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Page "Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex" ¶ 9
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These and were
These were the ones Keith sought out -- the loners, the ones who killed for the joy of it, like himself.
These were the last words he ever uttered.
These two were going to be easy pickins.
These performances were being staged at historical monuments throughout Europe.
These were Oneida Indians.
These conceptions and the manner in which they were transposed into poetry or engendered by poetic form are intrinsic to western life from the time of Aeschylus to that of Shakespeare.
These basic ideas concerning the nature of religion were, Adams believed, some of the major keys to the understanding of history and the movement of society.
These were his public academic activities, domi forisque, in the college and in the university.
These early experiments were evidently not altogether satisfying to Patchen.
These people were not talking much about it, but you, a foreigner, sensed their apprehension and disappointment.
These public efforts were rare because Mr. Rayburn normally did his counseling, persuading and educating long before an issue reached its test on the House floor.
These microfossils indicate the swamp was `` formed during the Lower Cretaceous period when dinosaurs were at their heyday and when the first flowering plants were just appearing.
These were heroes nine feet tall to him ''.
These little songs, however, were sweet nothings from the heart, tender memories of his childhood, little melodies that anyone could hum and that would make one want to weep.
These were the ships of His Majesty's Navy, herding the hulks of the East Indies merchants and the yachts and ketches of the loyalists.
These trumps were more touching than they were anything else, and seemed to imply that the nights were long, her children ungrateful, and her marriage bewilderingly threadbare.
These were selected carefully and included not only detailed clinical information but adequate pathology of value for research and educational purposes.
These amendments to the Vocational Rehabilitation Act were designed to help provide for more specialized rehabilitation facilities, for more sheltered and `` half-way '' workshops, for greater numbers of adequately trained personnel, for more comprehensive services to individuals ( particularly to the homebound and the blind ), and for other administrative improvements to increase the program's overall effectiveness.
These plans, like Du Pont's, contained provisions for passing the vote on Du Pont's General Motors shares on to the ultimate stockholders of Du Pont, Christiana, and Delaware, except that officers and directors of the three companies, their spouses, and other people living in their households, as well as other specified persons, were to be totally disenfranchised.
These curves were derived by an analysis of extensive skywave measurement data.
These were educated men, who, as Mr. Justice Holmes was fond of saying, formed their inductions out of experience under the burden of responsibility.
These boys acknowledged an introduction to anybody by gently pressing one of his hands in both of theirs, while they gazed, misty-eyed with care, into the eyes of the person they were meeting.

These and previously
These data are not of the precision obtainable by the methods previously mentioned, but the vast number of approximate values available will be useful in many areas.
These bands had previously been allocated to UHF TV channels 70 – 83.
These conclusions were, however, questioned by another review, which found that clozapine, amisulpride, and olanzapine and risperidone were more effective Clozapine has appeared to be more effective than other atypical antipsychotics, although it has previously been banned due to its potentially lethal side effects.
These later poems, mostly written before 1910, show a greater variety of subject and form than those in A Shropshire Lad but lack the consistency of his previously published work.
These abbreviated volumes soon became very popular and eventually supplanted the Roman Catholic Church's Curia office, previously said by non-monastic clergy.
These equations of state were also previously published by the Soviet physicist Yakov Frenkel in 1928, together with some other remarks on the physics of degenerate matter.
These sudden departures forced the writing team to quickly develop characters who had previously stood in the background.
These airlines were able to stop making debt payments, break their previously agreed upon labor union contracts, freeing up cash to expand routes or weather a price war against competitors — all with the bankruptcy court's approval.
These short ( often one small reel ) films were often simple visual aids and accompaniments to live lectures and speeches, and were carried from city to city, town to town, village to village ( along with the lecturers ) to indoctrinate the entire countryside, even reaching areas where film had not been previously seen.
These 543-million-year-old embryos support the emergence of some aspects of arthropod development earlier than previously thought in the late Proterozoic.
These plans also did not work out, and finally Harold Prince, who had worked previously with Sondheim, became the producer and director.
These believe that what the New Testament described as " speaking in tongues " was xenoglossia, a miraculous spiritual gift through which the speaker could communicate in natural languages not previously studied.
These people ( or their descendants ) could exchange their vouchers for land previously owned by agricultural co-operatives, who were forced to give up some of their land for this purpose.
These processes meant the royal courts had a more significant role in local law cases, which had previously been dealt with only by regional or local lords.
These tracks feature the 2001 release bonus songs and previously unissued recordings, including alternate electric backing versions of three songs.
These include the Palestrina Pietà and the paintings The Manchester Madonna and The Torment of Saint Anthony, newly acquired by the Kimbell Art Museum, USA ( previously attributed to " Workshop of Domenico Ghirlandaio ", and having had two previously unsuccessful attempts at attribution to the hand of Michelangelo ).
These flowers were previously called Orchis, Satyrion ( Satyrion feminina ), or " ballockwort ".
These characterisations of the roots of arbitrary polynomials are generalisations of the methods previously discovered to solve the quintic equation.
These were previously divided into three subfamilies ( Oncovirinae, Lentivirinae, and Spumavirinae ), but with current knowledge of retroviruses, this is no longer appropriate.
These funds were previously managed by the Special Administration of the Holy See.
These two were previously regarded as a part of Roma who are of the belief that they originated from present-day Egypt and Israel.
These capabilities also increase survivability manyfold as modern SP artillery can displace and avoid counterbattery fire much more quickly and effectively and if desired more frequently than previously possible.
These performances are then judged on a numeric scale by previously selected members of the audience.
The coda of " Earth Angel ," with the repeatedly harmonized word " You-oo ... you-oo ... you-oo ... you-oo ," had previously been heard in the Dominoes ' # 5 R & B cover of " These Foolish Things Remind Me Of You.

0.128 seconds.