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Some Related Sentences

What and we
What do we care ''??
What I am here to do is to report on the gyrations of the struggle -- a struggle that amounts to self-redefinition -- to see if we can predict its future course.
What we have in mind does have something in common with the goals of psychoanalysis and with the methods by which they are sought.
What exactly are we trying to prove??
What we must have, if the United Nations is to survive, is as nonpolitical, nonpartisan an organization at the top as human beings can make it, subject to no single nation's direction and subservient to no single nation's ambition.
A driver of a dairy truck, who begins work at 1 a.m. finishes before breakfast, then goes out and grows a garden, and who has used the cannery to save and feed a family of five, asked, `` What in the world will we do ''??
What we are attempting to do is achieve and maintain a balance between medium density and low density residential areas and industrial and commercial development.
What we need is more vocational training in high schools, not more dropouts.
What we need to realize is that the increasingly great contamination of the atmosphere by the Soviet tests had radically increased our own moral obligations.
What we will be sacrificing in any such arrangement will be our power to be selective which is contained in the reciprocal trade principle under which we now operate.
`` What are we going to do with these ''??
With this enlarged role in mind, I should like to make a few suggestions: What we in the United States do or do not do will make a very large difference in what happens in the rest of the world.
What I am suggesting is that when we delay, or when we fail to act, we do so intentionally and not through inadvertence or through bureaucratic or procedural difficulties.
What targets have we successfully knocked out??
What can we do with the general T??
What can we say of the probabilities of the different possible numbers of bull's-eyes??
Having outlined an approach to the theory and practice of preventive casework, we now address ourselves to our final question: What place should brief, crisis-oriented preventive casework occupy in our total spectrum of services??
What we have left as reasonably comparable are four classes: ( 1 ) body parts and products, which with a proportionally nearly even representation ( 51 terms out of 253, 25 out of 100 ) come out with nearly even ratios ; ;
What we have seen in this chapter, we have seen only dimly, and yet the results, however general, are worth the search.
What that spirit and attitude were we can best understand if we see more precisely how it contrasts with the communist tradition with the longest continuous history, the one which reached Christianity by the way of Stoicism through the Church Fathers of Late Antiquity.

What and would
`` What would you have done in Montero's moccasins??
What sort of men I would come into contact with, at the hall??
`` What else would I mean, anyways ''??
What would you do in my place ''??
What irritated Miriam was that Wright had told the papers about a reasonable offer he had made, which he considered she would accept `` when she tires of publicity ''.
What would happen if Adoniram `` changed horses in midstream ''??
What evidence is available would seem to indicate that Brooks, unlike his older brother Henry, had most of the methodological vices usually found in the amateur.
What better affirmative step could be taken to this end than repeal of the Connally amendment -- an act which could expose the United States to no practical risk yet would put an end to our self-judging attitude toward the court, enable us to utilize it, and advance in a tangible way the cause of international law and order??
What was missing in the Governor's argument, as in so many similar arguments, was a premise which would enable one to make the ethical leap from what might be militarily desirable to what is right.
`` What kind of models would you prefer ''??
`` What possessed you to tell me a clotheshorse would be a good idea ''??
What would the first projects be??
What is missing is work that would answer, presumably by the use of survey methods and Guttman-type attitude scales, such questions as these: What are the components of the feeling-state described as alienation??
What matters is that while Fromm's reading of the data is not the only one possible, it is precisely the one we would expect from a writer who earnestly believes that every man can and ought to be happy and satisfied.
What would his guns guide on then -- the North Star??
What could rescue the bill would be some quick progress on a bill amending the National Defense Education Act of 1958.
What was lacking was a real sense of phrase, the kind of legato singing that would have added a dimension of smoothness to what is, after all, a very oily character.
What would happen next??
But I smelled the coffee, and thinking, What the hell, live dangerously, I decided I would scald my worries away.
What would I want with them ''??
What we today call Aristotelian logic, Aristotle himself would have labeled " analytics ".
What would be needed to disprove A's assertion are examples of Republicans who support gun control.
: Alp Arslan: " What would you do if I was brought before you as a prisoner?
What the compiler would see in the above example would be "< code >< u > if </ u > token =

0.076 seconds.