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Page "Espedair Street" ¶ 2
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I and would
I remember being told it would happen so fast people would think it took place overnight.
As I dug in behind one of the bales we were using as protection, I grudgingly found myself agreeing with Oso's logic, especially when I imagined what would have happened to Missy if Old Knife's large party of screeching warriors had overrun our company.
`` That quirt -- I ought to use it on you, where it would do the most good.
I would turn away from my writing in the hope of getting a good look at them but I never quite succeeded.
He pointed out the switch to me and for a moment I foolishly believed that he would let deed follow words.
Later I would remember what this pompous little man had told me about the worth of a ticket.
By counting the number of stalls and urinals I attempted to form a loose estimate of how many men the hall would hold at one time.
No sooner would I turn my head away from the counter before he would address me, at times quite sharply, in order to bring back my attention.
As I had expected, he insisted that my visits to the hall would do nothing to further the process of my application.
What sort of men I would come into contact with, at the hall??
Though I doubted that he would understand me, I told the director my motives for applying.
Donald Kruger would like nothing better than to hold him as hostage, and I wouldn't entrust a snake to his tender care.
`` What else would I mean, anyways ''??
`` A body would swear I floated right up here on a cloud ''!!
Forced to realize that this was the end of a very short line I scanned a road marker and discovered what the end of a slightly longer line would be for the old Mexican: Moriarty, New Mexico.
I would have foregone my romantic chances rather than leave a friend sweltering and dusty and -- Well, at least I wouldn't have shouted back a taunt.
I let up on the accelerator, only to gradually reach again the 60 m.p.h. which would, I hoped, overhaul Herry and the blonde, and as there were cars whose drivers apparently had something more important to catch than had I, Mrs. Major Roebuck settled down to practicing on Corporal Johnson the kittenish wiles she would need when making her duty call on Colonel and Mrs. Somebody in Sante Fe.

I and walk
Now, are you going to take me or am I supposed to walk ''??
I figger it's probl'y a sixty-five-mile walk, and I c'n maybe get this spring patched up in a couple of hours ''.
A few minutes later I saw my Uncle's car drive up and a woman's figure emerge and walk to the corner.
Or: `` I walk around the house a lot ''.
We don't 'low nigras to walk on the same sidewalk with white men where I come from.
Eileen got to dancing, just a little tiny dancing step to a hummed tune that you could hardly notice, and trying to pick up strange men, but each time I was ready to say to hell with it and walk out she'd pull herself together and talk so understandingly in that sweet husky voice about the good times and the happiness we'd had together and there I was back on the hook.
I can walk real good.
I can sit here in the car while you walk around the corner ''.
Lighting my pipe, I took a walk.
In fact, He came into this world Himself, in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, who stood here amid the darkness of human sin and said: `` I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life ''.
I could, he thought, take a long walk -- but where??
This refugee was a middle-aged man, a big, handsome man with a strut to his walk as I have never before seen.
it is when I meet someone who was a close friend of the family, and therefore of mine, and they nod to me so coolly and walk away, that it hurts.
`` I could walk out the door ''.
Another version ends with " Now I know my ZYXs, let's all go and walk to Texas.
Young did not walk a batter and was later quoted: " For my part, I think it was the greatest game of ball I ever took part in.
* Imperfective ( an action with ongoing nature: combines the meanings of both the progressive and the habitual aspects ): ' I am walking to work ' ( progressive ) or ' I walk to work every day ' ( habitual ).
* Habitual: ' I used to walk home from work ', ' I would walk home from work every day ', ' I walk home from work every day ' ( a subtype of imperfective )

I and hitch
Piece went wonderfully well – not a hitch of any kind, and afterwards G. and I had a double call.
In turn of the century costumes, the couple finally says " I do " in style and the wedding goes off without a hitch on April 1, 1988.
By the third night, the London Figaro could report: " I must say that not a single hitch in the performance is now to be perceived, and that the applause and evident delight of the audience from beginning to end, the piece occupying a space of time within two hours.
The hitch was that I had only ten days to do so, Chief stylist Ed Macauley ( actually vice-president for design ) would be on the coast for that amount of time, and if I didn't have anything before he left, it would be a lost cause.
They hitch a lift to London, and the lorry driver talks of International Electromatics, or I. E., the world's largest electronics manufacturer ; but, after leaving them, the driver is promptly murdered by two guards from I. E.
# I will not hitch up my robes when going in inhabited areas.
# I will not hitch up my robes when sitting in inhabited areas.

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