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When and looked
When I mentioned that for my first long voyage I did not even have the money for the return fare, but had trusted to luck that I would earn a sufficient amount, the young people looked at me doubtingly.
When I looked up the actual date of his birth and found it to be March 15th, I realized that Roy was born under the right zodiacal sign for a watercolorist: the water sign of Pisces ( February 18 thru March 20 ).
When he looked up again, he seemed almost contented.
When he looked in the back, Mrs. Gertrude Parker was marking keno cards.
When Charlie came up from the beach for his four-o'clock pill, the whole establishment ( gaudy enough when seen through mist and fog ) looked like a floodlit modern painting -- great blocks of dizzy color, punctuated at regular intervals by the glaring white of five community refrigerators.
When Mercer looked on helplessly, the half-man twisted over on his side, his pink dusty back turned to Mercer, and wept hoarsely and quietly to himself.
When Costas was first hired by NBC, Don Ohlmeyer, who at the time ran the network's sports division, told the then 28-year-old Costas that he looked like a 14-year-old ( a story that Costas would recite during an appearance on Late Night with Conan O ' Brien when O ' Brien commented about Costas ' apparent inability to " age " normally ).
When doctors could not help Alexei, the Tsarina looked everywhere for help, ultimately turning to her best friend, Anna Vyrubova, to secure the help of the charismatic peasant healer Rasputin in 1905.
When the shell was warmed, milk would turn brown therefore the writing would appear on what looked like blank paper.
When the vote was nearing, and the constitution still looked likely to be defeated, Madison pleaded with a small group of anti-federalists, and promised them he would push for a bill of rights later if they changed their votes.
There he repeated in a different form all that he had already said, for all the world as if he had a gramophone fixed in his brain ... When I took leave, he subjected me to an interminable handshake, meanwhile fixing his cold blue eyes on mine, and repeating almost word for word what he said to me on arrival ... I felt I should never be able to establish any human contact with this man " In early June 1940, when Mussolini informed Hitler that he at long last would enter the war on 10 June 1940, Hitler was most dismissive, in private calling Mussolini a cowardly opportunist who broke the terms of the Pact of Steel in September 1939 when the going looked rough, and was only entering the war in June 1940 after it was clear that France was beaten and it appeared that Britain would soon make peace.
When he looked into a pool of water he also discovered that he now had a very handsome face.
When she first appears before gods and mortals, " wonder seized them " as they looked upon her.
When viewing the finished film, it looked like the girl disappeared suddenly after the magician's gesture.
When he returned to the west in 205 BC, Antiochus found that with the death of Ptolemy IV, the situation now looked propitious for another western campaign.
When Edward VI became ill in 1553, his advisers looked to the possible imminent accession of the Catholic Lady Mary, and feared that she would overturn all the reforms made during Edward's reign.
When new issues of nativism, prohibition and anti-slavery burst on the scene in the mid-1850s, no one looked to the quickly disintegrating Whig party for answers.
" When I found I had crossed that line, I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person.
When victory looked near, Gallienus made the mistake of approaching the city walls too closely and was gravely injured, compelling him to withdraw the campaign.
When the women who were close to menopause were looked at separately, the adverse effects on the heart were not seen and in fact some suggestion of beneficial effects was seen.
When compared side to side, Oldsmobile looked dated next to its price-point competitor DeSoto.
When Stevenson continued to state that he was not a candidate, President Truman and the Democratic Party leadership looked for other prospective candidates.
When he returned to San Marcos in 1965, after having signed the Higher Education Act of 1965, Johnson looked back:
When John Wood took the role in 1990, he played the later scenes in clothes that looked like cast-offs, inviting deliberate parallels with the uncared-for in modern Western societies.
When Gandhi embarked on a fast-unto-death protesting the separate electorates allocated for untouchables, Patel looked after Gandhi closely and himself refrained from partaking of food.

When and at
When his eyes began to focus, he saw Jess charging at him with a pitchfork.
When she appeared at the store to help out for a few hours even my looking at her was surreptitious lest my Uncle notice it.
When she would do these things, he would turn blind for an instant and become sick at his stomach.
When he started school at the age of five-and-a-half, he could not understand why the alphabet begins with the letter A, instead of C, as in the scale.
When the Revolution broke out, he, along with Jefferson and Jay, abandoned his career at the bar, with considerable financial sacrifice.
She used to tell me, `` When I stand there and look at the flag blowing this way and that way, I have the wonderful, safe feeling that Americans are protected no matter which way the wind blows ''.
When we turn to Aristotle's ideas on the moral measure of literature, it is at once apparent that he is at times equally concerned about the influence of the art.
When Quiney and William Parsons wrote to Greville in 1593 asking his consent in the election for bailiff, they sent the letter to Mr. William Sawnders, attendant on the worshipful Mr. Thomas Bushell at Marston.
When he came home from his office at the end of the afternoon, Breasted never knew what gathering he should expect to find, but there almost always was one.
There is, of course, nothing new about dystopias, for they belong to a literary tradition which, including also the closely related satiric utopias, stretches from at least as far back as the eighteenth century and Swift's Gulliver's Travels to the twentieth century and Zamiatin's We, Capek's War With The Newts, Huxley's Brave New World, E. M. Forster's `` The Machine Stops '', C. S. Lewis's That Hideous Strength, and Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, and which in science fiction is represented before the present deluge as early as Wells's trilogy, The Time Machine, `` A Story Of The Days To Come '', and When The Sleeper Wakes, and as recently as Jack Williamson's `` With Folded Hands '' ( 1947 ), the classic story of men replaced by their own robots.
When he was 15, his parents finally allowed him to attend classes at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.
When the knife went into his chest, he went down at once.
When Peter had reached his majority at eighteen??
When he was going to town, nothing was good enough -- he had cursed at Winston once for leaving a fleck of polish on his shoelace.
When the whole bottom has hardened, use a disk sander to feather the edges of the cloth at the keel line and near the spray rail.
When I arrived at Viola's I was shown, to my surprise, into the kitchen.
When a witness at court was asked if he had been kicked in the ensuing rumpus, he replied, `` No, it was in the stomach ''.
When it was worn in the breast, or even on the sleeve, we at least knew where it was ''.
When we look at countries like Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Burma, where substantial progress has been made in creating a minimum supply of modern men and of social overhead capital, and where institutions of centralized government exist, we find a second category of countries with a different set of problems and hence different priorities for policy.
When this proposal was made, Stalin spoke with stronger emotion than at any other time during the Conference.
When we repeat the remark that such suffering was a bad thing, the feeling with which we made it last week may be at or near the vanishing point, but if we were asked whether we meant to say what we did before, we should certainly answer Yes.
When the patient was not allowed to move his body in any way at all, the following striking results occurred.

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