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Tarkalean and had
Initially he claimed that he had Tarkalean flu to the crew to spare the embarrassment of discussing his actual condition.

Tarkalean and by
Phlox was injected with Borg nanoprobes in the episode " Regeneration " by an assimilated Tarkalean male.

had and been
If he had married her, he'd have been asking for trouble.
They had been seen as soon as they left the ranch, picked out of the darkness by the weary though watchful eyes of two men posted a few hundred yards away in the windless shelter of the trees.
They greeted the news angrily, as though they had been cheated of purpose.
With every leaping stride of the horse beneath him he crossed one more patch of earth that had been his, that he would never see again.
He had been carrying an Enfield rifle and a holstered navy cap-and-ball pistol.
But the luck that had been running their way left him.
His shout had been taken up and repeated.
A sizable supply of powder had been touched off.
The worst part had been the waiting ; ;
The war captain had been badly wounded and was fighting to hold his seat.
And one had been too many.
That afternoon when they had pulled up in front of the broken-down ranch house, his hopes had been high.
The place had been cheap -- just the little he had left after Amelia's burial -- and it would serve its purpose.
I had for some time been hoping, in vain, for one of the dim figures to pass between the fan vents and myself.
Although I had been inside it I had not yet seen it functioning.
No one was behind it, but in the rear wall of the office I noticed, for the first time, a door which had been left partially open.
He had been worried that with Miller and Rankin added to the escape party they would be short.
He had been one of the original Night Riders, one who had escaped the trial.
He had been the auditor for the mining syndicate, and he had stolen fifty thousand dollars of the syndicate's money.
Then the vein had petered out and the whole project had been abandoned.

had and on
In any case, he had no intention of being caught asleep, so he carried his revolver in its holster on his hip and he took his Winchester with him and leaned it against the fence.
He put her down on the couch, and going into the kitchen, saw that the boy had dropped into a chair beside the table.
He had seen a few nester wagons go through the country, the families almost starving to death, but he had never seen any of them on foot and as bad off as these two.
Morgan returned to the kitchen, built a fire, and carried in several buckets of water from the spring which he poured into the copper boiler that he had placed on the stove.
He was thinking of Rittenhouse and how he had left him there, to rock to death on the porch of the Splendide.
He had taken a carbine down from the wall and it trailed from his hand, the stock bumping on the wood floor.
It looked as Gavin had first seen it years ago, on those nights when he slept alone by his campfire and waked suddenly to the hoot of an owl or the rustle of a blade of grass in the moon's wind -- a savage land, untenanted and brooding, too strong to be broken by the will of men.
The Gap looming before him -- the place where had confronted Jack English on that day so many years ago -- was his exit from all that had meaning to him.
The bullet had torn through the flesh just above the knee, inflicting an ugly gash that was forming a pool of blood on the floor.
But it had missed the bone and had passed on through.
In the brief moment I had to talk to them before I took my post on the ring of defenses, I indicated I was sickened by the methods men employed to live and trade on the river.
The cooks had prepared one of the best meals we'd had in a long time, and on Montero's orders had baked enough bread to last the day.
He scrubbed absent-mindedly at the pans and reflected on how things had turned out.
For although I had crossed a corner of the hall on my way to the toilet I still could not tell for sure how far to the rear the darkness extended.
And I had hardly finished my business in the toilet on the aforementioned occasion when the lights in that place, like the hall lights controlled from the switch in the office, flicked off and on impatiently.
I had signed it off on the forms.
This desire, I went on, growing voluble as my conviction was aroused, had mounted at such a rate recently that I now found its realization necessary not only to my physical but also to my spiritual wellbeing.
It was to him that Barton had sent Carl Dill on Dill's release from the prison.

had and board
I started looking on the splintery truck bed for a piece of board, a dirt clod -- anything I could throw and with better aim than I had thrown the beer bottle.
The water in Thor's big swimming pool had been covered with a blanket of thick, foamy soapsuds -- fashioned, of course, from zing -- Joyce had dived from the board into the pool, then swirled and cavorted in her luxurious `` bath '' while cameras rolled.
Ann, pleased to see her friend happy, was intrigued by the new fruits a friend of Captain Heard had sent on board for their enjoyment.
Before the Draft Act was passed Baker had confidentially briefed governors, sheriffs, and prospective draft board members on the administration of the measure -- and the confidence was kept so well that only one newspaper learned what was going on.
The board of suspension of the Interstate Commerce commission has ordered a group of railroads not to reduce their freight rates on grain, as they had planned to do this month.
Petitioner was not denied due process in the administrative proceedings, because the statement in question was in his file, to which he had access, and he had opportunities to rebut it both before the hearing officer of the Department of Justice and before the appeal board.
Its ground for this recommendation was that, while petitioner claimed before the local board August 17, 1956 ( as evidenced by its memorandum in his file of that date ), that he was devoting 100 hours per month to actual preaching, the headquarters of the Jehovah's Witnesses reported that he was no longer doing so and, on the contrary, had relinquished both his Pioneer and Bible Student Servant positions.
Nevertheless he had ample opportunity to contest the statement before the appeal board.
Having had every opportunity to rebut the finding of the local board before both the hearing officer and the appeal board, petitioner cannot now claim that he was denied due process because he did not succeed.
He was not the sort of sailor Hudson wanted his backers to see on board and he had Greene wait at Gravesend, where the Discovery picked him up.
But when a board of inquiry was called to look into the charges of cowardice made against him, the men who had seen Reno leave the battlefield and the officer who had heard Reno suggest that the wounded be left to be tortured by the Sioux, refused to say a harsh word against him.
Two millions were added to what had been set aside for it in Mrs. Meeker's lifetime, and the proviso made that as long as Brian Thayer continued to discharge his duties as administrator of the fund to the satisfaction of the board of trustees ( hereinafter appointed by the bank administering the estate ) he was to be retained in his present capacity at a salary commensurate with the increased responsibilities enlargement of the fund would entail.
The board members, after hearing the coordination plea from Mrs. Ralph H. Molvar, 1409 SW Maplecrest Dr., said they thought they had already been cooperating.
The board said it thought it had gone as far as instructed so far and asked for more information to be brought at the next meeting.
In its ruling, the state Board of Education upheld Dr. Michael F. Walsh, state commissioner of education, who had ruled previously that the Warwick board erred when it named Maurice F. Tougas as coordinator of audio-visual education without first finding that the school superintendent's candidate was not suitable.
It was an awkward hour, but I didn't have to punch any time clock, and it only meant that sometimes I had to stay a couple of hours later at the drawing board to finish up a job.
Maybe I didn't see as much of Gladdy as I'd like, but how much worse it would have been if I'd had to board her out somewhere after Alice went -- send my daughter to an orphanage or a boarding-home.
Each man had a bubble to himself, privacy after the long period of enforced intimacy on board the ship.
The Australian touring party had been severely weakened by a dispute between the board and players that caused Clem Hill, Victor Trumper, Warwick Armstrong, Tibby Cotter, Sammy Carter and Vernon Ransford to be omitted.
In fact it was designed to texture only from AGP memory, making PCI versions of the board difficult to implement ( local board RAM had to emulate AGP memory.

0.183 seconds.