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is and American
`` His address '', Walter added, `` is that great foundling home, the American Express.
Now I wish to enter the American market, where the competition is very strong.
As it is, they consider that the North is now reaping the fruits of excess egalitarianism, that in spite of its high standard of living the `` American way '' has been proved inferior to the English and Scandinavian ways, although they disapprove of the socialistic features of the latter.
Of greater importance, however, is the content of those programs, which have had and are having enormous consequences for the American people.
The general acceptance of the idea of governmental ( i.e., societal ) responsibility for the economic well-being of the American people is surely one of the two most significant watersheds in American constitutional history.
A third, one of at least equal and perhaps even greater importance, is now being traversed: American immersion and involvement in world affairs.
BMEWS intelligence is simultaneously flashed to NORAD ( North American Air Defense Command ) in Colorado Springs, Colorado, for interpretation ; ;
Even though in most cases the completion of the definitive editions of their writings is still years off, enough documentation has already been assembled to warrant drawing a new composite profile of the leadership which performed the heroic dual feats of winning American independence and founding a new nation.
Obviously there has been no agreement on what American conservatism is, or rather, what it should be.
Mr. Nehru is subjected to stern lectures on neutralism by our Department of State, and an American President observes sourly that Sweden would be a little less neurotic if it were a little more capitalistic ''.
One thing you can say about Mr. Lyford is that he does not suffer from any insecurity as an American.
The picture is the more treacherous when it misrepresents the facts of American life.
The interesting thing about Mr. Lyford's approach, and the approach of the contributors to The Agreeable Autocracies ( Oceana Publications, 1961 ) to the situation of American civilization, is that it is concerned with comprehending the psychological relationships which are having a decisive effect on American life.
Such performance is a great tribute to American scientists and engineers, who in the past five years have had to telescope time and technology to develop these long-range ballistic missiles, where America had none before.
Mr. Stavropoulos is the U.N. legal chief and a very good man, but he is not fully versed on some technical points of American law ''.
The other is that the charge for cabanas and parasols, though modest from an American point of view, still is a little high for many Athenians.
He is said to have reported that once, when she went to a hospital to call on a friend after a serious operation, and the friend protested that it had been `` nothing '', she replied, `` Well, it was your healthy American peasant blood that pulled you through ''.
Finally, there is the undeniable fact that some of the finest American fiction is being written by Jews, but it is not Jewish fiction ; ;

is and law
It became the sole `` subject '' of `` international law '' ( a term which, it is pertinent to remember, was coined by Bentham ), a body of legal principle which by and large was made up of what Western nations could do in the world arena.
The enormous changes in world politics have, however, thrown it into confusion, so much so that it is safe to say that all international law is now in need of reexamination and clarification in light of the social conditions of the present era.
To him, law is the command of the sovereign ( the English monarch ) who personifies the power of the nation, while sovereignty is the power to make law -- i.e., to prevail over internal groups and to be free from the commands of other sovereigns in other nations.
Moreover, the law of the land is not irrevocable ; ;
That is to say Gabriel's fundamental law had been so much modified by this time that it was neither fundamental nor law any more.
It is a weakness of Gabriel's analysis that he never seems to realize that his so-called fundamental law had already been cut loose from its foundations when it was adapted to democracy.
His father was a professor at Hartford Theological Seminary, and from him he acquired a conviction, which he passed along to me, that there is in the universe of persons a moral law, the law of love, which is a natural law in the same sense as is the physical law.

is and however
The content is not the same, however: rather than individual security, it is the security and continuing existence of an `` ideological group '' -- those in the `` free world '' -- that is basic.
Historically, however, the concept is one that has been of marked benefit to the people of the Western civilizational group.
It is interesting, however, that despite this strong upsurge in Southern writing, almost none of the writers has forsaken the firmly entrenched concept of the white-suited big-daddy colonel sipping a mint julep as he silently recounts the revenue from the season's cotton and tobacco crops ; ;
He is still concerned, however, with a personal event.
I think it is essential, however, to pinpoint here the difference between the two concepts of sovereignty that went to war in 1861 -- if only to see better how imperative is our need today to clarify completely our far worse confusion on this subject.
It appears that the dominant tendency of Mann's early tales, however pictorial or even picturesque the surface, is already toward the symbolic, the emblematic, the expressionistic.
More profound and more disturbing, however, is the moral isolation of Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe.
This is, however, symptomatic of our national malaise.
We are reminded, however, that freedom of thought and discussion, the unfettered exchange of ideas, is basic under our form of government.
This, however, cannot be done by a community whose very experience of truth is confused and incoherent: it has no absolute standard, and consequently cannot distinguish the absolute from the contingent.
But however we come, finally, to explain and account for the present, the truth we are trying to expose, right now, is that the makers of constitutions and the designers of institutions find it difficult if not impossible to anticipate the behavior of the host of all their enterprises.
The reality of the situation, however, is described by Mr. Lyford: ``
Circular motion, however, since it is eternal and perfectly continuous, lacks termini.
It is a mistake, however, to imagine that Sandburg uses the guitar as a prop.
It is, however, a disarming disguise, or perhaps a shield, for not only has Mercer proved himself to be one of the few great lyricists over the years, but also one who can function remarkably under pressure.
Undoubtedly, however, the significance of the volume is greater than the foregoing paragraphs suggest.
For what we propose, however, a psychoanalyst is not necessary, even though one aim is to enable the reader to get beneath his own defenses -- his defenses of himself to himself.
What is not so well known, however, and what is quite important for understanding the issues of this early quarrel, is the kind of attack on literature that Sidney was answering.

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