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is and role
A new South is emerging after the post-bellum years of hesitation, uncertainty, and lack of action from the Negro in defining his new role in the amorphously defined socio-political organizations of the white man.
The book concerned with the Negro's role in an urban society is rare indeed ; ;
Great stress is placed on the role that the monitoring of information sending plays in maintaining the effectiveness of the network.
To perpetuate wealth control led by small groups of individuals who played no role in its creation prevents those with real initiative from coming to the fore, and is basically anti-democratic.
I am not aware of great attention by any of these authors or by the psychotherapeutic profession to the role of literary study in the development of conscience -- most of their attention is to a pre-literate period of life, or, for the theologians of course, to the influence of religion.
He went on to say: `` In the first place, industry per se is not dedicated to the role of savior of foundering municipalities.
In the over-all process, it is difficult to assign a `` pure '' role to each constituent of a built-detergent formulation ; ;
There is some evidence that naturally occurring goitrogens may play a role in the development of goitre, particularly in Tasmania and Australia ( Clements and Wishart, 1956 ).
In view of the important role which emotional disturbances play in the genesis of neurotic and psychotic disorders and the parallelism observed between autonomic states and psychological behavior in several instances, it is further suggested that a hypothalamic imbalance may play an important role in initiating mental changes.
Correlatively, can we reduce the role of the district courts, so that the action is that of the people of the community or other school district and not that of the law court??
Perhaps the very important question -- What is, then, exactly the role of kinesthetic sensations in the patient's ability to recognize forms and shapes by means of the tracing movements when he is actually looking at things??
In a growing number of American homes, marriage counselors report, the wife is taking a commanding role in sexual relationships.
It is only natural that she assert herself in the sexual role.
A world in which wives have taken a more active role is likely to produce sexual relationships in which wives are more self-assertive, too ''.
The latter plays a prominent role in Roman Catholic theology and is considered decisive, entirely apart from Scripture, in determining the ethical character of birth-prevention methods.
The role of an earthquake in starting the destruction of whole cities is tremendously frightening, but fire may actually be the principal agent in a particular disaster.
She may well be incapacitated by it when she is confronted with present and future alternatives -- e.g., whether to prepare primarily for a career or for the role of a homemaker ; ;
The vulnerability of Protestantism to social differences stems from the peculiar role of the new religious style in middle-class life, where the congregation is a vehicle of social and economic group identity and must conform, therefore, to the principle of economic integration.
Now a quiet-spoken, middle-aged man, Fiedler is an aeronautical engineer for Lockheed's Missiles and Space Division at Sunnyvale, where he played a key role in the development of the Navy's Polaris missile.
What ought to be, what is his potential role as a force for constructive social change??
Obviously, much more than customer expectation is determining the realtor's role.
Dolores Hart, is charming in a leading role, and quite believable.
Then there is a matchmaker, one Mikeen Flynn, a role for which Eddie Foy was happily selected.

is and model
The Glazer-Fine Arts edition ( Concert-Disc ) is a model of lucidity and organization.
The interlocking frame we built at the model railroader workshop and then installed on Paul Larson's railroad follows the Fig. 1 scheme and is shown beginning in Fig. 7, page 65, and in the photos.
Stock design is excellent, and this model is a good first gun.
Another boy's model is the
Either model is a very good dollar value.
The drill press should be leveled and, depending on whether it is a bench or floor model, bolted securely to a sturdy bench or stand or screwed to the floor with lag or expansion screws.
We devote a chapter to the binomial distribution not only because it is a mathematical model for an enormous variety of real life phenomena, but also because it has important properties that recur in many other probability models.
that is, we may discuss the phenomenon in terms of its departures from the binomial model.
While some regression is inevitable, it is discouraged rather than encouraged so that the transference does not follow the stages of planned regression associated with certain casework adaptations of the psychoanalytic model for insight therapy.
While there may be several such industries to which the model of this paper is applicable, the authors make particular claim of relevance to the explanation of the course of wages and prices in the steel industry of the United States since World War 2.
The model of this paper considers an industry which is not characterized by vigorous price competition, but which is so basic that its wage-price policies are held in check by continuous critical public scrutiny.
For expository purposes, this is best treated as a model which spells out the conditions under which an important industry affected with the public interest would find it profitable to raise wages even in the absence of union pressures for higher wages.
The industry with which this model is concerned is a basic industry, producing a substantial share of gross national product.
The industry of this model is so important that its wage and price policies are affected with a public interest.
In this model, then, the industry is presumed to realize that they could successfully resist a change in the basic wage rate, but since such a change is the only effective means to raising prices they may, in circumstances to be spelled out in Part 2, below, find it to their advantage to allow the wage rise.
From this presumption it is an easy step to the conclusion that any observed increases in the basic wage rate must be due to union behavior different and more aggressive than assumed in our model.
Eichmann himself is a model of how the myth of the enemy-Jew can be used to transform the ordinary man of present-day society into a menace to all his neighbors.
New York State has what is probably the most advanced of these co-operative systems, so well developed that it has become a model for others to follow.
# As exploratory data analysis, an ANOVA is an organization of an additive data decomposition, and its sums of squares indicate the variance of each component of the decomposition ( or, equivalently, each set of terms of a linear model ).
# Closely related to the ANOVA is a linear model fit with coefficient estimates and standard errors.

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