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Page "Lullingstone Roman Villa" ¶ 21
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only and do
-- Old Knife's not the only chief he'll get to do his dirty work!!
The only drawback now to the plan he'd decided on was that someone else might fail to do his work, too, and the teacher would have that person stay late along with Jack.
Occupational choices are also useful -- and interesting -- in bringing out clearly that values do not constitute the only component in goals and aspirations.
The novels and stories like Pohl's Drunkard's Walk ( 1960 ), with the focus on adventure and with the dystopian elements only a dim background -- in this case an uneasy, overpopulated world in which the mass of people do uninteresting routine jobs while a carefully selected, university-trained elite runs everything -- are in all likelihood as numerous as dystopias.
When we become firm enough to stand for those ideals which we know to be right, when we become hard enough to refuse to aid nations which do not permit self-determination, when we become strong enough to resist any more drifts towards socialism in our own Nation, when we recognize that our enemy is Communism not war, and when we realize that concessions to Communists do not insure peace or freedom, then, and only then will we no longer be `` soft ''.
I was drunk with excitement and the smell of gunpowder that came floating down from the road, and the fact that I was not afraid now, but only waiting to know what to do next.
Furthermore, Bern decrees that we must do as we are ordered by the Council, preach only the word of God and stop meddling in politics ''!!
If only Simms Purdew could do that, whatever the thing he remembered and told.
Amy had to be safe, had to come back to them -- if only to reap that share of life's experiences that were her due, if only to give her parents another chance to do better by her.
It is difficult to tabulate exactly what was meant in each individual situation, but the conclusion may be drawn that 21 towns do not assess movable personal property, and of the remainder only certain types are valued for tax purposes.
and quality of advice, added to devotion to the Foundation's purposes and ideals, we do get from our Advisory Board in measures so full that they can be appreciated only by those of us who work here every day.
We do not favor one field over another: we think that all inquiry, all scholarly and artistic creation, is good -- provided only that it contributes to a sense and understanding of the true ends of life, as all first-rate scholarship and artistic creation does.
`` Speed in painting a picture is valid only when it imparts spontaneity and crispness, but unless the artist has lots of experience so that he can control rapid execution, he would do well to take these first sketches and soberly reorder their design to achieve a unified composition.
Working in a vacuum of minimal information can result only in show pieces that look good in exhibitions and catalogs and may please the public relations department but have little to do with the essence of interior design.
in working with these patients the therapist eventually gets to do some at least private mulling over of the possible meaning of a belch, or the passage of flatus, not only because he is reduced to this for lack of anything else to analyze, but also because he learns that even these animal-like sounds constitute forms of communication in which, from time to time, quite different things are being said, long before the patient can become sufficiently aware of these, as distinct feelings and concepts, to say them in words.
Similarly, if the equivalents for the forms of a word do not vary, the equivalents need be entered only once with an indication that they apply to each form.
On the one hand do we argue the Supreme Court decision required only that a child not be denied admission to a school on account of his race??
and this he could do only by going over its mass with the tracing procedure.
If the distant patron of the suburban branch has been frightened away from downtown by traffic problems, however, the city store can only pressure the politicians to do something about the highways or await the completion of the federal highway program.
Fromm also cites a poll on attitudes toward work restriction conducted by the Opinion Research Corporation in 1945, in which 49 per cent of manual workers said a man ought to turn out as much as he could in a day's work, while 41 per cent said he should not do his best but should turn out only the average amount.
Not only do these quacks assume impressive titles, but represent themselves as being associated with various scientific or impressive foundations -- foundations which often have little more than a letterhead existence.
You may have misgivings about certain aspects of our military establishment -- I certainly do -- but you know any comparison of over-all American strength with over-all Soviet strength finds the United States not only superior, but so superior both in present weapons and in the development of new ones that our advantage promises to be a permanent feature of U.S.-Soviet relations for the foreseeable future.
They may even dismiss it from their minds as something that concerns only the `` ecclesiastical Rover Boys '', as someone has dubbed them, who like to go to national and international assemblies, and have expense accounts that permit them to do so.

only and they
There's only one way they can get out now and that's through the Gap -- if we ride hard we can take them ''.
More of an agricultural nation, they have relied on their warriors only for defense and for survival in the endless wars of the plains.
At first they were only feathers and dark indistinguishable faces and bodies, hunched over their horses' heads.
Then he would realize they were really things that only he himself could think.
As for states' rights, they have never counted in the thinking of my liberal friends except as irritations of a minor and immoral nature which exist now only as anachronisms.
This is the only case in modern history of a people of Britannic origin submitting without continued struggle to what they view as foreign domination.
Others are confined to vast reservations, and not only does the Australian government justifiably not wish them to be viewed as exhibits in a zoo, but on their reservations they are extremely fugitive, shunning camps, coming together only for corroborees at which their strange culture comes to its highest pitch -- which is very low indeed.
The Constitution of the Southern `` Confederation '' differed from that of the Federal Union only in two important respects: It openly, defiantly, recognized slavery -- an institution which the Southerners of 1787, even though they continued it, found so impossible to reconcile with freedom that they carefully avoided mentioning the word in the Federal Constitution.
Apart from the categorical imperative they derive from the metaphysics of the orgasm, the only affirmation they are capable of making is that art is their only refuge.
they will trust only their physical sensations, the wisdom of the body, the holy promptings of the unconscious.
Three of these only were protected from us by stern commandment: the roses, whose petals might not be collected until they had fallen, to be made into perfume or rose-tea to drink ; ;
So we are faced with a vast network of amorphous entities perpetuating themselves in whatever manner they can, without regard to the needs of society, controlling society and forcing upon it a regime representing only the corporation's needs for survival.
We are tempted to blame others for our problems rather than look them straight in the face and realize they are of our own making and possible of solution only by ourselves with the help of desperately needed, enlightened, competent leaders.
New Nations, and others struggling with the problems of development, will progress only -- regardless of any outside help -- if they demonstrate faith in their own destiny and use their own resources to fulfill it.
They explained that they desired only to stop in India until a ship traveling on to Burma could be found.
Defoe then commented, `` If they Could Draw that young Gentleman into Their Measures They would show themselves quickly, for they are not asham'd to Say They want only a head to Make a beginning ''.
Arlen is one of the few ( possibly the only ) composer Mercer has been able to work with so closely, for they held their meetings in Arlen's study.
But all the reports of this first embassy show that the two Savoyards were the heads of it, for they were the only ones who were empowered to swear for the king that he would abide by the pope's decision and who were allowed to appoint deputies in the event that one was unavoidably absent.
There is no explanation of terms nor a qualification that most such revolts have been dealt with by force -- only a bald dogmatism that they must, because of some undefined compulsion, be so repelled.

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