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Mimivirus and has
Mimivirus has a large and complex genome compared with most other viruses.
Because its lineage is very old and could have emerged prior to cellular organisms, Mimivirus has added to the debate over the origins of life.
This has been used to suggest that Mimivirus is related to a type of DNA virus that emerged before cellular organisms and played a key role in the development of all life on Earth.

Mimivirus and been
Some genes unique to Mimivirus, including those coding for the capsid, have been conserved in a variety of viruses which infect organisms from all domains.

Mimivirus and viral
Mimivirus is a viral genus containing a single identified species named Acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus ( APMV ), or is a group of phylogenetically related large viruses ( designated usually MimiN ).
These pre-packaged transcripts can be translated without viral gene expression and are likely to be necessary to Mimivirus for replication.

Mimivirus and on
Mimivirus may be a causative agent of some forms of pneumonia ; this is based mainly on indirect evidence in the form of antibodies to the virus discovered in pneumonia patients.

Mimivirus and classification
Although not strictly a method of classification, Mimivirus joins a group of large viruses known as nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses ( NCLDV ).

Mimivirus and .
The virus called Mimivirus infects amoebae.
Mimivirus, short for " mimicking microbe ", is so called to reflect its large size and apparent Gram-staining properties.
Mimivirus shares several morphological characteristics with all members of the NCLDV group of viruses.
Mimivirus possesses many characteristics which place it at the boundary of living and non-living.

has and been
Besides I heard her old uncle that stays there has been doin' it ''.
Southern resentment has been over the method of its ending, the invasion, and Reconstruction ; ;
The situation of the South since 1865 has been unique in the western world.
The North should thank its stars that such has been the case ; ;
As it is, they consider that the North is now reaping the fruits of excess egalitarianism, that in spite of its high standard of living the `` American way '' has been proved inferior to the English and Scandinavian ways, although they disapprove of the socialistic features of the latter.
In what has aptly been called a `` constitutional revolution '', the basic nature of government was transformed from one essentially negative in nature ( the `` night-watchman state '' ) to one with affirmative duties to perform.
For lawyers, reflecting perhaps their parochial preferences, there has been a special fascination since then in the role played by the Supreme Court in that transformation -- the manner in which its decisions altered in `` the switch in time that saved nine '', President Roosevelt's ill-starred but in effect victorious `` Court-packing plan '', the imprimatur of judicial approval that was finally placed upon social legislation.
Labor relations have been transformed, income security has become a standardized feature of political platforms, and all the many facets of the American version of the welfare state have become part of the conventional wisdom.
Historically, however, the concept is one that has been of marked benefit to the people of the Western civilizational group.
In recent weeks, as a result of a sweeping defense policy reappraisal by the Kennedy Administration, basic United States strategy has been modified -- and large new sums allocated -- to meet the accidental-war danger and to reduce it as quickly as possible.
The malignancy of such a landscape has been beautifully described by the Australian Charles Bean.
There has probably always been a bridge of some sort at the southeastern corner of the city.
Even though in most cases the completion of the definitive editions of their writings is still years off, enough documentation has already been assembled to warrant drawing a new composite profile of the leadership which performed the heroic dual feats of winning American independence and founding a new nation.
Madison once remarked: `` My life has been so much a public one '', a comment which fits the careers of the other six.
Thus we are compelled to face the urbanization of the South -- an urbanization which, despite its dramatic and overwhelming effects upon the Southern culture, has been utterly ignored by the bulk of Southern writers.
But the South is, and has been for the past century, engaged in a wide-sweeping urbanization which, oddly enough, is not reflected in its literature.
An example of the changes which have crept over the Southern region may be seen in the Southern Negro's quest for a position in the white-dominated society, a problem that has been reflected in regional fiction especially since 1865.
In the meantime, while the South has been undergoing this phenomenal modernization that is so disappointing to the curious Yankee, Southern writers have certainly done little to reflect and promote their region's progress.
Faulkner culminates the Southern legend perhaps more masterfully than it has ever been, or could ever be, done.
The `` approximate '' is important, because even after the order of the work has been established by the chance method, the result is not inviolable.
But it has been during the last two centuries, during the scientific revolution, that our independence from the physical environment has made the most rapid strides.
In the life sciences, there has been an enormous increase in our understanding of disease, in the mechanisms of heredity, and in bio- and physiological chemistry.
Even in domains where detailed and predictive understanding is still lacking, but where some explanations are possible, as with lightning and weather and earthquakes, the appropriate kind of human action has been more adequately indicated.
The persistent horror of having a malformed child has, I believe, been reduced, not because we have gained any control over this misfortune, but precisely because we have learned that we have so little control over it.

has and placed
As capitalism in the 20th century has become increasingly dependent upon force and violence for its survival, the private detective is placed in a serious dilemma.
By upholding his own personal code of behavior, the private detective has placed himself in opposition to a society whose fabric is permeated with crime and corruption.
The Transit Authority has recently placed in operation `` hold '' lights at BMT Thirty-ninth and Fifty-ninth Street stations in Brooklyn.
Like the recent Scheherazade from London ( High Fidelity, Sept. 1961 ), it is successful because emphasis has been placed on good musical and engineering practices rather than on creating sensational effects.
From the records we keep -- Susan is the only Junior who has placed in the Junior Classes in both United States and Canada.
Up to this point stress has been placed on roleplaying in terms of individuals.
The threadbare notion that belief, unlike behaviour, is not subject to objective analysis, has placed intuitive metaphysics squarely against the sociology of knowledge, since it is precisely the job of the sociology of knowledge to treat beliefs as social facts no less viable than social behaviour.
Most of the emphasis has been placed on a `` wild party '' at a seaside villa.
The American Institute of Decorators has acquired a rare complete set of sofas and chairs which are to be placed in the Executive Mansion's library.
Rouben Ter-Arutunian, in his stage settings, often uses the scrim curtain behind which Mr. Cole has placed couples or groups who sing and set the mood for the scenes which are to follow.
As per the American Dental Association, regular brushing and proper flossing are enough in most cases although the ADA has placed its Seal of Approval on many mouthwashes containing alcohol ( in addition to regular dental check-ups ).
He thinks only of his own personal happiness and the unfairness of the situation in which he has been placed but gradually comes to recognize his membership in a larger human community, which makes demands on him that he cannot ignore.
Into the wheat has been placed an empty shrine-lamp, seven candles, and seven anointing brushes.
A memorial plaque for the deceased has now been placed at the site.
It might appear at first sight as though one connection would serve, but the differences in pressure on which these instruments depend are so minute, that the pressure of the air in the room where the recording part is placed has to be considered.
It has a radius of approximately 883 times that of the Sun ; if it were placed in the center of our solar system, its outer surface would lie between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Sometimes a misdealt card ( such as one of the down cards in poker that has flashed during the deal ) will be used as the burn card — in those cases, the card should be immediately placed face up on the deck after the deal is complete.
However, since 2001, more emphasis has been placed on Defense-Independent Pitching Statistics, including Defense-Independent ERA ( dERA ), in an attempt to evaluate a pitcher's performance regardless of the strength of the defensive players behind him.
Smashing tends to be less prominent in singles than in doubles because the smasher has no partner to follow up his effort and is thus vulnerable to a skillfully placed return.
In this case, the blot has been hit, and is placed in the middle of the board on the bar that divides the two sides of the playing surface.
" In the face of a rocky hill, on the western side of the city, the local belief has placed ' the grotto of Jeremiah.
Anheuser-Busch has placed Budweiser as an official partner and sponsor of Major League Soccer and Los Angeles Galaxy and was the headline sponsor of the British Basketball League in the 1990s, taking over from rival company Carlsberg.
Anheuser-Busch has also placed Budweiser as an official sponsor of the Premier League.
Extraordinary population growth in the 20th century has placed stress on the planet's ecosystems.

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