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was and rejected
Accordingly the request was granted, but the Elector himself, who had not been consulted by his mother, rejected the proposal and recalled his agent Schutz, whose impolitic handling of the affair had caused the Hanoverian interest to suffer and had made Oxford's dismissal more likely than ever.
For a time it appeared that a common European army might be created, but the project for a European Defense Community was rejected by the French National Assembly in 1954.
In 1803 Oersted returned to Copenhagen and applied for the university's chair in physics but was rejected because he was probably considered more a philosopher than a physicist.
The university rejected them on a variety of pretexts, but was careful never to mention the color of their skins.
But Holmes was rejected again `` on the basis of his record and interview ''.
Before appealing to the U.N. or to Russia, he first appealed to the U.S. for military help, and was rejected.
Pete's son was rejected.
there was no Martian concept to match it -- unless one took `` church '' and `` worship '' and `` God '' and `` congregation '' and many other words and equated them to the totality of the only world he had known during growing-waiting then forced the concept back into English in that phrase which had been rejected ( by each differently ) by Jubal, by Mahmoud, by Digby.
As with most mythology, there is a tale which offers an alternative version of these events: in Argonautica ( iv. 760 ) Zeus ' sister and wife Hera alludes to Thetis ' chaste resistance to the advances of Zeus, that Thetis was so loyal to Hera's marriage bond that she coolly rejected him.
President Lincoln rejected two geographically limited emancipation attempts by Major General John C. Frémont in August 1861 and by Major General David Hunter in May 1862, on the grounds that it was not within their power, and it would upset the border states loyal to the Union.
Nobel's first love was in Russia with a girl named Alexandra, who rejected his proposal.
Although often cited as a proponent of existentialism, the philosophy with which Camus was associated during his own lifetime, he rejected this particular label.
In the panentheistic model of process philosophy and theology the writers Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne rejected that the universe was made of substance, instead reality is composed of living experiences ( occasions of experience ).
He was taught by Theodore Beza, Calvin's hand-picked successor, but after examination of the Scriptures, he rejected his teacher's theology that it is God who unconditionally elects some for salvation.
An attempt to require an Annales-written textbook for French schools was rejected by the government.
Alcott was rejected by most public opinion and, by the summer of 1837, he had only 11 students left and no assistant after Margaret Fuller moved to Providence, Rhode Island.
After his marriage proposal to her was rejected, he returned to Raleigh.
However, virtually all major works of Greek and Latin prose possessed such clausulae ; and some scholars have rejected the identification of Libanius ' Marcellinus with Ammianus, since Marcellinus was a very common name and the tone suggests Libanius was addressing a man much younger than himself ( Ammianus was his contemporary ).
It is unlikely that the term " democracy " was coined by its detractors who rejected the possibility of a valid " demarchy ", as the word " demarchy " already existed and had the meaning of mayor or municipal.
He had wanted to be a commercial pilot for the Saudi national airline but was rejected when he applied to the civil aviation school in Jeddah in 1999.
Following the decision, the Alphonsus site was considered the most likely candidate for Apollo 17, but was eventually rejected.

was and because
He found that if he was tired enough at night, he went to sleep simply because he was too exhausted to stay awake.
It was dark early, because of the storm.
I had come to New Orleans two years earlier after graduating college, partly because I loved the city and partly because there was quite a noted art colony there.
She softly let herself into the bed, and took her regular side, away from the door, where she slept better because Keith was between her and the invader.
And he knew that the men talked about him behind his back, saying that he was one up on everybody else -- including the pilot of the plane with the swastika on it -- because he was chemically incapable of fear.
Keith was on his feet because he didn't care at all about life any more: Penny on her feet, proudly, because she cared too much.
Back in the house a hoodlum named Red Buck, sore because Billy had been allowed to leave unscathed, jumped from a bunk and swore he was going after him to kill him right then.
That night he dreamed a dream violent with passion, in which he and the Woman, now the teacher, did everything except engage in the act ( and this probably only because he had never engaged in the act in reality ), and when he awoke the next morning his heart was afire.
Jack walked off alone out the road in the searing midday sun, past Robert Allen's three-room, tarpapered house, toward the field where the other boys were playing ball, thinking of what he would do in order to make Miss Langford have him stay in after school -- because this was the day he had decided when he thought he saw the look in her eyes.
That should do it, he thought, because Miss Langford had said she was going to be strict about school work.
This is puzzling to an outsider conscious of the classic tradition of liberalism, because it is clear that these Democrats who are left-of-center are at opposite poles from the liberal Jefferson, who held that the best government was the least government.
Sometimes I guessed it was because the rain squall had changed direction.
It was also subtly familiar, for it was the odor of the human body, but multiplied innumerable times because of the fact that the aborigines never bathed.
Their writings assume more than dramatic or patriotic interest because of their conviction that the struggle in which they were involved was neither selfish nor parochial but, rather, as Washington in his last wartime circular reminded his fellow countrymen, that `` with our fate will the destiny of unborn millions be involved ''.
Often it is recognized that all the details of the pattern may not be essential to the outcome but, because the pattern was empirically determined and not developed through theoretical understanding, one is never quite certain which behavior elements are effective, and the whole pattern becomes ritualized.
They never troubled themselves about us while we were playing, because the fence formed such a definite boundary and `` Don't go outside the gate '' was a command so impossible of misinterpretation.
They, perhaps, gave the pitch of their position in the preface where it was said that Eisenhower requested that the Commission be administered by the American Assembly of Columbia University, because it was non-partisan.
`` I hated the war '', he said, `` but thought I ought to go because I was, perhaps, one of those who hadn't done enough to prevent it ''.
I fled, however, not from what might have been the natural fear of being unable to disguise from you that the things about my bridegroom -- in the sense you meant the word `` things '' -- which you had been galvanizing yourself to tell me as a painful part of your maternal duty were things which I had already insisted upon finding out for myself ( despite, I may now say, the unspeakable awkwardness of making the discovery on principle, yes, on principle, and in cold blood ) because I was resolved, as a modern woman, not to be a mollycoddle waiting for Life but to seize Life by the throat.

was and story
There was the end of his front-page feature story, with byline.
The story was shaping up nicely in his mind: the young pioneer, as of old, altruistically braving the unknown ; ;
Now, although the roots of the mystery story in serious literature go back as far as Balzac, Dickens, and Poe, it was not until the closing decades of the 19th century that the private detective became an established figure in popular fiction.
Now we can argue that the irresistible fate of Oedipus Rex was nothing more than the irresistible unconscious longings of Oedipus projected outward, but this externalization of unconscious conflict makes all the difference between a story and a clinical case history.
But on one occasion when I encountered a similar fantasy in a little boy who was my patient I began to understand the uncanny effects of this story.
It was, of course, a little boy's fantasy of winning his mother to himself, and replacing the father who could not give her the things she wanted -- a classical oedipal fantasy if you like -- but if it were only this the story would be banal.
He was simply writing a story that wanted to be told, and in the writing a childhood fantasy of his own emerged.
Into the texture of this tapestry of history and human drama Henrietta, as every artist delights to do, wove strands of her own intuitive insights into human nature and -- especially in the remarkable story of the attraction and conflict between two so disparate and fervent characters as this pair -- into the relations of men and women: `` In their relations, she was the giver and he the receiver, nay the demander.
and, `` I do think that families are the most beautiful things in all the world '', burst out Jo some five hundred pages later in that popular story of the March family, which had first appeared when Henrietta was eight ; ;
`` Mr. Miller was in the shop '', the Herald Tribune story related, `` but was reluctant to have anybody's picture taken inside, because his business was too ' confidential ' for pictures.
The Hetman had a strong liking for a story, any story which was to be had by means of much sleuthing or by roundabout methods.
He laughed at a story that he planned to bolt the party if he was not nominated.
Trevelyan was at least in part attracted to the period by an almost unconscious desire to take up the story where Macaulay's History Of England had broken off.
Sherman was responsible for the story when he said in his memoirs that this was the only time he could recall seeing Thomas ride so fast.
Later, rising ninety, he was beset by publishers for the story of his life and miracles, as he put it, but, calling himself the Needy Knife-grinder, he had spent his time writing short articles and long letters and could not get even a small popular book done.
Local industry's investment in Rhode Island was the big story in 1960's industrial development effort.
Usually, this was done when attention was diverted by someone else's long, boring story.
But what was the story??
The woman in the house where the niece was staying backed up his story and said she left when he did to shop for her dinner.
It was the story of the rhinoceros fight all over again.

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