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Page "History of archaeology" ¶ 5
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was and criticized
A recent editorial discussing a labor-management agreement reached between the Southern Pacific Co. and the Order of Railroad Telegraphers has been criticized on the grounds that it was not based on complete information.
He was criticized for his curtness and abruptness -- and he answered: `` I am not working to become popular ''.
Cuarón also directed the controversial public service announcement " I Am Autism " for Autism Speaks that was sharply criticized by disability rights groups for its negative portrayal of autism.
Her second husband, Pere Milà, was a developer who was criticized for his flamboyant lifestyle and ridiculed by the contemporary residents of Barcelona, when they joked about his love of money and opulence, wondering if he was not rather more interested in " the widow ’ s guardiola " ( piggy bank ), than in " Guardiola ’ s widow ".
Johnson was criticized, especially in the North, for not acting to prevent this.
The terms of the Artistic License 1. 0 were at issue in a 2007 federal district court decision in the US which was criticized by some for suggesting that FOSS-like licenses could only be enforced through contract law rather than through copyright law, in contexts where contract damages would be difficult to establish.
It was criticized by the Free Software Foundation
Its pack-in game, Super Breakout, was particularly criticized for not doing enough to demonstrate the system's capabilities, and this gave the ColecoVision a significant advantage when its pack-in, Donkey Kong, delivered a more authentic arcade experience than any previous game cartridge.
The tax was criticized by the opposition as a tax grab, and voted down in the Senate on March 18, 2009.
He gave the nationally televised opening night address at the 1988 Democratic National Convention, but his speech, which was 33 minutes long and twice as long as it was expected to be, was criticized for being too long and poorly delivered.
Later in his presidency, in 1999, Clinton criticized the way the policy was implemented, saying he did not think any serious person could say it was not " out of whack.
Clinton was subsequently criticized when it turned out that a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan ( originally alleged to be a chemical warfare plant ) had been destroyed.
The movie was widely criticized by the rock community and Holly's friends and family for its inaccuracies.
The thesis that the Third Reich went to war on the basis of " blitzkrieg economics " was criticized by Richard Overy in the 1980s and Historian George Raudzens highlighted the many, somewhat conflicting, senses in which historians have used the word.
In the State of Israel, however, Pasternak's novel was sharply criticized for its assimilationist views towards toward the Jewish people.
( Baroque art was created during — and often forthe Counter-Reformation and so, ironically, BJU has been criticized by some other fundamentalists for promoting “ false Catholic doctrine ” through its art gallery.
During the Michigan primary, Bush was also criticized for not stating his opposition to the university's anti-Catholicism.
Barack Obama, the first black president of the United States, was throughout his campaign criticized as being either " too black " or " not black enough ".
In the second century Christianity was criticized by the Jews on a various grounds, e. g. that the prophecies of the Hebrew Bible could not have been fulfilled by Jesus, given that he did not have a successful life.
Capcom was also criticized by Mega Man fans and gaming sites for cancelling Mega Man Legends 3 and Mega Man Universe, for releasing Mega Man X and the upcoming Rockman XOver ( Mega Man XOver ) for iOS devices, and their handing of the development of Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City to Slant Six Games and the upcoming DmC: Devil May Cry to Ninja Theory.

was and by
Her face was very thin, and burned by the sun until much of the skin was dead and peeling, the new skin under it red and angry.
Gavin's stallion was in the barn and he tightened the cinches over the saddle blanket, working by touch in the darkness, comforting the animal with easy words.
It was pierced by a wagon gate built of two wings.
In the brief moment I had to talk to them before I took my post on the ring of defenses, I indicated I was sickened by the methods men employed to live and trade on the river.
His face was split by a vermilion streak, his eyes were pools of white ; ;
It was pitiful to see the thin ranks of warriors, old and young, wheeling and twisting their ponies frantically from side to side only to be tumbled bleeding from their saddles by the relentless slam, slam of the cruelly efficient Hawkinses.
He grabbed her by the shoulders and went down on one knee, taking her weight so that some of the wind was driven out of him.
There was an artificial lake just out of sight in the first stand of trees, fed by a half dozen springs that popped out of the ground above the hillside orchard.
only the counter at one end was lighted by a long fluorescent tube suspended directly above it.
He had looked over my forms and was impressed by what he had seen there ; ;
The office was of logs, four rooms, each heated by an iron stove.
The building was dwarfed by the scene outside.
It was partially cemented by ages and pressure, yet it crumpled before the onslaught of the powerful streams, the force of a thousand fire hoses, and with the gold it held washed down through the long sluices.
Even Hague was repelled by the machinelike deadliness that was Kodyke.
When they reached their neighbor's house, Pamela said a few polite words to Grace and kissed Melissa lightly on the forehead, the impulse prompted by a stray thought -- of the type to which she was frequently subject these days -- that they might never see one another again.
She was sure she would reach the pool by climbing, and she clung to that belief despite the increasing number of obstacles.
It was secured by an oversized padlock.
The rustling problem was by no means solved.
Jess's coarse features twisted in a surprised grin which was smashed out of shape by Curt's fist.
Russ ran through the bills and named an amount it was highly unlikely any cowpuncher would come by honestly.
The truth was, the puncher was both bewildered and dismayed by his own mixed luck.
When it was followed by a second, whining even closer, Cobb swerved sharply aside into a depression.

0.285 seconds.