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Page "George Cukor" ¶ 19
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After and thirty-two
After age thirty-two, she did not sit for any more portraits, and would not allow any photographs of her to be taken, so that her public image of the eternal beauty would not be challenged.
After the Coonan Cross Oath, between 1661 and 1662, out of the 116 churches, the Catholics claimed eighty-four churches, and Archdeacon Mar Thoma I with thirty-two churches.
After having contributed four of the first five Presidents and their having held office for thirty-two of the first thirty-six years of the constitution, to date four more Virginians have served as President.
After thirty-two years of relative stability, Astyages lost the support of his nobles during the war to his grandson Cyrus, as attested to at length in the Cyropaedia of Xenophon, resulting in the formation of the Persian empire, which can be considered therefore a dynastic successor of the Medes.
After the Coonan Cross Oath, between 1661 and 1662, out of the 116 churches, the Catholics claimed eighty-four churches, leaving Archdeacon Mar Thoma I only thirty-two churches.
After delivering a highly successful lecture titled, “ The Coming Man ; or the Next President of the United States ,” Emma was invited to continue her political work on a thirty-two lecture tour.
After thirty-two years, the London Temple was closed for remodeling and refurbishing.

After and days
After a sort of death march during four days without food, Helion and his comrades were shipped by cattle-car to a labor camp at an estate farm in East Germany.
After he had finished the first two volumes of his Lincoln, Sandburg went to work assembling a book of songs out of hobo and childhood days and from the memory of songs others had taught him.
After all, it goes back to the days in which sedition was not un-American, the days in which the Sons of St. Tammany conspired to overthrow the government by force and violence -- the British government, that is.
After all, where else can the public see a wagon these days??
After a nuclear blast, one bureaucrat suggested in those halcyon days, about all you had to do was haul out the broom and sweep off your sidewalks and roof.
-- After 52 rainless days, moisture finally came to Del Mar, resulting in but one workout during the week for most of the horses, and leaving us with less than half our total average rainfall during the season.
After all, his wife had written most of his letters for him in those first lean days of Partlow Products.
After three days, the soul crosses Chinvat bridge which is the Final Judgment of the soul.
After Lane's departure, Alcott fell into a depression and could not speak or eat for three days.
After describing the manifestation of the Gospel in the Ogdoad and Hebdomad, he adds that the Basilidians have a long account of the innumerable creations and powers in the several ' stages ' of the upper world ( diastemata ), in which they speak of 365 heavens and say that " their great archon " is Abrasax, because his name contains the number 365, the number of the days in the year ; i. e. the sum of the numbers denoted by the Greek letters in ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ according to the rules of isopsephy is 365:
After several days of competition, Odysseus and Ajax are tied for the ownership of the magical armor which was forged on Mount Olympus by the god Hephaestus.
After seven days and nights in agony, Alcmene stretched out her arms and called upon Lucina, the goddess of childbirth ( the Roman equivalent of Eileithyia ).
* 1056 – After a sudden illness a few days previously, Byzantine Empress Theodora dies childless, thus ending the Macedonian dynasty.
After thirty days of working with Wilson, Smith drank his last drink on June 10, 1935, the date marked by AA for its anniversaries.
After a month and two days of fighting, the war ended as a moral disaster for Bulgaria, in the same time its economy was ruined and the military – demoralized.
After several days of negotiation, the Liberal Democrats agreed to join the Conservatives as part of a coalition government.
After fasting for four days, Dr. Berris Wink, president of the Queensland branch of the Australian Medical Association, urged her to stop the test.
After the shock of the Battle of Adrianople in 378, in which the emperor Valens with the flower of the Roman armies was destroyed by the Visigoths within a few days ' march, the city looked to its defences, and in 413 – 414, Theodosius II built the 18-meter ( 60-foot )- tall triple-wall fortifications, which were never to be breached until the coming of gunpowder.
After several days, one of the crew, a seventeen year old cabin boy, fell unconscious due to a combination of the famine and drinking seawater.
After having ruled for just 80 days, Cuitláhuac died of smallpox that had been introduced to the New World by the Europeans.
After the war, Eisenhower reverted to his regular rank of captain and a few days later was promoted to major, a rank he held for 16 years.
After his three days in the pillory, Defoe went into Newgate Prison.
* 1943 – World War II – After eight days of brutal house-to-house fighting, the battle of Ortona concludes with the victory of the 1st Canadian Infantry Division over the German 1st Parachute Division and the capture of the Italian town of Ortona.
After an incident in Washington state in 1993, most US and other pool builders are reluctant to equip a residential swimming pool with a diving springboard so home diving pools are much less common these days.

After and shooting
After the shooting finished, Herzog handed Morris an envelope with cash in it.
After the completion of the shooting of series three, Dermot Morgan died of a heart attack, aged 45.
After shooting wrapped on October 14, Nino Rota composed various circus marches and fanfares that would later become signature tunes of the maestro ’ s cinema.
After having taken over power of the country, the Albanian communists launched a tremendous terror campaign, shooting intellectuals and arresting thousands of innocent people.
After shooting five short films one after another in three years and winning many awards consecutively, he began shooting his feature films.
After this contribution, which is now called the rebirth of Turkish Cinema's reconciliation with its audience ; Altioklar carried on his road and proved the permanence of his success by shooting Kolera Street ( 1997 ).
After trying unsuccessfully to attempt suicide, Heidi go on a shooting spree and kills all the characters of the movie except Sydney, Sebastian, Arthur, Seymour, Robert and Lucile.
After the Heath High School shooting, King announced that he would allow Rage to go out of print, fearing that it might inspire similar tragedies.
After mass shootings such as the Columbine High School massacre and the Virginia Tech incident, many school administrators in the United States have created plans to protect students and staff in the event of a school shooting.
After the advent of high-powered repeating rifles, single-shot rifles were primarily used for target shooting matches, with the first official match shooting event, opening at Creedmoor, Long Island in 1872.
After three months of preproduction, the film had 148 shooting days spread out over a year, four times the span covered in the original budget, which eventually came to almost half a million dollars.
* After a recent shooting of an Albanian youth crossing the border with Macedonia there has been calls for autonomy for Albanians in the Presevo region, having international troops put as borderguards, and making of more border crossings.
After the shooting, he was rushed to the Royal Victoria Hospital, where he underwent surgery to remove the three bullets which had entered his body.
After a night of shooting and fighting, the union effort among Central City miners failed.
After some time they moved to the side of Douglas's division and began shooting into its left, but upon the command of Robert the Bruce who foresaw this, the Scottish 500-horse light cavalry under the Marischal Sir Robert Keith dispersed them.
After shooting a few hundred rounds Maxim's apparatus became erratic then stopped altogether.
After Japan surrendered, Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyoshi Noda were arrested and executed by shooting in Nanking with the criminal charge “ Civilized Public Enemy ”.
After shooting at a pupil who came to help Miss Wiseman and wounding himself in a failed suicide attempt he waited in the classroom until a group of farmers came to lynch him.
After shooting Kurz Weller tried to escape, but was surrounded by police on the campus, whereupon he killed himself with a shot in the chest.
After being removed as principal of South Pasadena Junior High School, Verlin Spencer shot six school officials, killing five, before attempting to commit suicide by shooting himself in the stomach.
After shooting it with a musket when it tried to climb aboard the ship, the seamen decided to capture it with the hope of bringing it back to Holland.
" After only a few days of shooting, things were not looking good.

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