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Page "romance" ¶ 857
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Some Related Sentences

I and could
`` I could use some help '', Morgan said finally, `` but I can't afford to pay you anything.
`` I made you so you could stand up.
I could see them in my sights.
Far up the valley I could see the Rees circling and reorganizing.
I could see their faces glistening with sweat and bear grease, their mouths open, shouting their spine-chilling cries.
I could see the blood running down his chest.
I could smell woodsmoke, grease, and oil.
Now under me I could see him for what he really was, a boy dressed up in streaks of paint.
Since they could see me but I not them, their presence in the hall disturbed me.
) hung on a hook on the wall, and underneath it I could see his tie, knotted, ready to be slipped over his head, a black badge of frayed respectability that ought never to have left his neck.
They, and the two large fans which I could dimly see as daylight filtered through their vents, down at the far end of the hall, could be turned on by a master switch situated inside the office.
For although I had crossed a corner of the hall on my way to the toilet I still could not tell for sure how far to the rear the darkness extended.
I could observe the two fans down at the end, but their size in themselves meant nothing to me as long as I had no measure of comparison.
I knew that three or four of them were almost always present in the hall, but what they were doing, and exactly where, I could not tell.
I could not cling to my past nor did I wish to.
When I asked him what, if anything, I could do about it, he surprised me by referring me to the director of the hall.
I could consult this personage on any weekday morning, though not before ten o'clock.
Although it was dark as usual I could see that the hall had only recently contained a great many people.

I and walk
Now, are you going to take me or am I supposed to walk ''??
I figger it's probl'y a sixty-five-mile walk, and I c'n maybe get this spring patched up in a couple of hours ''.
A few minutes later I saw my Uncle's car drive up and a woman's figure emerge and walk to the corner.
Or: `` I walk around the house a lot ''.
We don't 'low nigras to walk on the same sidewalk with white men where I come from.
Eileen got to dancing, just a little tiny dancing step to a hummed tune that you could hardly notice, and trying to pick up strange men, but each time I was ready to say to hell with it and walk out she'd pull herself together and talk so understandingly in that sweet husky voice about the good times and the happiness we'd had together and there I was back on the hook.
I can walk real good.
I can sit here in the car while you walk around the corner ''.
Lighting my pipe, I took a walk.
In fact, He came into this world Himself, in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, who stood here amid the darkness of human sin and said: `` I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life ''.
I could, he thought, take a long walk -- but where??
This refugee was a middle-aged man, a big, handsome man with a strut to his walk as I have never before seen.
it is when I meet someone who was a close friend of the family, and therefore of mine, and they nod to me so coolly and walk away, that it hurts.
Another version ends with " Now I know my ZYXs, let's all go and walk to Texas.
Young did not walk a batter and was later quoted: " For my part, I think it was the greatest game of ball I ever took part in.
* Imperfective ( an action with ongoing nature: combines the meanings of both the progressive and the habitual aspects ): ' I am walking to work ' ( progressive ) or ' I walk to work every day ' ( habitual ).
* Habitual: ' I used to walk home from work ', ' I would walk home from work every day ', ' I walk home from work every day ' ( a subtype of imperfective )

I and out
She said, `` I guess the Lord looks out for fools, drunkards, and innocents ''.
`` I guess I'll find out soon enough.
He pointed out the switch to me and for a moment I foolishly believed that he would let deed follow words.
I was shown, instead, a batch of white tickets of the sort handed out, he told me, every morning.
This light did not penetrate very far back into the hall, and my eyes were hindered rather than aided by the dim daylight entering through the fan vents when I tried to pick out whatever might be lying, or squatting, on the floor below.
Print it in real big letters, an' I can cipher it out later ''.
I found a trooper once the Apache had spread-eagled on an ant hill, and another time we ran across some teamsters they'd caught, tied upside down on their own wagon wheels over little fires until their brains was exploded right out o' their skulls.
At these words of sympathy and understanding, Harmony said generously, `` I don't mind setting here along with Gran while you go out and join in the games ''.
Rod shifted his eager eyes from the milling group out in the circle long enough to reply, `` I ain't much of a hand for Dare-Base and Farmer-in-the-Dell, but I'd sure like to get in on the handhold and wrestles ''.
Looking back I saw a gray-haired man getting out of his halted car and trying to read our license number.
She stood up, pulled the coat from her shoulders and started to slide it off, then let out a high-pitched scream and I let out a low-pitched, wobbling sound like a muffler blowing out.
There had been a good second or two during which my muffler had been blowing out, and now I was certain I'd seen her somewhere before.
`` So I just scooted out of his clutches.
I swam like mad, got out of the pool, grabbed my robe, and ran to the car.
As I went out, I could hear water pouring in the shower.
The rest of the time I devoted to painting or to those other activities a young and healthy man just out of college finds interesting.
I dismissed these feelings as wishful thinking but I could not get it out of my head that we had a strong physical attraction for one another and we both feared to dwell on it because of our relationship.
`` I don't want to be thrown out and I don't think I will.
He was looking out on the dark waters of the Lake when I came upon him and without wasting words I smacked him hard across the face.

0.090 seconds.