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was and held
He was riding between two warriors, who held him erect when he started to slump.
He took the reins just below the bit and held them firmly, and it was his turn to smile now.
It was partially cemented by ages and pressure, yet it crumpled before the onslaught of the powerful streams, the force of a thousand fire hoses, and with the gold it held washed down through the long sluices.
An inquest was held, and after a good deal of testimony about the anonymous notes, the county coroner estimated that the shooting had been done from a distance of 300 yards.
There was something about the contour of her face, her smile that was like New Orleans sunshine, the way she held her head, the way she walked -- there was scarcely anything she did which did not fascinate me.
This is puzzling to an outsider conscious of the classic tradition of liberalism, because it is clear that these Democrats who are left-of-center are at opposite poles from the liberal Jefferson, who held that the best government was the least government.
'' The other important difference between the two Constitutions was that the President of the Confederacy held office for six ( instead of four ) years, and was limited to one term.
It is testimony to the deep respect in which Mr. Eisenhower was held by members of all parties that the moral considerations raised by his approach to the matter were not explicitly to be broached.
Ironically no president we have had would have regretted more than President Eisenhower the possibility to which his own words, in the press conference held at the beginning of August, testified: that unable as he was himself to say his running was best for the country, unconsciously he had placed his party before his nation.
This conference was held despite Stavropoulos' assurance to Adolf Berle, who was leaving the same day for Puerto Rico, that nothing would be done until his return on January 22, except that the Secretary General would probably order the list destroyed.
The eventual prize in this new battle was the public printing contract that Woodruff still held.
To Adams that age in which religion exercised power over the entire culture of the race was one of imagination, and it is largely the admiration he so obviously held for such eras that betrays a peculiar religiosity -- a sentiment he would have probably denied.
Then, since the auction was being held nearby, he had walked to it.
He thought he saw -- it awakened and, for a moment, interested him -- that Elizabeth held a leash in her hand and that a round fuzzy puppy was on the end of the leash.
The bank which held the mortgage on the old church declared that the interest was considerably in arrears, and the real estate people said flatly that the land across the river was being held for an eventual development for white working people who were coming in, and that none would be sold to colored folk.
and I know that I, myself, was nauseated with apprehension and fear and that my hands were soaking wet where they held my gun.
He then draped him over the rough stand, explained that he was supposed to be recently dead, and was being held on his mother's lap.

was and over
Gavin's stallion was in the barn and he tightened the cinches over the saddle blanket, working by touch in the darkness, comforting the animal with easy words.
The silence oppressed him, made him bend low over the horse's neck as if to hide from a wind that had begun to blow far away and was twisting slowly through the darkness in its slow search.
The land over which he sped was the land he had created and lived in: his valley.
She glanced around the clearing, taking in the wagon and the load of supplies and trappings scattered over the ground, the two kids, the whiteface bull that was chewing its cud just within the far reaches of the firelight.
He had looked over my forms and was impressed by what he had seen there ; ;
It was over an hour before their escape was discovered, but still the news that Barton was free flashed across the central portion of the state.
If, when this was all over, she found the words to tell him about it, she wondered if he would ever understand.
I found a trooper once the Apache had spread-eagled on an ant hill, and another time we ran across some teamsters they'd caught, tied upside down on their own wagon wheels over little fires until their brains was exploded right out o' their skulls.
Then, with a glory that almost wiped out the deep, downward sags in her careworn face, Matilda leaned over the wheel and shouted to Hez, who was stumbling along in the heat and the dust on the opposite side of the wagon `` Pa!!
Stevens was grunting over the last empty pocket when Russ abruptly rose and lunged toward Carmer's hat, which had tumbled half-a-dozen feet away when he first fell.
Greg's airspeed indicator was over 350 when he leveled off just above the trees.
Miraculously, the bottle was still in my hand, foam still geysering over my ( luckily ) waterproof watch.
They were married over the week-end, though he was easily sixty and she could not have been even thirty.
He let down the tailgate and was knocked over by the sluice of water.
He looked as if he was going to keel over.
Keith Sterling had looked down on the Brahmaputra more times than he could remember, during the war days when he flew over the Hump of the world, thinking it high adventure in those times before man was guiding himself through outer space.
The Nazis knew this, of course, and while their chief quarry was the industrial centers, they let a few drop every time they went over, hoping for a lucky hit.
Now, the next morning, they were anchored at The Elbow and the boat was riding directly over the underwater ledge where the green water turned to deepest blue and the cliff dropped straight down 600 fathoms, with the weighted line beside it ; ;
Matsuo puzzled and grew anxious over the complete passiveness, concluding that he was the butt of a devilish joke.
Citizens took the view that a lawman was expected to risk his life on the odd occasion anyway, but this fighting fury of a man risked it regularly over a period of half a century.
Then when Miss Langford was on the end of the line of girls, Jack, in the middle of the line, gave an extra hard pull and the young teacher sprawled backwards, sitting down hard, her dress flying over her head.
While she was struggling to get her skirt down and get on her feet again, Jack ran over, offered her his hand and said, `` Gosh, I'm sorry, Miss Langford.
Madame Lalaurie gestured with her riding crop toward the 20-year-old youth who was stomping and writhing with the king snake still draped over his bare shoulders.

was and for
The best antidote for the bitterness and disappointment that poisoned him was hard work.
He didn't think it was possible for this couple to be pretending.
It must have hurt her even to walk, for the sole was completely off her left foot and Morgan saw that it was bruised and bleeding.
It was the only thing in his life for which he felt guilt.
He knew who was riding after him -- the men he had known all his life, the men who had worked for him, sworn their loyalty to him.
Still, I was disgusted with myself for agreeing with Montero's methods.
He was naked except for a clout.
Now under me I could see him for what he really was, a boy dressed up in streaks of paint.
Well, the grass was there, though in some places the ground was too steep for a cow to get to it.
But it was not easy for him and he often slipped.
Now, here was something of obvious importance to me, yet when I reached for the tickets he snatched them away from my hand.
It was, I felt, possible that they were men who, having received no tickets for that day, had remained in the hall, to sleep perhaps, in the corners farthest removed from the counter with its overhead light.
I was constantly searching for clues around the neighborhood of the hall.
No one was behind it, but in the rear wall of the office I noticed, for the first time, a door which had been left partially open.
Was I sure, he asked, that I knew what I was applying for??
At one and the same time, she was within it but still searching for the drawbridge that would give her entry.
That was the day that he had practically mopped up the main street of Big Sands with Aaron McBride, field boss for the Highlands Oil & Gas Company.
It was payday for Highlands, and he was packing a lot of money back into the oil fields.
I was just doing my job, just following orders, and for that he's going to kill me.
Somehow more terrible than the certainty that he was about to die was the knowledge that Lord would probably not suffer for it: the murder would go unpunished.
He was readying a batch of sourdough biscuits for the Dutch oven.

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