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Page "belles_lettres" ¶ 1390
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knew and all
He knew who was riding after him -- the men he had known all his life, the men who had worked for him, sworn their loyalty to him.
And here all the time you knew the Sioux would be using our rifles on them!!
Normally Hague wasted no words, but now he found himself unable to stop their flow although he knew Kodyke was aware of all he said.
He had a purring voice and poker player's immobility of features which somehow conveyed the feeling that he knew where all the bodies were buried.
After complimenting Morgan and the riflemen and saying he was praising them to Congress, too, the ardent Frenchman added he felt that Congress should make some financial restitution to the widow and family of Morris, but that he knew Morgan realized how long such action usually required, if it was done at all.
There were several men of ninety or more whom I knew first or last, all of whom were still productive and most of whom knew one another as if they had naturally come together at the apex of their lives.
He knew all about the appeal of a black shirt and jackboots to a poor, southern, peasant boy.
He knew all about the infection and the fever, and, too, the moment of realization when he saw for himself, threw up his hands and quit, ended the war as a prisoner in Texas.
Berto knew all about Fascism.
He knew the faces of all, hairy or shaven, old or young, fat or thin, suffering or hardened, sad or gay, good or bad.
I knew better but I was thinking of the Pedersen kid mother-naked in all that dough.
There is a death in all partings, she knew, and promptly put it out of her mind.
He knew the house like a blind man, through his fingers, and he did not like to think of all the time and rags and polishes he had spent on keeping it up.
He admitted that he knew it was open to him at all times, and he could have rebutted it before the hearing officer.
He found them near the carcass of a zebra that had been killed the night before, and he circled once, nose to the ground, hair shooting up along his back, as it did when he was after lion or bear, and then he lifted his head and bayed, and the pack joined in, all heads high, and Jones knew it was a hot trail.
And in all likelihood, by now, there was more than one person in the house who knew the terms of her marriage contract.
Blanche knew all this because the door to Stanley's office was open and, without straining too hard, she could hear everything that was said.
Madden knew that he could be completely wrong about all this, but also knew that he would go right on disliking Garth.
And then Nick knew that all of them knew Elaine, himself and Poet.
`` I knew it all along '', confessed Arnold with a grin, `` but I just happened to think how much nicer it would be to drop one way up there ''.
I won't try the experiment, but I think you can see that if we all knew the secret and we could all let ourselves go, there would be quite an explosion.

knew and about
He was silent a moment, thinking he could use a man this time of year, and if the girl could cook, it would give him more time in the meadows, but he knew nothing about the couple.
He knew nothing about the man's history.
She had offered to walk, but Pamela knew she would not feel comfortable about her child until she had personally confided her to the care of the little pink woman who chose to be called `` Auntie ''.
`` Everyone knew it, but he sort of acted like he didn't care who knew it -- even after them notes came, even after he'd heard about Lewis, even after he'd been shot at a couple o' times hisself ''!!
All the drivers knew about the plates and they also knew about the big floppy straw hat with shredded edges, the kind natives in travel ads wear when they are out joyfully chopping cane.
She had driven up with her husband in a convertible with Eastern license plates, although the two drivers knew nothing at the moment about that.
And he knew that the men talked about him behind his back, saying that he was one up on everybody else -- including the pilot of the plane with the swastika on it -- because he was chemically incapable of fear.
In 1945, probably almost every American not only knew who Sam Spade was, but had some kind of emotional feeling about him.
Trujillo knew a great deal about assassination.
The I. A. P. A. found itself driven from journalism into politics as it did its best to bring about the downfall of the Castro Government and the return of the Cuban press to the freedom it knew before Batista's dictatorship began in 1952.
yet he knew that he had nothing to grumble about, for Argiento made few demands on him.
Joel knew what he was about, however.
You never knew about it, but by God, we taught them respect for Captain Androfski ''.
Even Rector himself was prey to this spirit of competition and he knew it, not for a more exalted office in the hierarchy of the church -- his ambitions for the bishopry had died very early in his career -- but for the one clear victory he had talked about to the colonel.
He had made such a fuss about buying that second car that he knew he was vulnerable.
Perhaps he had better have someone help him put up the pegboard and build the workbench -- someone who knew what he was about.
Music, of course, is not so explicit an art, but anybody who knew Charlie Parker knows that he felt much the same way about his own gift.

knew and had
He knew that anything a brainy little lady like her had to say would be plumb important, as well as pleasin' to the ear, and he didn't want to miss a word of it.
Not that her mother knew what had happened, but they could speculate upon it.
Even as he said it, Greg knew they had found the enemy.
What had caught his attention was obscured by the car itself, so that neither the girl nor the truck drivers could see, but Benson knew what it was.
Just as he knew that she had stopped loving him.
I knew that a conversation with the author would not settle such questions, because a man is not the same as his writing: in the last analysis, the questions had to be settled by the work itself.
Some, she knew, looked upon Thompson almost as a saint, but others read in `` The Hound Of Heaven '' what they took to be the confessions of a great sinner, who, like Oscar Wilde, had -- as one pious writer later put it -- thrown himself `` on the swelling wave of every passion ''.
it was the clerks who caused the mischief and who made him say that the ruling passion of their race was covetousness and that in dealing with them he never knew whether he had to do with a Frenchman or with a devil.
Meltzer knew why I had come for him.
Both knew that when trains stopped at Texan crossroads bored soldiers would sometimes enter to ask the passengers if they had any reading material to spare, even a newspaper.
I saw Sedgwick often before his death at ninety-five, -- he had remarried at the age of ninety, -- and he asked me, when once I returned from Rome, if I knew the Cavallinis in the church of St. Cecilia in Trastevere.
`` I thought I knew more than my education had taught me, '' notes the narrator, `` because I had encountered the militant mobs of a political or religious faith ''.
He had bought a little piece of property down along the coast of the hard country of Calabria that he knew so well.
Now, everyone knows -- or knew in the week of December 10 -- that something had gone shockingly wrong with American foreign policy.

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