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Page "belles_lettres" ¶ 1224
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Some Related Sentences

For and is
For one thing, this is not a subject often discussed or analyzed.
For better or for worse, we all now live in welfare states, the organizing principle of which is collective responsibility for individual well-being.
For one thing, there is a natural belt of rock across the river bed ; ;
For the family is the simplest example of just such a unit, composed of people, which gives us both some immunity from, and a way of dealing with, other people.
Even so astute a commentator as Harold Clurman of The Nation has said that `` Waiting For Godot '' is `` the concentrate of the contemporary European mood of despair ''.
For one thing, the world that Beckett sees is already shattered.
Harold Clurman is right to say that `` Waiting For Godot '' is a reflection ( he calls it a distorted reflection ) `` of the impasse and disarray of Europe's present politics, ethic, and common way of life ''.
For the beatnik, like the hipster, is in opposition to a society that is based on the repression of the sex instinct.
For this reason, too, their language is more forthright and earthy.
For the present it is enough to note that in the grotesque figure of Jacoby, at the moment of his collapse, all these elements come together in prophetic parody.
For Plato, `` imitation '' is twice removed from reality, being a poor copy of physical appearance, which in itself is a poor copy of ideal essence.
For both Plato and Aristotle artistic mimesis, in contrast to the power of dialectic, is relatively incapable of expressing the character of fundamental reality.
For Hammer, nothing is forbidden.
For example, suppose a man wearing a $200 watch, driving a 1959 Rolls Royce, stops to ask a man on the sidewalk, `` What time is it ''??
For the occasion on which everyone already knows everyone else and the host wishes them to meet one or a few honored newcomers, then the `` open house '' system is advantageous because the honored guests are fixed connective points and the drifting guests make and break connections at the door.
For this change is not a change from one positive position to another, but a change from order and truth to disorder and negation.
For paradigmatic history `` breaks '' rather than unfolds precisely when the movement is from order to disorder, and not from one order to a new order.
For this love of the boy for his mother is a hopeless and forbidden love, doomed by its nature.
For innocence, of all the graces of the spirit, is I believe the one most to be prayed for.
For what we propose, however, a psychoanalyst is not necessary, even though one aim is to enable the reader to get beneath his own defenses -- his defenses of himself to himself.
For this purpose a degree of intellectual and emotional involvement is necessary ; ;

For and their
For men who had left cattle alone after getting their first notices had received no second.
For three days, their stolid oxen had plodded up a blazing valley as flat and featureless as a dead sea.
For a brief period each year, the rays of the sun are warm enough to melt some of the snows piled a mile deep at the base of the headwalls, and then the pinnacles glisten in the daytime at high noon, and billions of gallons of water begin their slow seepage under the glaciers and across the rockstrewn hanging valleys on their long, meandering journey to the sea -- running east past the sky-carving massifs of Gurla Mandhata and Kemchenjunga, then turning south and curling down through the jungles of Assam, past the Khasi Hills, and into Bengal, past Sirinjani and Madaripur, until the hard water of the melting snows mingles with the soft drainage of fields and at length fans out to meld with the teeming salt depths of the Bay of Bengal.
For a while he was content to let events develop in their good time.
For lawyers, reflecting perhaps their parochial preferences, there has been a special fascination since then in the role played by the Supreme Court in that transformation -- the manner in which its decisions altered in `` the switch in time that saved nine '', President Roosevelt's ill-starred but in effect victorious `` Court-packing plan '', the imprimatur of judicial approval that was finally placed upon social legislation.
For it includes the emotional ties that bind men to their homeland and the complex motivations that hold a large group of people together as a unit.
For ten minutes they ran beneath the squall, raising their arms and, for the first time, shouting and capering.
When Johnny Mercer and Harold Arlen began their collaboration in 1940, Mercer, like Arlen, had several substantial film songs to his credit, among them `` Hooray For Hollywood '', `` Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride '', `` Have You Got Any Castles, Baby??
Walter M. Miller, Jr.'s, A Canticle For Leibowitz ( 1959 ) finds men, after the great atomic disaster, stumbling back to their previous level of civilization and another catastrophe ; ;
For as his companions gradually dissolve back into a state of primitive confrontation with elemental necessity, as they lose all the appanage of their acquired culture, he is overcome by the feeling that he is at last being confronted with the essence of mankind.
`` For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive -- your trespasses ''.
For those who `` like poetry but never get around to reading it '', the Library of Congress makes it possible for poets to be heard reading their own work.
For instance -- what about all those people Harold Rhodes went toward unhesitatingly, as if this were the one moment they would ever have together, their one chance of knowing each other??
For the States which maintain two separate agencies -- one for the vocational rehabilitation of the blind, and one for the rehabilitation of persons other than the blind -- the Act specifies that their minimum ( base ) allotment shall be divided between the two agencies in the same proportion as it was divided in fiscal year 1954.
For readjustment to the U.S., volunteers should be given some separation allowance at the end of their overseas service, based on the length of time served.
For the making of selections on the basis of excellence requires that any foundation making the selections shall have available the judgments of a corps of advisors whose judgments are known to be good: such judgments can be known to be good only by the records of those selected, by records made subsequent to their selection over considerable periods of time.
For this concept of an Advisory Board, ancillary to the Board of Trustees, we are indebted to the late President of Harvard University, A. Lawrence Lowell, a master of the subject of the structure of cultural institutions and their administration.
For example, the interest of past members of the Foundation's Advisory Board remains such that they place their knowledge and judgments at our disposal much as they had done when they were, formally, members of that Board.
For the maintenance of a long-term program, the departments, and particularly their chairmen, are strategic.
For use in formulas, fractions should be converted to their decimal equivalents.
For their length, their types of construction, their picturesque settings, and their literary associations, they should be known and remembered.

0.067 seconds.