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Page "Viking Age" ¶ 15
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Some Related Sentences

earliest and date
The earliest records in the Akkadian language date to the time of Sargon.
The earliest " year names ", whereby each year of a king's reign was named after a significant event performed by that king, date from the reign of Sargon the Great.
While the earliest artifacts date to the Middle Neolithic era, there have been documented habitations in Attica from the Early Neolithic ( 6th millennium BC ).
While there are many competing claims for the earliest powered, heavier-than-air flight, the most widely-accepted date is December 17, 1903 by the Wright brothers.
A small indicator about the earliest possible date may be in which mentions the Province of Cilicia.
According to Richard I. Pervo, " Townsend's methodologically adventurous but ultimately cautious essay is another valuable lesson in the danger of establishing the date of Acts – or any work – by arguing for the earliest possible time of origin.
The earliest known date for a simple glue is 200, 000 BC and for a compound glue 70, 000 BC.
Accounting is thousands of years old ; the earliest accounting records, which date back more than 7, 000 years, were found in Mesopotamia ( Assyrians ).
The earliest accounting records were found amongst the ruins of ancient Babylon, Assyria and Sumeria, which date back more than 7, 000 years.
The earlier date, 293, is sometimes assigned and apparently supported by the authority of a " Coptic Fragment " ( published by Dr. O. von Lemm among the Mémoires de l ' académie impériale des sciences de S. Péterbourg, 1888 ) and corroborated by the maturity revealed in his two earliest treatises Contra Gentes ( Against the Heathens ) and De Incarnatione ( On the Incarnation ), which were admittedly written about the year 318 before Arianism had begun to make itself felt, as those writings do not show an awareness of Arianism.
The earliest tours date back to 1888, when a 21-man squad visited Australia and New Zealand.
The earliest tin-alloy bronzes date to the late 4th millennium BC in Susa ( Iran ) and some ancient sites in China, Luristan ( Iran ) and Mesopotamia ( Iraq ).
The earliest bronze archeological finds in Indonesia date from 1 – 2 BCE, including flat plates probably suspended and struck by a wooden or bone mallet.
The last events in Chronicles take place in the reign of Cyrus the Great, the Persian king who conquered Babylon in 539 BCE ; this sets an earliest possible date for the book.
Determining the composition of the Memorial depends on the dates of Nehemiah's mission: It is commonly accepted that " Artaxerxes " was Artaxerxes I ( there were two later kings of the same name ), and that Nehemiah's first period in Jerusalem was therefore 445-433 BC ; allowing for his return to Susa and second journey to Jerusalem, the end of the 5th century BC is therefore the earliest possible date for the Memorial.
Those who favour the later date appeal to the earliest external testimony, that of the Christian father Irenaeus ( c. 150-202 ), who wrote that he received his information from people who knew John personally.
The earlier date, first proposed in modern times by John Robinson in a closely argued chapter of " Redating the New Testament " ( 1976 ), relies on the book's internal evidence, given that no external testimony exists earlier than that of Irenaeus, noted above, and the earliest extant manuscript evidence of Revelation ( P98 ) is likewise dated no earlier than the late 2nd century.
( The latter prohibition took effect 1 January 1808, the earliest date on which Congress had the power to do so under Article I, Section 9 of the United States Constitution.
The earliest reasonably reliable date for the crossbow in the Greek world is from the 5th century BC.
The sweet chocolate residue found in jars from the site of Puerto Escondido in Honduras from around 1100 BC is the earliest found evidence of the use of cacao to date.
The earliest genealogical records of the descendants of Cináed mac Ailpín may date from the end of the tenth century, but their value lies more in their context, and the information they provide about the interests of those for whom they were compiled, than in the unreliable claims they contain.
The earliest genealogical records of the descendants of Kenneth MacAlpin may date from the end of the 10th century, but their value lies more in their context, and the information they provide about the interests of those for whom they were compiled, than in the unreliable claims they contain.
The earliest allusion to pandeism found to date is in 1787, in translator Gottfried Große ’ s interpretation of Pliny the Elder ’ s Natural History:
The earliest known Eskimo cultures ( pre-Dorset ) date to 5, 000 years ago.
The earliest references to the Euphrates come from cuneiform texts found in Shuruppak and pre-Sargonic Nippur in southern Iraq and date to the mid-3rd millennium BCE.

earliest and given
One of the earliest group automorphisms ( automorphism of a group, not simply a group of automorphisms of points ) was given by the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton in 1856, in his Icosian Calculus, where he discovered an order two automorphism, writing:
In his First Epistle to the Corinthians ( c 54-55 ), Paul the Apostle gives the earliest recorded description of Jesus ' Last Supper: " The Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, ' This is my body which is for you.
We find temples and shrines erected in his honour, e. g. at Nippur, Girsu, Ur, Babylon, Sippar, and Nineveh, and the numerous epithets given to him, as well as the various forms under which the god appears, alike bear witness to the popularity which he enjoyed from the earliest to the latest period of Babylonian-Assyrian history.
He was one of the earliest composers for stringed instruments, and Athanasius Kircher has given one specimen of this class of his works in his Musurgia.
The earliest definition of hypnosis was given by Braid, who coined the term " hypnotism " as an abbreviation for " neuro-hypnotism ", or nervous sleep, which he opposed to normal sleep, and defined as: " a peculiar condition of the nervous system, induced by a fixed and abstracted attention of the mental and visual eye, on one object, not of an exciting nature.
They are concentrated in Arran, Bute and Kintyre and it is likely that the Clyde cairns were the earliest forms of Neolithic monument constructed by incoming settlers although few of the 100 or so examples have been given a radiocarbon dating.
The title deeds of Briars Pavilion, where Napoleon lived during his earliest period of exile, were much later given to the French Government in 1959.
The earliest surviving set of statutes for the college was given to it by the then Bishop of Ely, Simon Montacute, in 1344.
The earliest known instance of such an import was King of Na Gold Seal given by Emperor Guangwu of Han to a Yamato emissary in 57 AD.
The account of the battle given in the earliest source, the Carmen de Hastingae Proelio, is one where the Norman advance surprises the English, who manage to gain the top of Senlac Hill before the Normans.
The earliest Greek beliefs of dreams was that their gods physically visited the dreamers, where they entered through a keyhole, and exiting the same way after the divine message was given.
The earliest reference to ice cream given by the Oxford English Dictionary is from 1744, reprinted in a magazine in 1877.
He is certainly given a prominent place in the earliest version of the Welsh Triads which are believed to date from c. 1100 and which reflect far older traditions.
In the earliest description of the coconut palm known, given by Cosmos of Alexandria in his Topographia Christiana written about 545 A. D., there is a reference to the argell tree and its drupe.
The earliest account of the tree was given by William Dunbar, a Scottish explorer, in his narrative of a journey made in 1804 from St. Catherine's Landing on the Mississippi River to the Ouachita River.
Coleman's association with these verbal slips is so strong that he is often given erroneous credit for the earliest example specifically referenced as a Colemanball ; in fact the broadcaster responsible was fellow BBC commentator Ron Pickering.
Significantly, many of his earliest novels have Ireland as their setting — natural enough given his background, but unlikely to enjoy warm critical reception, given the contemporary English attitudes towards Ireland.
The legend of Elffin's association with Taliesin is given at its fullest in the late medieval prose text Ystorya Taliesin, the earliest redaction of the tale known as Hanes Taliesin.
The earliest known orchestral part specifically for the instrument is in the Vienna version of Niccolò Jommelli's opera Ezio dating from 1749, where it was given the Italian name corno inglese.
One of the earliest grants in the area was given to Captain Samuel Cobrin, commander of a local militia company, on September 29, 1750.
One of the earliest presentations of a group by generators and relations was given by the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton in 1856, in his Icosian Calculus – a presentation of the icosahedral group.
The Spanish Conquistadores had given the name " Santo Domingo " to the pueblo in the 1600s, but the earliest recorded name was Gipuy.

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