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was and after
He knew who was riding after him -- the men he had known all his life, the men who had worked for him, sworn their loyalty to him.
The first part of the road was steep, but it leveled off after the second bend and curled gradually into the valley.
My wife died in childbirth after I was sent away.
It was not, thought Pamela, such an evil place after all.
Was it not possible, after all, that the forest was in league with her and her child that its sympathy lay with the Culvers that she had erred in failing to understand this??
An inquest was held, and after a good deal of testimony about the anonymous notes, the county coroner estimated that the shooting had been done from a distance of 300 yards.
Prosecutor Baird immediately assumed he was hiding out there after the shooting and began preparing an indictment.
One thing was certain -- his method was effective, so effective that after a time even the warning notices were often unnecessary.
Seeing them waiting there at the foot of Emigrant Rock was so overwhelming that, for a good minute after they rounded the bend and started down the grade leading toward them, Matilda could not speak at all.
I had come to New Orleans two years earlier after graduating college, partly because I loved the city and partly because there was quite a noted art colony there.
But `` after the war '' was a luxury of a phrase he did not permit himself.
To Tilghman the incident was just one of a long list of hair-raising, smash-'em-down adventures on the side of the law which started in 1872 when he was only eighteen years old, and did not end till fifty years later when he was shot dead after warning a drunk to be quiet.
Back in the house a hoodlum named Red Buck, sore because Billy had been allowed to leave unscathed, jumped from a bunk and swore he was going after him to kill him right then.
Jack walked off alone out the road in the searing midday sun, past Robert Allen's three-room, tarpapered house, toward the field where the other boys were playing ball, thinking of what he would do in order to make Miss Langford have him stay in after school -- because this was the day he had decided when he thought he saw the look in her eyes.
He was possessive in his manner and, though a slave, obviously was educated after a fashion and imitated the manners of his owners.
Satisfied at last, and after a few amorous gambits on her part which convinced Delphine that Dandy was capable of learning new arts, she opened the window and called to her liveried driver.
He bounced exuberantly on the sagging bed and was even more delighted when Madame Lalaurie -- after closing the door -- showed the slave that the bed was designed for something other than slumber.
Five years were spent with the Cologne Opera, after which he was called to Prague by Alexander von Zemlinsky, teacher of Arnold Schonberg and Erich Korngold.
He recalled that in California after a critic had attacked him for `` still trying to sell Bruckner to the Americans '', the public's response at the next concert was a standing ovation.
In town after town my companion pointed out the Negro school and the White school, and in every instance the former made a better appearance ( it was newer, for one thing ).

was and current
She was watching a tree ride wildly down that roiling current.
Fred and Ralph qualified as executors and paid off what debts were currently due, and they were all current, since Papa was never one to allow bills to go unpaid.
But Morgan did not leave before he had written a letter to a William Pickman in Salem, Massachusetts, apparently an acquaintance, praising Washington and saying that the slanders propagated about him were `` opposed by the general current of the people to exalt General Gates at the expense of General Washington was injurious to the latter.
The current stereotype of straight news reporting was probably invaluable in protecting the press and its readers from pollution by that combination of doctored fact, fancy, and personal opinion called yellow journalism which flourished in this country more than a generation ago.
In spite of the fact that our largest market, the textile industry, was affected substantially by the current decline in business activity, we have been able to produce and deliver our machines throughout the year 1960 at a rate materially higher than during 1959.
He devised a detonating fuse in which a short wire was caused to glow by an electric current.
It was with the assistance of one of the members of this expedition, Lauritz Esmarch, that Oersted succeeded in producing light by creating an electric discharge in mercury vapor through which an electric current was made to flow.
The current was regulated by means of a variable resistor and measured with a 50 mV shunt and millivoltmeter.
electricity plays such an important part in community life today that it is difficult to envision a time when current was not available for daily use.
For a time following the abandonment of the local plant, electric current for Manchester was brought in from the south with an emergency tie-in with the Vermont Marble Company system to the north.
One of the first moves made after a cabinet decision was to request the United States to establish a full-fledged military assistance group instead of the current civilian body.
South Philadelphia High's principal added that the current delay was caused by the `` pressure '' of a movie that the toneless lad was making.
The category's original name was Best Art Direction and was changed to its current name for the 85th Academy Awards, with the Art Director's branch being renamed the Designer's branch.
The ampere was originally defined as one tenth of the CGS system electromagnetic unit of current ( now known as the abampere ), the amount of current that generates a force of two dynes per centimetre of length between two wires one centimetre apart.
The " international ampere " was an early realization of the ampere, defined as the current that would deposit grams of silver per second from a silver nitrate solution.
A bridge was first completed here in 1887, replaced by another structure in 1949, and subsequently replaced with the current bridge which was completed in 2008.
In our current understanding of physics, the Bohr model is called a semi-classical model because of its quantization of angular momentum, not primarily because of its relationship with electron wavelength, which appeared in hindsight a dozen years after the Bohr model was proposed.
The 1976 definition of the astronomical unit was incomplete, in particular because it does not specify the frame of reference in which time is to be measured, but proved practical for the calculation of ephemerides: a fuller definition that is consistent with general relativity was proposed, and " vigorous debate " ensued until in August 2012 the International Astronomical Union adopted the current definition of 1 astronomical unit = 149597870700 meters.
The alternating current power line frequency of 60 Hz was the primary clock rate for the lowest level operations.

was and incumbent
Normally, the bishop of Hereford would have led the defence in the absence of an Earl of Hereford, but in 1049 the incumbent, Æthelstan, was blind, so Ealdred took on the role of defender.
Clinton was elected president in 1992, defeating incumbent president George H. W. Bush.
Clinton won the 1992 presidential election ( 43. 0 % of the vote ) against Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush ( 37. 4 % of the vote ) and billionaire populist Ross Perot, who ran as an independent ( 18. 9 % of the vote ) on a platform focusing on domestic issues ; a significant part of Clinton's success was Bush's steep decline in public approval.
In the 1996 presidential election, Clinton was re-elected, receiving 49. 2 % of the popular vote over Republican Bob Dole ( 40. 7 % of the popular vote ) and Reform candidate Ross Perot ( 8. 4 % of the popular vote ), becoming the first Democratic incumbent since Lyndon Johnson to be elected to a second term and the first Democrat since Franklin Roosevelt to be elected President more than once.
As a result, Beatrix came to meet Hardwicke Rawnsley, incumbent vicar at Wray and later the founding secretary of the National Trust, whose interest in the countryside and country life inspired the same in Beatrix and who was to have a lasting impact on her life.
In reality, more often than not, Rome consecrated the clergy once it was notified by the kings who the incumbent would be.
On Feb 27th 2008 the incumbent president Leonel Fernández test rode the system for the first time and free service was offered thereafter several times.
# A Roman dictator was the incumbent of a political office of legistrate of the Roman Republic.
In those days, the emperor's chief task was priestly ( or godly ), containing so many repetitive rituals that it was deemed that after a service of around ten years, the incumbent deserved pampered retirement as an honored former emperor.
The incumbent bishop of Constantinople was Demophilus, a Homoian Arian.
According to the legendary Historia Regum Britanniae, of Geoffrey of Monmouth, London was founded by Brutus of Troy after he defeated the incumbent giants Gog and Magog and was known as, ( Latin for New Troy ), which, according to a pseudo-etymology, was corrupted to Trinovantum.
Lynch spent the five months preceding the election relentlessly attacking Governor Craig Benson, the first-term Republican incumbent, for what Lynch claimed was a lack of integrity following a long series of scandals during Benson's tenure.
Lynch was the first challenger to defeat a first-term incumbent in New Hampshire since 1926.
In February 1821, Martin Van Buren was elected a U. S. Senator from New York, defeating the incumbent Nathan Sanford who ran as the Clintonian candidate.
In 2008 Luis Fortuño ( NPP ) was elected governor, giving the New Progressive Party its largest victory in history beating incumbent Gov.
The incumbent worked with his Cabinet and other government officials ; he occasionally met with the Sovereign, and attended Parliament when it was in session during the spring and summer.
One outcome of the Innocenzo affair, however, was the upgrading of the position of Papal Secretary of State, as the incumbent had to take over the duties Innocenzo was unfit to perform: the Secretary of State eventually replaced the cardinal-nephew as the most important official of the Holy See.
Telecom was launched as the country's digital radio trunking operator under a B. O. T agreement with the incumbent operator STC, with an estimated 100, 000 subscribers as of Nov ' 07.
The last incumbent was maintained in 1873 when the islands were made part of Jamaica colony ; in 1894 the chief colonial official was restyled commissioner.
At the Republican Convention in Chicago, despite being the incumbent, Taft's victory was not immediately assured.

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