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Page "Uninterruptible power supply" ¶ 62
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They and are
They are preoccupied riding herd on control panels, switches, flashing colored lights on pale green or gray consoles that look like business machines.
They are supplied, a batch at a time, by a secret source and are continually changed by Wisman or his staff, at random intervals.
They are mere fragments, just one portion of preprepared messages.
They are huge areas which have been swept by winds for so many centuries that there is no soil left, but only deep bare ridges fifty or sixty yards apart with ravines between them thirty or forty feet deep and the only thing that moves is a scuttling layer of sand.
They recognized that slavery was a moral issue and not merely an economic interest, and that to recognize it explicitly in their Constitution would be in explosive contradiction to the concept of sovereignty they had set forth in the Declaration of 1776 that `` all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
They are in general those fears that once seemed to have been amenable to prayer or ritual.
They are non-conformists on principle.
They are full of contempt for the institution of matrimony.
They feel they are leagued against a hostile, persecutory world, faced with the concerted malevolent opposition of squares and their hirelings, the police.
They for their part are convinced that Holmes is too `` unorthodox '' and `` theoretical '' to make a good detective.
They are presumed to have plunged to a common grave in this fatal embrace.
They are determined to prove something.
They tell us, sir, that we are free, because we have in one hand a ballot, and in the other a stock certificate.
They are very small, and in the form of haystacks, without either chimney or windows.
They are situated in the midst of trees, which hang over them, and appear truly romantick.
On December 21, the day that the Irish House of Commons petitioned for removal of Sir Constantine Phipps, their Tory Lord Chancellor, Molesworth reportedly made this remark on the defense of Phipps by Convocation: `` They that have turned the world upside down, are come hither also ''.
Defoe then commented, `` If they Could Draw that young Gentleman into Their Measures They would show themselves quickly, for they are not asham'd to Say They want only a head to Make a beginning ''.
They emerged as interchangeable cogs in a faulty but formidable machine: shaved nearly naked, hair queued, greatcoated, jackbooted, and best of all -- in the opinion of the British professional, Major Semple-Lisle -- `` their minds are not estranged from the paths of obedience by those smatterings of knowledge which only serve to lead to insubordination and mutiny ''.
They are longing to see you ''.
They are not true because scientists or prophets say they are true.

They and reliable
They are the majority of current reactors, and are generally considered the safest and most reliable technology currently in large scale deployment.
They also sold fairly well in Western Europe, especially in the UK and Denmark ; they were regarded as solid and reliable, as well as having good value.
They are in a relatively mild state of racing tune, so that they are extremely reliable and can go years between motor rebuilds.
They are good, reliable workhorses ideal for use in situations where printed content is more important than quality.
They envisioned a new type of printer that would be faster, more reliable and less costly than the cumbersome character printers on the market at the time.
Their average growth rate by weight is about half the growth rate of domesticated carp They do not reach the lengths and weights of domesticated carp, which ( range, 3. 2 – 4. 8 times ) can grow to a maximum length of, a maximum weight of over, and an oldest recorded age of at least 65 years, but reliable information seems to exist about nishikigoi of over 100 years.
They were sturdy, reliable on substandard roads and were offered at an affordable price.
They were in the middle of a very large empire with no food, no employer, and no reliable friends.
They chose this area to settle because of the reliable creek and the quality of the land for farming.
They offer a reliable, common and international link to every specific substance across the various nomenclatures and disciplines used by branches of science, industry, and regulatory bodies.
They can be a reliable resource for local scholarships.
They also are the most reliable, because they are simple, with the only operating components being the automatic sprinklers and ( commonly, but not always ) the automatic alarm check valve.
They are more reliable as there is no bottle to be affected by changes in temperature and less chances for leaks to occur in the connecting tubes.
They view the scientific method as the most reliable model for building an understanding of the world.
They are grown and prized for being tough, reliable garden plants.
They are very reliable, being able to function under extreme conditions and to fire a wide range of ammunition types ( 9mm, 10mm,. 40 S & W,. 45ACP,. 45GAP,. 357 Sig,. 380 ACP ).
They are, in general, cheaper, higher-capacity, faster and more reliable than dynamic compensation schemes such as synchronous condensers.
They are not very accurate or reliable especially when reading and measuring from an orifice.
They made certain changes in how livestock were slaughtered and in who was considered a reliable mashgiach ( supervisor of kashrut ).
They characterized him as a " dick ", but the most reliable character in the Star Fox series.
They were also able using theoretical production calculations to construct more quantitative apportionment between s process and r process of the abundance table of heavy isotopes, thereby establishing a more reliable abundance curve for the r-process isotopes than B2FH had been able to define.
They found that three variables give the most reliable measure of text reading ease:
They are recalcitrant repositories of artefacts and properties that testify to the dominance of the human impact, and hence appear to be reliable markers for the Anthropocene.
They were attracted by the mild climate and reliable sunlight, which made it possible to film movies outdoors year-round, and by the varied scenery that was available.

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