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program and which
Their kind created an American culture superior to any in the world, an industrial and technological culture which penetrated Russia as it did almost every corner of the earth without a nickel from the Federal treasury or a single governmental specialist to contrive directives or program a series of consultations of interested agencies.
Next I refer to our program in space exploration, which is often mistakenly supposed to be an integral part of defense research and development.
Second, our military missile program, going forward so successfully, does not suffer from our present lack of very large rocket engines, which are necessary in distant space exploration.
The 1961 feed grain program, which the secretary sponsored, has been declared a billion dollar fiasco.
According to the original program, Premier Khrushchev expected the millions looking toward the Kremlin this morning to be filled with admiration or rage -- depending upon individual or national politics -- because of the `` bold program for building communism in our time '' which the Congress will adopt.
Sir -- Permit me to commend your editorial in which you stress the fact that a program of county colleges will substantially increase local tax burdens and that taxpayers have a right to a clear idea of what such a program would commit them to.
So be it -- then we must embark on a crash program for 200-megaton bombs of the common or hydrogen variety, and neutron bombs, which do not exist but are said to be the coming thing.
The first was the commune program, which will ensure agricultural poverty for years.
Thus, as a development program is being launched, commitments and obligations must be entered into in a given year which may exceed by twofold or threefold the expenditures to be made in that year.
As the result of an exhaustive review of the recommendations contained in this report, plus an analysis of our own enabling act, the Planning Division developed a number of basic planning objectives which caused a reorientation of its work program.
Recognizing the limitations of such a program, the 78th Congress in 1943 passed P. L. 113, which broadened the concept of rehabilitation to include the provision of physical restoration services to remove or reduce disabilities, and which revised the financing structure.
If it is decided to make a small shift which may be required from military aid or special assistance funds, in order to carry out the purposes of the Mutual Security Act through this new peaceful program, this will be a hopeful sign to the world.
This has necessitated a continuous review and reevaluation of the defense program in order to redirect resources to the newer and more important weapons systems and to eliminate or reduce effort on weapons systems which have been overtaken by events.
Our research and development program, serving as it does an industry which must compete against low-cost production throughout the world, continues to have primary emphasis at Leesona.
This program is based on the policy of designing and building efficient machines which will help produce better textile values -- fabrics whose cost in relation to quality, fashion and utility provide the consumer with better textile products for the money.
Carleton aims throughout its entire teaching program to represent a point of view and a spirit which will contribute to the moral and religious development of its students.
The policies which govern the program 2.
Personnel assigned through the shooting development program have proudly participated in over 53 state and regional workshops, at which hundreds of school administrators, teachers, professors, and recreational leaders have been introduced to Outdoor Education.
The present Federal program of vocational education began in 1917 with the passage of the Smith-Hughes Act, which provided a continuing annual appropriation of $7 million to support, on a matching basis, state-administered programs of vocational education in agriculture, trades, industrial skills and home economics.
The latest major change in this program was introduced by the National Defense Education Act of 1958, Title 8, of which amended the George-Barden Act.
The existence of a public school vocational training program in trade and industry provides a base from which such needs can be filled.
Thus, besides the training provided to youth in school, the existence of the school program can have supplementary benefits to industry which make it an asset to industrial development efforts.

program and has
`` The committee continues to feel that Florida has progressed in a sound and equitable program at both the state and local levels in its efforts to review and assess transition problems as they arise from time to time in the entire spectrum of civil rights ''.
But there is hope, for Conservation Commissioner Bontempo has tagged the sanctuary as the kind of place the state hopes to include in its program to double its park space.
The evident contradiction between the rosy picture of Russia's progress painted by the Communist party's program and the enormous dangers for all humanity posed by Premier Khrushchev's Berlin policy has already led to speculation abroad that the program may be severely altered.
The schedules are flexible so that the program can be accelerated as the public becomes more tolerant or realizes that it is something that has to be done, `` so why not now ''.
The program has worked well in both Nashville and Houston.
So successful has been this program, worked out by white and Negro civic leaders, that further extensions are expected in the next few months.
The education program for retarded children conducted by the East Greenwich school system has pupils from at least one neighboring community.
The effect of Chou En-lai's clash with Khrushchev, together with the everlasting attacks on Molotov & Co., has shifted the whole attention of the world, including that of the Soviet people, from the `` epoch-making '' twenty-year program to the present Soviet-Chinese conflict.
The planning division has embarked on the most complete and comprehensive state planning program in the nation.
The basic mapping phase of the program has been completed and the inventory phase is scheduled for completion July 1, 1961.
Since accurate base maps are necessary for any planning program, the first step taken by the planning division to implement the long-range state plan has been to prepare two series of base maps -- one at a scale of 1 inch to a mile, and the second a series of 26 sheets at a scale of 1 inch to 2000 feet, covering the entire state.
To secure precise measurements of these frequencies, a research program in free radical microwave spectroscopy has been started.
From its inception in 1920 with the passage of Public Law 236, 66th Congress, the purpose of the vocational rehabilitation program has been to assist the States, by means of grants-in-aid, to return disabled men and women to productive, gainful employment.
Foreseeing the possible threats to safety with the rapid growth of the sport, the industry has been supporting an intense, coordinated educational program with great success since 1947.
A primary factor in the success of the safety program has been the enthusiastic cooperation of the individual manufacturers.
It has multiple implications and possible headaches for your marketing program.
How much fundamental thinking and research has your company done on its advertising program??
How long has it been since you reviewed the objectives of your benefit and service program??
Have you permitted it to become a giveaway program rather than one that has the goal of improved employee morale and, consequently, increased productivity??
The shooting development program of the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute has successfully published these facts in all major outdoor magazines, many national weeklies and the trade papers.
This has been the aim of the director of the shooting development program, the New York staff of the Sportsmen's Service Bureau, and the SAAMI shooting preserve field consultants since the start of the program in 1954.

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