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Page "Joseph of Arimathea" ¶ 9
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Some Related Sentences

And and I
And you wanted no part of me when I had so much to give.
And I appreciate the advice ''.
And I had hardly finished my business in the toilet on the aforementioned occasion when the lights in that place, like the hall lights controlled from the switch in the office, flicked off and on impatiently.
And Hank Maguire added, `` So am I, Tom ''.
`` And I sort o' got a corner on the market ''.
`` And I so want the part '', she said.
And that is the way I first saw her when my Uncle brought her into his antique store.
And then I became aware that she, too, glanced at me surreptitiously.
And I will greatly appreciate it if you will not tell your husband.
And when I make the dive again '' -- He paused ; ;
And I aim to have it ''.
`` And now '', said Tilghman with deadly calm, `` I'll repeat what I said.
And therein, I feel, many Northerners delude themselves about the South.
And so I would only touch upon it now ( much as I have long wanted to write a book about it ).
And if I have gone into so much detail about so small a work, that is because it is also so typical a work, representing the germinal form of a conflict which remains essential in Mann's writing: the crude sketch of Piepsam contains, in its critical, destructive and self-destructive tendencies, much that is enlarged and illuminated in the figures of, for instance, Naphta and Leverkuhn.
Being a teacher of American literature, I remembered Whittier's `` Massachusetts To Virginia '', where he said: `` But that one dark loathsome burden ye must stagger with alone, And reap the bitter harvest which ye yourselves have sown ''.
`` I scanned the world through printed symbol swart, And through the beggar's rags I strove to see The inner man.
And I select this sentence as its pertinent summation: `` in essence the drama of his ( Eisenhower's ) Presidency can be described as the ordeal of a nation turned conservative and struggling -- thus far with but limited and precarious success -- to give effective voice and force to that conservatism ''.
I saw a piece the other day assailing William Buckley, author of Man And God at Yale and publisher of The National Review, as no conservative at all, but an old liberal.
And I would further note that they all -- with one exception again -- sang in one key or another the same song.
If I now risk some comparisons with Sons And Lovers let it be clear that I am not comparing the two works or judging their merits ; ;
`` And I think you had better leave '', replied Miriam.

And and will
`` And the boy will be too much under his influence by then.
And the boy will need his mother.
`` And next year we will do -- also a Ford commission -- a piano concerto by Elliott Carter, with Jacob Lateiner as soloist.
And yet -- a year to a child is an eternity, and in the memory that phase of one's being -- a certain mental landscape -- will seem to have endured without beginning and without end.
And most of the great periods are represented, because we will compare Plato and Aristotle from the golden age of Greece ; ;
And we can add that Krutch's interpretation of purgation is also one answer to Plato's fear that poetry will encourage our passions.
Baker added: `` I pray you delivre these inclosed Letters And Comend mee to Mr. Rychard Mytton whoe I know will ffreind mee for the payment of this monei ''.
`` And from now on, for the rest of this trip, I will only drink what you agree that I should drink ''.
And it is also a fact of life that there will always ( be youngish half-educated people around, who will be dazzled by the glitter of what looks like a literary movement.
And the pay, of course, will be nil.
And the pitching will also have trouble doing better.
And they're confident that the GOP, currently assailed by dissensions within the ranks, will be impressed by the purring power beneath the hood of this grassroots-fueled machine.
And he will avoid eye-strain in the process.
`` And do you really think that the world outside Poland will care any more than we do ''??
`` And I am not sure that I have any cash -- any money, that is -- but if you will wait just a minute I will write you out a check if I can find my checkbook.
And the stiffly regal look of them, she saw grimly, lacked the quaver of age which, thwarting the efforts of her amazing will, ran through her spoken words like a thin ragged string.
And Sam Rayburn is a great man -- one who will go down in American history as a truly great leader of the Nation.
And so, let us remember on this day not only to thank the Almighty Who gave hope and courage to the Pilgrims, but also to place our trust in Him that He will continue to protect us in the future as He has in the past.
And with the shutdown method there will be no argument as to who gets the choice vacation dates.
And most of the gain will be in self-unloading vehicles ''.
And the more complex the morphophonemic system is in relation to the phonemic base, the less easily a phonemic system will be analysed without close attention to the morphophonemics -- at least, the less satisfying will a phonemic statement be if it cannot be related through morphophonemic rules to grammatically meaningful structures.

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