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Page "Queenstown, Tasmania" ¶ 2
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was and long
He was shaking with anger, his breath coming in long, painful gasps.
And he was handsome, despite the long thin scar that slanted across his cheek.
only the counter at one end was lighted by a long fluorescent tube suspended directly above it.
It was partially cemented by ages and pressure, yet it crumpled before the onslaught of the powerful streams, the force of a thousand fire hoses, and with the gold it held washed down through the long sluices.
Having persisted too long in deliberate ignorance and denial of the forces that threatened her, Pamela was relieved now to admit their potency and to be taking definite steps toward grappling with them.
Moreover, as long as the weapon was carried openly, the sheriff's office had made no previous issue of it.
he was long past the point of coherent thinking.
`` Well '', he explained, `` s'posin' you was a nester swingin' the long rope??
He paused only long enough to ascertain that Jess's buckskin was still missing and that his own gray was all right, then climbed through a back window and dropped to the ground outside.
So long as Sally's pa was coming out best on the haggle, Dan didn't feel the need of putting in his two-bits' worth.
The Palace was an elaborate establishment, built practically on stilts in front, with long flights of wooden steps running up to the porch.
It was a rough long ride through the mud and pot holes.
My new Aunt was perhaps three or four years older than I and it had been a long time since I had seen as gorgeous a woman who oozed sex.
She was telling herself that this might just be her reward at the end of a long meaningful search for truth.
Her white blond hair was clean and brushed long straight down to her shoulders.
His long nose wiggled at the smells of frizzling bacon and heating java, but the fire was low, and he wanted to waste no time.
Our lifeboat was filling rapidly and despite what I had heard of the inhabitants of Eromonga, I was glad to see a long and graceful outrigger manned by three bronzed girls glide out of a lagoon into the open sea and toward our craft.
To Tilghman the incident was just one of a long list of hair-raising, smash-'em-down adventures on the side of the law which started in 1872 when he was only eighteen years old, and did not end till fifty years later when he was shot dead after warning a drunk to be quiet.
They went down in a heap and for a long minute there was nothing to see but flailing arms and legs.
There was also a long wooden spear and a woomera, a spear-throwing device which gives the spear an enormous velocity and high accuracy.
Commanding the Continental Army for six long years of the Revolution, he was the indispensable factor in the ultimate victory.

was and after
He knew who was riding after him -- the men he had known all his life, the men who had worked for him, sworn their loyalty to him.
The first part of the road was steep, but it leveled off after the second bend and curled gradually into the valley.
My wife died in childbirth after I was sent away.
It was not, thought Pamela, such an evil place after all.
Was it not possible, after all, that the forest was in league with her and her child that its sympathy lay with the Culvers that she had erred in failing to understand this??
An inquest was held, and after a good deal of testimony about the anonymous notes, the county coroner estimated that the shooting had been done from a distance of 300 yards.
Prosecutor Baird immediately assumed he was hiding out there after the shooting and began preparing an indictment.
One thing was certain -- his method was effective, so effective that after a time even the warning notices were often unnecessary.
Seeing them waiting there at the foot of Emigrant Rock was so overwhelming that, for a good minute after they rounded the bend and started down the grade leading toward them, Matilda could not speak at all.
I had come to New Orleans two years earlier after graduating college, partly because I loved the city and partly because there was quite a noted art colony there.
But `` after the war '' was a luxury of a phrase he did not permit himself.
Back in the house a hoodlum named Red Buck, sore because Billy had been allowed to leave unscathed, jumped from a bunk and swore he was going after him to kill him right then.
Jack walked off alone out the road in the searing midday sun, past Robert Allen's three-room, tarpapered house, toward the field where the other boys were playing ball, thinking of what he would do in order to make Miss Langford have him stay in after school -- because this was the day he had decided when he thought he saw the look in her eyes.
He was possessive in his manner and, though a slave, obviously was educated after a fashion and imitated the manners of his owners.
Satisfied at last, and after a few amorous gambits on her part which convinced Delphine that Dandy was capable of learning new arts, she opened the window and called to her liveried driver.
He bounced exuberantly on the sagging bed and was even more delighted when Madame Lalaurie -- after closing the door -- showed the slave that the bed was designed for something other than slumber.
Five years were spent with the Cologne Opera, after which he was called to Prague by Alexander von Zemlinsky, teacher of Arnold Schonberg and Erich Korngold.
He recalled that in California after a critic had attacked him for `` still trying to sell Bruckner to the Americans '', the public's response at the next concert was a standing ovation.
In town after town my companion pointed out the Negro school and the White school, and in every instance the former made a better appearance ( it was newer, for one thing ).

was and when
They were dirty, their clothes were torn, and the girl was so exhausted that she fell when she was still twenty feet from the front door.
You see, he lied to us when he said he was leavin alone ''.
He was too old -- when he passed up and through the corridor of pines that lined the trail he could see ahead, he was passing from life.
A bullet tore the earth from beneath his foot when he was a stride or two from safety.
It was a relief when they finally came.
He was riding between two warriors, who held him erect when he started to slump.
Once, pressing him, I learned that his job was only part-time, in the afternoons when nothing went on in the hall.
Now, here was something of obvious importance to me, yet when I reached for the tickets he snatched them away from my hand.
At last, when I put it to him directly, the clerk was forced to admit that the delay in my case was unusual.
The slight flutter that had disturbed the motion of her heart when she entered the forest was gone now, and even the dim groves of trees through which she occasionally passed did not reawaken her fear.
If, when this was all over, she found the words to tell him about it, she wondered if he would ever understand.
How could he comprehend her need when he himself was innocent??
His face was stiff with anger when they let go of his arms.
He was uttering threats in a low but savage voice when they closed and padlocked the door.
No man's name brought more cheers when it was announced in a rodeo.
In the cow camps, Tom Horn was regarded as a hero, as the same kind of champion he was when he entered and invariably won the local rodeos.
Out in the center of the circle the farmer, who was Dan, wasted no time when they came to the line, `` The farmer choose his wife ''.
Even the knowledge that she was losing another boy, as a mother always does when a marriage is made, did not prevent her from having the first carefree, dreamless sleep that she had known since they dropped down the canyon and into Bear Valley, way, way back there when they were crossing those other mountains.
Stevens was grunting over the last empty pocket when Russ abruptly rose and lunged toward Carmer's hat, which had tumbled half-a-dozen feet away when he first fell.

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