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Page "Vocational education" ¶ 14
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education and vocational
Students are approximately equally divided between those who regard vocational preparation as the primary goal of an ideal education and those who chose a general liberal education.
Even in such technical curricula as engineering, the senior is much more likely than the freshman to choose, as an ideal, liberal education over specific vocational preparation.
The present Federal program of vocational education began in 1917 with the passage of the Smith-Hughes Act, which provided a continuing annual appropriation of $7 million to support, on a matching basis, state-administered programs of vocational education in agriculture, trades, industrial skills and home economics.
Annual authorizations of $15 million were added for area vocational education programs that meet national defense needs for highly skilled technicians.
The Federal program of vocational education merely provides financial aid to encourage the establishment of vocational education programs in public schools.
Today, Federal funds account for only one-fifth of the nation's expenditures for vocational education.
No comparable measures are available of enrollments and expenditures for private vocational education training.
There is little doubt that the students benefit from vocational education.
For a number of years Kentucky, Louisiana and several other states have been building state-sponsored vocational education schools that serve nearby school districts in several counties.
Few states make effective use of their existing vocational education programs or funds for the purpose of attracting new industry.
The opportunity exists for states to reserve some of their vocational education funds to apply on an ad hoc flexible basis to subsidize any local preemployment training programs that may be quickly set up in a community to aid a new industrial plant.
Planning of vocational education programs and courses is oriented to local employer needs for trained workers.
State and local agencies in the vocational education field must be encouraged to adopt a wider outlook on future job opportunities.
If only state funds were used to pay for the vocational education, it could be argued that the state should not have to bear the cost of vocational training which would benefit employers in other states.
A further possibility is suggested by the example of the G. I. bills and also by some recent trends in attitudes toward improving college education: that is to provide financial assistance to individuals for vocational training when local facilities are inadequate.
This does not necessarily mean that such teachers will favor vocational education, as contrasted with liberal education, but they are likely to favor an approach to liberal education which has a maximal vocational-advancement value, as against a kind of `` pure '' liberal education that is not designed to help people get better jobs.

education and school
The education program for retarded children conducted by the East Greenwich school system has pupils from at least one neighboring community.
This time, added to that which I had already spent in school prior to my induction in 1954, makes a total of twenty-two ( 22 ) years of education.
There is a need for an expanded Federal effort to provide research and information to help guide state education departments and local school boards in existing programs.
And I have established that the action of municipal, county, or state school boards or boards of education is small, infinitesimally small in comparison with the number of districts.
For the school year, 1959-1960, the Prince Edward County ( Virginia ) Board of Supervisors voted not to provide funds for public education, and the school board therefore could provide no public education -- for white or Negro children.
The apprentice program will involve further education on a part-time basis, usually at night, perhaps using some of the same equipment of the high school.
The `` distributive education '' program operates in a similar way, with arrangements between the school and employers in merchandising fields.
Those who, because of population mobility and the reputed desire of employers to train their own employees, would limit vocational education to general rather than specific skills ought to bear in mind the importance of motivation in any kind of school experience.
In this respect, public education in the large cities differs from education in the smaller cities and consolidated school districts.
Therefore employment and education in all the schools in a metropolitan area are related in different ways from those which are characteristic of the comprehensive high school described in my first report.
The Christian education of children, too, was once hardly more than a sideshow, but the day came when a congregation that did not assume full oversight of a church school was thought of as failing in its duty.
whether to pursue a college education or a job after high school ; ;
In its ruling, the state Board of Education upheld Dr. Michael F. Walsh, state commissioner of education, who had ruled previously that the Warwick board erred when it named Maurice F. Tougas as coordinator of audio-visual education without first finding that the school superintendent's candidate was not suitable.
Their entry will crack the total segregation of all public education, from kindergarten through graduate school, in Georgia -- and in Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina as well.
An important formative influence was his elementary school teacher Mr Tachikawa, whose progressive educational practices ignited in his young pupil first a love of drawing and then an interest in education in general.
At Mulhouse high school he got his " Abitur " ( the certificate at the end of secondary education ), in 1893.
Furthermore, each individual speaker has their own style of signing depending on various factors, such as where they went to school, if they were mainstreamed ( see Mainstreaming ( education )), who taught them ASL, at what age they learned ASL, and how active they are in the Deaf Community.
Alcott and Russell were initially concerned that the area would not be conducive to their progressive approach to education and considered establishing the school in nearby Philadelphia instead.
The school, considered one of the first formal adult education centers in America, was also attended by foreign scholars.

education and is
Too many people think that the primary purpose of a higher education is to help you make a living ; ;
this is not so, for education offers all kinds of dividends, including how to pull the wool over a husband's eyes while you are having an affair with his wife.
It is true that New England, more than any other section, was dedicated to education from the start.
His birth, education, and fortune, he says, have all been ridiculed simply because he has spoken with the freedom of an Englishman, and he assures the reader that `` whoever talks with me, is speaking to a Gentleman born ''.
One of the most frequent views of the value of literature is the education of sensibility that it is thought to provide.
Fortunately, it is possible to be somewhat more concrete and factual in diagnosing the involvement of values in education.
We find, in the first place, that the students overwhelmingly approve of higher education, positively evaluate the job their own institution is doing, do not accept most of the criticisms levelled against higher education in the public prints, and, on the whole, approve of the way their university deals with value-problems and value inculcation.
Since the great flood of these dystopias has appeared only in the last twelve years, it seems fairly reasonable to assume that the chief impetus was the 1949 publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, an assumption which is supported by the frequent echoes of such details as Room 101, along with education by conditioning from Brave New World, a book to which science-fiction writers may well have returned with new interest after reading the more powerful Orwell dystopia.
The education function of the Institute is carried on by the staff in the departments of pathology and its consultants.
The architects do not believe that the education of the interior designer is sufficiently good or sufficiently extended to compare with that of the architect and that, therefore, the interior designer is incapable of understanding the architectural principles involved in planning the interior of a building.
Ordinary politeness may have militated against this opinion being stated so badly but anyone with a wide acquaintance in both groups and who has sat through the many round tables, workshops or panel discussions -- whatever they are called -- on this subject will recognize that the final, boiled down crux of the matter is education.
There is plenty of opportunity for proper education today.
One solution is the aquisition of degrees in education but it is a poor substitute.
Considering that the current school-age potential is 23 million youths, the project and its message on hunting and shooting education have many more to reach.
Moreover, it is likely that Federal policies aimed at stimulating a faster rate of economic growth of the country, to keep ahead of the Communist countries and to demonstrate that our free economic system is better than theirs, will lead to rising Federal spending in certain areas such as education, housing, medical aid, and the like.

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