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Page "lore" ¶ 739
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Some Related Sentences

at and least
But it at least offered him a chance for living.
sufficiently, at least, to get them back into town.
Not without a face-saving respite of at least a few minutes.
It seemed long, at least to Tom Brannon.
I would have foregone my romantic chances rather than leave a friend sweltering and dusty and -- Well, at least I wouldn't have shouted back a taunt.
Or at least not to Joyce.
It'll probably be at least an hour or two before I can check back with you.
I'll be soaking for at least half an hour ''.
`` I might have starved, but at least I wouldn't be fried to a crisp and soaked with dirt ''!!
After the war, Penny had wanted Keith at least to visit her home with her.
Slug the kid, grab his dough -- at least enough to get to Philadelphia -- and then have a rockin' ball with the doll.
since Bourbon whiskey, though of Kentucky origin, is at least as much favored by liberals in the North as by conservatives in the South.
This is puzzling to an outsider conscious of the classic tradition of liberalism, because it is clear that these Democrats who are left-of-center are at opposite poles from the liberal Jefferson, who held that the best government was the least government.
His assumption seems to be that any such friends, being tolerable humans, must be more liberal than most Southerners and therefore at least partly in sympathy with his views.
A third, one of at least equal and perhaps even greater importance, is now being traversed: American immersion and involvement in world affairs.
By subduing disparate lesser groups the nation has, to some degree at least, broadened the capacity for individual liberty.
And it is expressed, at least to their taste, in a perfect form.
On this trip to the South he wants, above all else, to sniff the effluvium of backwoods-and-sand-hill subhumanity and to see at least one barn burn at midnight ''.
And yet we obviously also believe that the avoidance of the disaster depends in some obscure or at least uncertain way on the details of how we behave.
That, I thought, is at least one thing I can find out when we meet.
All such imitations of negative quality have given rise to a compensatory response in the form of a heroic and highly individualistic humanism: if man can neither know nor love reality as it is, he can at least invent an artistic `` reality '' which is its own world and which can speak to man of purely personal and subjective qualities capable of being known and worthy of being loved.
Any attempt to reconcile this statement of the central issue in the campaign of 1956 with the nature of the man who could not conceive it as the central issue will at least resolve our confusions about the chaotic and misleading results of the earnestness of both doctors and President in a situation which should never have arisen.
The planter aristocracy has appeared in literature at least since John Pendleton Kennedy published Swallow-Barn in 1832 and in his genial portrait of Frank Meriwether presiding over his plantation dominion initiated the most persistent tradition of Southern literature.
They have an ancestry extending back, however, at least to 1728, when William Byrd described the Lubberlanders he encountered in the back country of Virginia and North Carolina.

at and I
Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Gray Eyes rushing at me with a knife.
Next to him was a young boy I was sure had sat near me at one of the trading sessions.
I was nearly thirty at the time.
I would turn away from my writing in the hope of getting a good look at them but I never quite succeeded.
They, and the two large fans which I could dimly see as daylight filtered through their vents, down at the far end of the hall, could be turned on by a master switch situated inside the office.
By counting the number of stalls and urinals I attempted to form a loose estimate of how many men the hall would hold at one time.
I could observe the two fans down at the end, but their size in themselves meant nothing to me as long as I had no measure of comparison.
No sooner would I turn my head away from the counter before he would address me, at times quite sharply, in order to bring back my attention.
I felt strongly attached to the hall, however, and hardly a day passed when I did not go to look at it from a distance.
My future lay solely with the hall, yet what did I know about the hall at this point??
I was at once disappointed, although just what I had expected him to look like I could not have explained.
What sort of men I would come into contact with, at the hall??
This desire, I went on, growing voluble as my conviction was aroused, had mounted at such a rate recently that I now found its realization necessary not only to my physical but also to my spiritual wellbeing.
I was again in motion and at a speed which belied the truck's similarity to Senor X's Ford turtle.
At once my ears were drowned by a flow of what I took to be Spanish, but -- the driver's white teeth flashing at me, the road wildly veering beyond his glistening hair, beyond his gesticulating bottle -- it could have been the purest Oxford English I was half hearing ; ;

at and have
He stood looking down at her for a moment, wondering what could have reduced her to this condition.
Yet had he not visited the girl at Saw Buck he would never have been involved in this latest tangle.
Without money or property, what would you have had at Baton Rouge ''??
Or else the North really believes that all Southerners except a few quaint old characters have come around to realizing the errors of their past, and are now at heart sharers of the American Dream, like everybody else.
Idje, here '', and he nodded at the man, `` is said to have great odor.
When I mentioned that for my first long voyage I did not even have the money for the return fare, but had trusted to luck that I would earn a sufficient amount, the young people looked at me doubtingly.
Author of the Albany Plan Of Union, which, had it been adopted, might have avoided the Revolution, he fought the colonists' front-line battles in London, negotiated the treaty of alliance with France and the peace that ended the war, headed the state government of Pennsylvania, and exercised an important moderating influence at the Federal Convention.
But, since they have rejected both narrative and emotional continuity, how are they to unify the impressive array of materials at their disposal??
Its appeal from ballots to bullets at Fort Sumter ended by costing the Southerners their right to have slaves -- a right that was even less compatible with the sovereignty of man.
But now we can keep it out no longer, because we have come into a time when `` it invades our experience at every moment.
The consciousness it mirrors may have come earlier to Europe than to America, but it is the consciousness that most `` mature '' societies arrive at when their successes in technological and economic systematization propel them into a time of examining the not-strictly-practical ends of culture.
The primary quality of that view seems, now, to have been its quietness, but that cannot at the time have impressed us.
Another, more interesting explanation, is hinted at by Watson when he observes on several occasions that Holmes would have made a magnificent criminal.
Alexander the Great, who used runners as message carriers, did not have to worry about having every officer in his command hear what he said and having hundreds of them comment at once.
Such problems are of extreme interest as well as importance and are so much like fighting in a rain forest or guerrilla warfare at night in tall grass that we might have to re-examine primitive conflicts for what they could teach.
But I have been at some pains to review it as the drama of the common man, to point up what happened to him under Eisenhower's leadership.
Men continuously at the head of growing enterprises can acquire experiences of the most varied, complicated and trying type so that at maturation they have developed the competence and willingness to accept the personal responsibility so sorely needed now.

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