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Some Related Sentences

assertion and popular
Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence to support the assertion that the blue laws were originally printed on blue paper.
" It has no basis in historical fact and Shakespeare's use of Latin here is not from any assertion that Caesar would have been using the language, rather than the Greek reported by Suetonius, but because the phrase was already popular when the play was written.
This grew from the increasingly popular assertion in the late 20th century that no one foundation of mathematics could be ever proven to exist.
Though musicological study of popular music has vastly increased in quantity recently, Middleton's assertion in 1990 — that most major " works of musicology, theoretical or historical, act as though popular music did not exist "— holds true.
The first, much more popular one, agrees with those at the level of assertion that contradiction is at the heart of the absurdity.
Like the hijab, the chador has become popular among women in Islamist movements wishing to visibly identify themselves as Muslims and as an assertion of dignity and Islamic culture.
This assertion has been repeatedly challenged by researchers, yet birth order continues to have a strong presence in pop psychology and popular culture.
In 1916 Selig sued George Fabyan on the grounds that profits from forthcoming films of Shakespeare's works, along with a film on " The Life of Shakespeare ", would be damaged by Fabyan's assertion that Francis Bacon was the real author of Shakespeare's work, a popular claim at the time.
He said Mr. Salter's ideas have become so widely accepted that he is often not formally cited when contemporary writers in behavior therapy refer to assertion training, expressiveness training, ' getting in touch with one's feelings ,' all early ideas of Mr. Salter's that became popular later.
Despite his wide interests, he was a religious conservative who opposed all forms of political Radicalism as well as the assertion, popular at the time amongst Nonconformists in Wales, that " the voice of the people was the voice of God ".

assertion and tale
The tale of human evil is such that one cannot make that assertion without a quiver, but I believe that it is true nevertheless.
She suggests Potter ’ s tale has encouraged many generations of children to “ self-indulgence, disobedience, transgression of social boundaries and ethics, and assertion of their wild, unpredictable nature against the constrictions of civilized living .”

assertion and Snow
For example, making the assertion that " ' Snow is white ' is true " is equivalent to asserting " Snow is white ".
( Historian Snow ( see " Further Reading ") says the gunboat was commanded during World War I by Chester Nimitz, an assertion that is not supported by Nimitz's biographers.
From this they infer that nothing is added to the assertion of the sentence " Snow is white " by quoting it, appending the predicate " __is true ", and then asserting the result.
Both the Allen and Miller books contradict the assertion that Snow was held by the Nazis and instead place her in Danish custody at a Copenhagen prison.

assertion and White
Addressing Judge Swygert's assertion that even if Judge Stump had jurisdiction he was deprived of immunity because of his failure to observe elementary principles of procedural due process, Justice White countered:
Sprigge adds that it was not Erasmus Wilson's able scientific arguments which convinced the jury, it was his assertion that, had it not been for the flogging, James White would be alive.

assertion and was
One example of this was his assertion that `` all servile revolts must be dealt with by physical force ''.
Of startling significance, too, is the assertion that it was possible to carry out this program with only a 6 percent attrition rate as compared with a rate of 59 percent reported for a comparable group of families who were receiving help in traditionally operated child guidance services.
If anyone asked us, after we made the remark that the suffering was a bad thing, whether we should think it relevant to what we said to learn that the incident had never occurred and no pain had been suffered at all, we should say that it made all the difference in the world, that what we were asserting to be bad was precisely the suffering we thought had occurred back there, that if this had not occurred, there was nothing left to be bad, and that our assertion was in that case mistaken.
As a first step, Algerian literature was marked by works whose main concern was the assertion of the Algerian national entity, there is the publication of novels as the Algerian trilogy of Mohammed Dib, or even Nedjma of Kateb Yacine novel which is often regarded as a monumental and major work.
In law, an answer was originally a solemn assertion in opposition to someone or something, and thus generally any counter-statement or defense, a reply to a question or response, or objection, or a correct solution of a problem.
The language was later dubbed Enochian, due to Dee's assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human ( before Dee and Kelley ) to know the language.
John Ellis explained that “... there is considerable justice in Matthew Cooper's assertion that the panzer divisions were not given the kind of strategic mission that was to characterize authentic armoured blitzkrieg, and were almost always closely subordinated to the various mass infantry armies .”
He was in a unique position to make such a holistic assertion because he had previously compiled a review of biome classification.
Before Pilate on the other hand it was merely the assertion of his royal dignity which gave ground for his condemnation.
However, Chicanos generally do not agree that " chicamo " was ever a word used within the culture, as its assertion is thus far entirely unsubstantiated.
While his assertion was not initially well-received, later intensive field studies of fossil beds lent weight to his claim.
Khrushchev increased the perception of a missile gap when he loudly boasted to the world that the USSR was building missiles " like sausages " whose numbers and capabilities actually were nowhere close to his assertion.
His government has also been condemned for allegedly arming and financing the insurgency in Somalia ; the United States is considering labeling Eritrea a " State Sponsor of Terrorism ," however, many experts on the topic have shied from this assertion, stating that " If there is one country where the fighting of extremists and terrorists was a priority when it mattered, it was Eritrea.
However, Dumas is alone in this assertion, and extant newspaper clippings from only a few days after the duel give a description of his opponent that more accurately applies to one of Galois ' Republican friends, most probably Ernest Duchatelet, who was imprisoned with Galois on the same charges.
One important distinction between the post Constantine I ( reigned 306 AD-312 AD ) emperors and their pagan predecessors was cesaropapism, the assertion that the Emperor ( or other head of state ) is also the head of the Church.
Some of the Syriac terms that Ephrem used to describe his community were later used to describe monastic communities, but the assertion that he was monk is anachronistic.
However, Watson and Crick found fault in her steadfast assertion that, according to her data, a helical structure was not the only possible shape for DNA — so they had a dilemma.
The Gaon affirmed Rabbi Chaim ’ s assertion, and said that he once began to create a person when he was a child, under the age of 13, but during the process he received a sign from Heaven ordering him to desist because of his tender age.
However, this assertion was contradicted by an influential study by Cadbury in 1926, and has since been abandoned ; instead it is now believed this language reflects merely a common Greek education.
Critics of the East German state have claimed that the state's commitment to communism was a hollow and cynical tool Machiavellian in nature, but this assertion has been challenged by studies that have found that the East German leadership was genuinely committed to the advance of scientific knowledge, economic development, and social progress.

assertion and born
Pools winner Viv Nicholson, remembered for her " spend, spend, spend " assertion was born and still lives in the Castleford area.
) It was revealed in 2003 that Jill was Katherine's daughter born out of wedlock, but developments in 2009 cast doubt upon that assertion and the long bitter enemies were found not to be mother and daughter after all.
She begins with Freud ’ s assertion that the individual is born bisexual and that the child's mother is its first sexual object.

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