you cannot give them.
`` Roots Of The Blues '' may not be for gentle souls, but others should welcome its super-charged impact.
The term altruism may also refer to an ethical doctrine that claims that individuals are morally obliged to benefit others.
This may signal to others that the altruist is a valuable potential partner.
In others, pollination occurs underwater where pollen may form elongated strands, increasing chance of success.
Some flowers are functionally staminate ( where a pistil may be present but has no ovules capable of being fertilized ) while others are functionally pistillate ( where stamens are present but their anthers do not produce viable pollen ).
It is unlikely that Alexander wrote all of the Quaestiones, some may be Alexander's own explanations, while others may be exercises by his students.

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