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Page "belles_lettres" ¶ 130
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Some Related Sentences

is and well
There was a measure of protection in its concrete walls and ceiling, but the engineers who hastily installed it were well aware that concrete is not much better than prayer, if as efficacious, when a direct hit comes along.
-- liberal considers that the need for a national economy with controls that will assure his conception of social justice is so great that individual and local liberties as well as democratic processes may have to yield before it.
While the pattern is uneven, some having gained more than others, nationalism has in fact served the Western peoples well.
Nowhere in Isfahan is this rich aesthetic life of the Persians shown so well as during the promenade at the Khaju bridge.
Before merging them into a common profile it is well to remember that their separate careers were extraordinary.
Thus, there is freshness not only in the individual movements of the dance but in the shape of their continuity as well.
that is, on the basis of his own sinfulness and abject wretchedness, Piepsam becomes a prophet who in his ecstasy and in the name of God imprecates doom on Life -- not only the cyclist now, but the audience, the world, as well: `` all you light-headed breed ''.
The new spirit, so well illustrated by Mr. Lyford's work, is wholly free of this anxiety.
It must be granted that the flouting of convention, no matter how well intentioned one may be, is sure to lead to trouble, or at least to the discomfort that goes with social disapproval.
But all this, I am well aware, is the bel canto of love, and although I have always liked to think that it was to the bel canto and to that alone that I listened, I know well enough that it was not.
As Sandburg said at the time: `` It is as ancient as the medieval European ballads brought to the Appalachian Mountains, it is as modern as skyscrapers, the Volstead Act, and the latest oil well gusher ''.
This is less than the length of a jet runway -- well within the circle of destruction.
Within this frame of reference policies appropriate to claims advanced in the name of the Jews depend upon which Jewish identity is involved, as well as upon the nature of the claim, the characteristics of the claimant, the justifications proposed, and the predispositions of the community decision makers who are called upon to act.
Let us not confuse the issue by labeling the objective or the method `` psychoanalytic '', for this is a well established term of art for the specific ideas and procedures initiated by Sigmund Freud and his followers for the study and treatment of disordered personalities.
An advantage of being exposed to such specificity about an important and recurring feature of social reality is that it can be taken advantage of by the reader to examine covert as well as overt resonances within himself, resonances triggered by explicit symbols clustering around the central figure of the Jew.
Probably the most important thing to focus on is not the development of conscience, which may well be almost beyond the reach of literature, but the contents of conscience, the code which is imparted to the developed or immature conscience available.
How literature does this, or for whom, is certainly not clear, but the content, form, and language of the `` message '', as well as the source, would all play differentiated parts in giving and molding a sense of purpose.
It is at least possible that the capacity to postpone gratification is developed as well as expressed in a continuous and guided exposure to great literature.
Most students of literature, whether they call themselves scholars or critics, are ready to argue that it is possible to understand literary works as well as to enjoy them.
`` It would be a disgrace, and, as I have already said to the people of Tennessee, if Hearst is nominated, we may as well pen a dispatch, and send it back from the field of battle: ' All is lost, including our honor ' ''.

is and then
He started toward the stairway, then turned to add, `` Tell her to come to Adams's room, that Adams is in trouble.
The field, then, is ripe for new Southerners to step to the fore and write of this twentieth-century phenomenon, the Southern Yankeefication: the new urban economy, the city-dweller, the pains of transition, the labor problems ; ;
If he is the child of nothingness, if he is the predestined victim of an age of atomic wars, then he will consult only his own organic needs and go beyond good and evil.
If it is an honest feeling, then why should she not yield to it??
If love reflects the nature of man, as Ortega Y Gasset believes, if the person in love betrays decisively what he is by his behavior in love, then the writers of the beat generation are creating a new literary genre.
The street that is full now of traffic and parked cars then and for many years drowsed on an August afternoon in the shade of the curbside trees, and silence was a weight, almost palpable, in the air.
For the occasion on which everyone already knows everyone else and the host wishes them to meet one or a few honored newcomers, then the `` open house '' system is advantageous because the honored guests are fixed connective points and the drifting guests make and break connections at the door.
But is that not like going to a chemistry laboratory and blindly pouring out liquids and powders from an array of bottles and then, after stirring, expecting a new wonder drug inevitably to result??
At the national and international level, then, what is the highest kind of morality for the private citizen represents an instance of political immorality.
The young William Faulkner in New Orleans in the 1920's impressed the novelist Hamilton Basso as obviously conscious of being a Southerner, and there is no evidence that since then he has ever considered himself any less so.
Actually, you could wish for some passion, now and then, but when you look around the world and see the little volcanos of current history which partisan social passions have wrought, you are glad that in these pamphlets there is at least some civilized calm.
But that one should superimpose all these charts, run a pin through the common point, and then scale each planetary deferent larger and smaller ( to keep the epicycles from ' bumping ' ), this is contrary to any intention Ptolemy ever expresses.
If to be innocent is to be helpless, then I had been -- as are we all -- helpless at the start.
William Wimsatt and Cleanth Brooks, it seems to me, have a penetrating insight into the way in which this control is effected: `` For if we say poetry is to talk of beauty and love ( and yet not aim at exciting erotic emotion or even an emotion of Platonic esteem ) and if it is to talk of anger and murder ( and yet not aim at arousing anger and indignation ) -- then it may be that the poetic way of dealing with these emotions will not be any kind of intensification, compounding, or magnification, or any direct assault upon the affections at all.
What I want is to have this evidence come before Congress and if the Attorney General does not report it, as I am very sure he won't, as he has refused to do anything of the kind, I then wish that a committee of seven Representatives be appointed with power to take the evidence.
`` Ah, then please tell me where the frontier is because this gentleman here '' -- I indicated the French occupation officer -- `` informs me that Germany is just on the other side of him ''.
It is only then that the ancient habits of feeling and the classic orderings of material and psychological experience were abandoned.
It is not possible to reconstruct fully the arrangements whereby these honors lists were then made up or even how the names that they contained assumed the order in which we find them.
Considering then the optimism which has permeated science fiction for so long, what is really remarkable is that during the last twelve years many science-fiction writers have turned about and attacked their own cherished vision of the future, have attacked the Childhood's End kind of faith that science and technology will inevitably better the human condition.

is and hour
Nine o'clock is the rush hour, when the busses are jammed, and by nine-thirty the restaurants are beginning to fill.
At a rate of $3.22 an hour he is now earning approximately $580 a month.
His proposal is opposed to that of Richard Nixon, Governor Rockefeller, past chairmen Strauss and McCone of the Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. Edward Teller and those others now enjoying their hour of triumph in the exacerbation of the cold war.
What is he doing here at this hour??
If my pass is approved, I may be a half hour.
In this hour of crisis, the wisdom, the dedication, the stabilizing force that he represents in current American government is an almost indispensable source of strength.
Forty-nine hours after an atomic burst the radiation intensity is only about 1 percent of what it was an hour after the explosion.
A BTU is a unit of heat, and the BTU rating of a conditioner refers to how much heat your machine can pump out of your house in an hour.
Although the play does show a certain structural amateurishness ( there are eleven acts varying in length from twenty-five seconds to an hour and a half ), the statement it makes concerning the ceaseless yearning and searching of youth is profound and worthy of our attention.
The measurements made with the NRL 50-foot reflector, which is altitude-azimuth-mounted, would have shown a systematic change with local hour angle in the measured intensities of Venus and Jupiter if a substantial part of the radiation had been linearly polarized.
And there are now many millions of workers for whom the factory with the big parking lot, which can be reached by driving across or against the usual pattern of rush hour traffic and grille-route bus lines, is actually more convenient than the walk-to factory.
Became `` Yes, the first half hour is tough, but by then I'm so numb I don't notice it ''!!
Here the absent sitter makes a `` date '' with a communicator ( someone close to him who is deceased ), asking him to `` come in '' at a certain hour, when a channel will be open for him.
The waves are separated by intervals of 15 minutes to an hour or more ( because of their great length ), and this has often lulled people into thinking after the first great wave has crashed that it is all over.
Winsett is a quiet street with no taverns and was completely deserted at that hour.
`` The church's ability to change her methods is going to determine her ability to meet the challenge of this hour ''.
Pope Leo 13, on the 13th day of December 1898, granted the following indulgences: `` An indulgence of three hundred days is granted to all the Faithful who read the Holy Gospels at least a quarter of an hour.
It is commendable that a regularly scheduled hour is set aside for an introduction to the contemporary musical scene.
Some may suggest that it is probably advisable to use mouthwash at least an hour after brushing with toothpaste when the toothpaste contains sodium lauryl sulfate, since the anionic compounds in the SLS toothpaste can deactivate cationic agents present in the mouthrinse.
The Alexander Technique is most commonly taught privately in a series of 10 to 40 private lessons which may last from 30 minutes to an hour.
* 1942 – World War II: The most famous ( and first international ) Aggie Muster is held on the Philippine island of Corregidor, by Brigadier General George F. Moore ( with 25 fellow Texas A & M graduates who are under his command ), while 1. 8 million pounds of shells pounded the island over a 5 hour attack.
: And he used to repeat that sentence from St. Paul “ It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God ,” and many other verses of Scripture, urging us thereby to awake from the slumber of the soul by thinking in good time of our last hour.
In the Coptic Orthodox Church chapter three is chanted on the twelfth hour of the Good Friday service, that commemorates the burial of Jesus.

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