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Pope and also
The same word in adjectival form ( purgatorius-a-um, cleansing ), which appears also in non-religious writing, was already used by Christians such as Augustine of Hippo and Pope Gregory I to refer to an after-death cleansing.
" On his arrival in Rome, however, charges of simony, or the buying of ecclesiastical office, and lack of learning were brought against him, and his elevation to York was refused by Pope Nicholas II, who also deposed him from Worcester.
Before his death, he was absolved from the excommunication ; moreover, the Pope also promised that the King of Hungary and his relatives would not be excommunicated without the special permission of the Pope.
They also point to the fact that the monarch must swear to defend the faith and be a member of the Anglican Communion, but that a Roman Catholic monarch would, like all Roman Catholics, owe allegiance to the Pope.
It is also usual for there to be a caesura between the sixth and seventh syllables ( as the examples from Pope below illustrate ).
The same Pope also granted many privileges to the College of Abbreviators, but especially to the members of the greater presidency.
Alexander of Hales ( c. 1185 — 1245 ) ( also Halensis, Alensis, Halesius, Alesius ) also called Doctor Irrefragibilis ( by Pope Alexander IV in the Bull De Fontibus Paradisi ) and Theologorum Monarcha was a theologian and philosopher important in the development of Scholasticism and of the Franciscan School.
Pope John XXIII also revised the Breviary in 1960, introducing changes drawn up by his predecessor Pope Pius XII.
Pope Paul VI also increased the number of cardinal bishops by giving that rank to patriarchs of the Eastern Catholic Churches who are made cardinals.
In 1965 Pope Paul VI decreed in his motu proprio Ad Purpuratorum Patrum that patriarchs of the Eastern Catholic Churches who were named cardinals would also be part of the episcopal order, ranked after the six cardinal bishops of the suburbicarian sees ( who had been relieved of direct responsibilities for those sees by Pope John XXIII three years earlier ).
This proposal met the opposition of the Pope for it gave recognition to Protestants and also elevated the secular Princes of Europe above the clergy on church matters.
The Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Church celebrate his feast day on 9 June and also, together with Pope Athanasius I of Alexandria, on 18 January.
She carried on a long correspondence with Pope Gregory XI, also asking him to reform the clergy and the administration of the Papal States.
She also tried to convince Pope Gregory XI to return to Rome.
The Ecumenical Council of Nicea AD 325 was convened by Constantine under the presidency of Saint Hosius of Cordova and Pope Saint Alexander I of Alexandria to resolve the dispute and eventually led to the formulation of the Symbol of Faith, also known as the Nicene Creed.
It is also to be noted that by anathemizing Pope Leo because of the tone and content of his tome, as per Alexandrine Theology perception, Pope Dioscorus was found guilty of doing so without due process ; in other words, the Tome of Leo was not a subject of heresy in the first place, but it was a question of questioning the reasons behind not having it either acknowledged or read at the Second Council of Ephesus in AD 449.
Copts also believe that the Pope of Alexandria was forcibly prevented from attending the third congregation of the council from which he was ousted, apparently the result of a conspiracy tailored by the Roman delegates.
They had to contend not only with the Cathars, the nobles who protected them, and the people who respected them, but also with many of the bishops of the region, who resented the considerable authority the Pope had conferred upon his legates.
Distributism ( also known as distributionism or distributivism ) is an economic philosophy that developed in England in the early 20th century based upon the principles of Catholic social teaching, especially the teachings of Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical Rerum Novarum and Pope Pius XI in Quadragesimo Anno.

Pope and says
The medieval chronicler Bede says that Augustine sent Laurence back to Pope Gregory I to report on the success of converting King Æthelberht of Kent and to carry a letter with questions for the pope.
Pope John VIII: John, of English extraction, was born at Mentz ( Mainz ) and is said to have arrived at Popedom by evil art ; for disguising herself like a man, whereas she was a woman, she went when young with her paramour, a learned man, to Athens, and made such progress in learning under the professors there that, coming to Rome, she met with few that could equal, much less go beyond her, even in the knowledge of the scriptures ; and by her learned and ingenious readings and disputations, she acquired so great respect and authority that upon the death of Pope Leo IV ( as Martin says ) by common consent she was chosen Pope in his room.
Although the website Religion Facts, without citing any source, says that Pope Siricius was the first Bishop of Rome to style himself Pope, weightier authorities say the title " Pope " was from the early 3rd century an honorific designation used for any bishop in the West.
The latter detail is evidently an error, for the fourth century Roman calendar of feasts says that Pope Felix was interred in the Catacomb of Callixtus on the Via Appia.
* Pope John Paul II says that sex education is " a basic right and duty of parents.
Pope presents an idea on his view on the Universe ; he says that no matter how imperfect, complex, inscrutable and disturbing the Universe appears to be, it functions in a rational fashion according to the natural laws.
Pope Eleutherius, says this writer, received from Lucius, a British king, a letter in which the latter declared that by his behest he wishes to become a Christian ( Hic accepit epistula a Lucio Brittanio rege, ut Christianus efficerentur per ejus mandatum ) or literally, " This accepted the letter from Lucius Brittanius, king, that he might become a Christian by his own will ".
Negotiations for the settlement of the Roman Question began in 1926 between the government of Italy and the Holy See, and culminated in the agreements of the Lateran Pacts, signed — the Treaty says — for King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy by Benito Mussolini, Prime Minister and Head of Government, and for Pope Pius XI by Pietro Gasparri, Cardinal Secretary of State, on February 11, 1929.
The Encyclopædia Britannica says that Pope Leo I ( 440 461 ) assumed the title Pontifex Maximus, while other sources say Gregory I ( 590 604 ) was the first pope to employ the title in a formal sense.
In his book It Is Time to Meet St Philomena, Mark Miravalle says that Pope Gregory XVI " liturgically canonized Philomena, in an act of the ordinary Papal Magisterium ".
Pope left him the copyright and the editorship of his works, and contributed even more to his advancement by introducing him to Murray, afterwards Lord Mansfield, who obtained for him in 1746 the preachership of Lincoln's Inn, and to Ralph Allen, who, says Johnson, " gave him his niece and his estate, and, by consequence, a bishopric.
In 1241 at the Council of Regensburg he denounced Pope Gregory IX as " that man of perdition, whom they call Antichrist, who in his extravagant boasting says, I am God, I cannot err.
This part of the book is a pun on " tub ," which Alexander Pope says was a common term for a Dissenter's pulpit, and a reference to Swift's own position as a clergyman.
However, Alexander Pope mentions him in Imitations of Horace, Epistle II, as a turnip obsessed person and says, in a note, that " that kind of rural improvement which arises from turnips " was Townshend's favorite conversational topic.
Similarly, an English satirical tract of 1599 translated from French, The True History of Pope Joan, says that a Prince had compared the Jesuits advantages in argument to the ace of hearts at Maw, ( adding that Maw was like the German game " Rumstich " as played in England.
Jealousy of her friendship with Lord Hervey has also been alleged, but Lady Louisa Stuart says Pope had made Lady Mary a declaration of love, which she had received with an outburst of laughter.
Pope Benedict XVI in his book Jesus of Nazareth, says there are " three dimensions " to the Church Fathers ' interpretation of the term kingdom of God.
* Another legend says that at the Council of Trent a Hungarian bishop gave a taste of Tállya wine to Pope Pius IV, who said Summum pontificem talia vina decent a Latin word play meaning " Tállya wine / This kind of wine is worthy to be on His Holiness ' table!
In his letter of 11 March, 494, to the bishops of southern Italy and Sicily, Pope Gelasius says that for admission into the clergy it was necessary that the candidate could read ( must, therefore, have a certain amount of education ), for without this prerequisite an applicant could, at the most, only fill the office of an ostiary.
The Orthodox East contests the teaching that Peter was the Patriarch of Rome as St. Irenaeus says that Pope Linus was the first bishop of Rome and Pope Cletus the second.

Pope and True
True to the practice observed in preceding papal elections, the German court nominated another candidate, Cadalus, bishop of Parma, who was proclaimed Pope at the council of Basel under the name of Honorius II.
Pope Pius XII and the Jews: What's True and What's Fiction ?.
Lucian Pulvermacher, who left the Roman Catholic Church in 1976 and in October 1998 was elected Pope of the conclavist " True Catholic Church " with the name of " Pius XIII ".
In the final part of the work, Campanella prophesies — in the veiled language of astrology — that the Spanish kings, in alliance with the Pope, are destined to be the instruments of a Divine Plan: the final victory of the True Faith and its diffusion in the whole world.
He was the head of the " True Catholic Church ," a small conclavist group that, without authorization from the Holy See of Rome, elected him Pope Pius XIII in October, 1998.
* John Dennis-A True Character of Mr Pope, and his Writings ( in response to The Essay on Criticism )
* Thomas Purney-A Full Enquiry into the True Nature of Pastoral ( part of the Pope / Philips quarrel )
He published and advertised John Oldmixon's The Catholick Poet and John Dennis's The True Character of Mr Pope and his Writings.
In 1984, the duo of Pope and Staples were paired with new producer Terry Brown, after having previously co-produced all their True North material with Gene Martynec.
He was presented with a reliquary of the True Cross by Pope Pius X after the latter's election in 1903.
The Cross, which contains a fragment of the True Cross, was donated by Frederick II of Hohenstaufen to Pope Alexander IV, who donated it in turn to the Veliterna Cathedral.
During the Chalcedonian meetings in 400 AD Rome parted ways with the Orthodox Catholic Church of Egypt and proclaimed Rome to be the headquarters of " The True Catholic Church " and created their own Pope and orthodox ideas that ran contrary to the way the Church had taught for the first 400 years of Orthodox Christian history.

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