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Page "Cosmic censorship hypothesis" ¶ 20
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These and have
These illiterate boors conscripted from villages all across the Czarina's empire had, Suvorov may have told Lewis, just two things a commander could count on: physical fitness and personal courage.
These new poems have only a few direct references to jazz and jazz musicians, but they show changes in Patchen's approach to his poetry, for he has tried to enter into and understand the emotional attitude of the jazz musician.
These have never gone out of style in Scandinavian homes and now seem to be reappearing here and there in shops which specialize in handicrafts.
These gentlemen already have done the party harm by their seeming reluctance to vote aid for the depressed areas and by their criticism of Mr. Kennedy for talking about a recession and unemployment.
These proposals would reduce the amount of tax that DuPont stockholders might have to pay -- from an estimated 1.1 billion dollars under present law to as little as 192 million dollars.
These arrangements would have been impossible if the business community was truly interested in the welfare of its employes.
These forty-seven special purpose governments have the authority to levy taxes, to borrow money, own property, sue and be sued, and in general to exercise normal corporate powers.
These registries are sponsored by 18 national medical, dental, and veterinary societies and have as their mission the assembling of selected cases of interest to military medicine and of establishing through the mechanism of follow-up of living patients the natural history of various diseases of military-medical importance.
These thermometers have now been sent to the United Kingdom for calibration at the National Physical Laboratory.
These provisions are designed to reflect the differences in wealth and population among the States, with the objective that a vocationally handicapped person have access to needed services regardless of whether he resides in a State with a low or high per capita income or a sparsely or thickly populated State.
These could be costly and have a serious effect both at home and abroad.
These destructive forces also have a seriously adverse effect upon the watersheds and their life-supporting waterflows, and upon the other renewable forest resources.
These specialists, I learned, have done a great deal of work to improve the size and health of the plants and the resulting flowers.
These engines have a cylinder diameter of 3-7/8 inches and a stroke length of 3 inches.
`` These recent steps do not offer the possibility of extension to the great number of senior engineers who have displayed technical competence.
These have to do with property rights, municipal official attitudes and a host of others.
These vehicles, with large sensitive areas, have collected data for long enough times to give reliable impact rates for the periods of exposure.
These dosages could have been increased by increasing the source strength which was small in this case.
These have been labeled Regions 1, 2, and 4, respectively, in Fig. 1.
These drugs have no effect on the iodide concentrating mechanism, but they inhibit organification.
These groups have varied widely from mere families, primitive, totemic groups, and small modern cults and sects, to the memberships of great denominations, and great, widely dispersed world religions.
These things have been disseminated by other means, but always in the wake of extensive publication of analytic results.
These children have been described as those who were trying to say something to adults who did not understand.
These have an upper-middle-class leadership and a middle-class membership, with rare exceptions, where working-class parents are active in local P.-T.A. matters.
These must have been for local calls strictly, as in May 1900 the `` only long distance telephone '' in town was transferred from C. B. Carleton's to Young's shoe store.

These and more
These my grandmother left in their places ( they are still there, more persistent and longer-lived than the generations of man ) and planted others like them, that flourished without careful tending.
These lines never cease to haunt the book amidst all the exaltations of combat, and to make an appeal for a larger and more elemental human community than one based on the brutal necessities of war.
These trumps were more touching than they were anything else, and seemed to imply that the nights were long, her children ungrateful, and her marriage bewilderingly threadbare.
These involve more the mechanics employed in adjusting to fiscal uniformity than they do actual disadvantages to the principle.
These amendments to the Vocational Rehabilitation Act were designed to help provide for more specialized rehabilitation facilities, for more sheltered and `` half-way '' workshops, for greater numbers of adequately trained personnel, for more comprehensive services to individuals ( particularly to the homebound and the blind ), and for other administrative improvements to increase the program's overall effectiveness.
These expenditures are estimated to be $12.1 billion, an increase of $187 million over 1960, reflecting additional longevity pay of career personnel, more dependents, an increased number of men drawing proficiency pay, and social security tax increases ( effective for the full year in 1961 compared with only 6 months in 1960 ).
These examples underscore the importance of even more searching evaluations of new major development programs and even more penetrating and far-ranging analyses of the potentialities of future technology.
These systems are more expensive than year-'round forced air systems.
These are becoming more and more available through the work of counties and other government agencies.
These units make it easy to load as much as 48,000 bd/ft ( say 120,000 lb in a 50' box car ) much more than the average for loose-loaded cars.
These observations indicate that the lunar maria heat up more rapidly and also cool off more rapidly than do the mountainous regions.
These are fluids which one would expect to be less viscoelastic or more Newtonian because of their lower molecular weight.
These changes were more marked in the atrophic right kidney than in the left.
These words are more expressive than labels like `` A '' and `` not-A ''.
These students, although they might read various articles in popular magazines, more often chose to report on articles found in the journals.
These minimum costs may come to $1 per month, more or less, for residential and small commercial customers, although they are substantially higher for large industrial users, who require more costly connections and metering devices.
These stores are still there, but the volume of the `` downtown store '' has been on a relative decline, while in many cities the suburban `` branch '' sells more and more dry goods.
These have sought more and more of what they have.

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