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Page "adventure" ¶ 181
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I and could
`` I could use some help '', Morgan said finally, `` but I can't afford to pay you anything.
`` I made you so you could stand up.
Far up the valley I could see the Rees circling and reorganizing.
I could see their faces glistening with sweat and bear grease, their mouths open, shouting their spine-chilling cries.
I could see the blood running down his chest.
I could smell woodsmoke, grease, and oil.
Now under me I could see him for what he really was, a boy dressed up in streaks of paint.
Since they could see me but I not them, their presence in the hall disturbed me.
) hung on a hook on the wall, and underneath it I could see his tie, knotted, ready to be slipped over his head, a black badge of frayed respectability that ought never to have left his neck.
They, and the two large fans which I could dimly see as daylight filtered through their vents, down at the far end of the hall, could be turned on by a master switch situated inside the office.
For although I had crossed a corner of the hall on my way to the toilet I still could not tell for sure how far to the rear the darkness extended.
I could observe the two fans down at the end, but their size in themselves meant nothing to me as long as I had no measure of comparison.
I knew that three or four of them were almost always present in the hall, but what they were doing, and exactly where, I could not tell.
I could not cling to my past nor did I wish to.
When I asked him what, if anything, I could do about it, he surprised me by referring me to the director of the hall.
I could consult this personage on any weekday morning, though not before ten o'clock.
Although it was dark as usual I could see that the hall had only recently contained a great many people.

I and see
There's someone there I have to see.
It's bigger than it has to be, though I don't see where it's doing any harm.
I decided to see no more of the clerk until the processing of my papers was completed.
I kept circling the block hoping to see, from the street behind it, the rear of the hall.
Past it I could see part part of a desk, a flag in a corner, a rug on the floor.
Like Luis, I can't see something like this happening to me.
`` Yeah, I can see that '', the friend was forced to agree.
Now turn around so I can see your face ''.
I can see Dan.
`` No, I never did see his face.
Her form was silhouetted and with the strong light I could see the outlines of her body, a body that an artist or anyone else would have admired.
In the half darkness I approached cautiously, making sure he did not see me.
`` Or do you want to see if I can stand fever, too ''??
There had been classroom guffaws which quickly subsided as Professor Griggs said dryly: `` I see your point, Pauson.
Our lifeboat was filling rapidly and despite what I had heard of the inhabitants of Eromonga, I was glad to see a long and graceful outrigger manned by three bronzed girls glide out of a lagoon into the open sea and toward our craft.

I and them
I treated them fair ''
In the brief moment I had to talk to them before I took my post on the ring of defenses, I indicated I was sickened by the methods men employed to live and trade on the river.
I would turn away from my writing in the hope of getting a good look at them but I never quite succeeded.
Now, here was something of obvious importance to me, yet when I reached for the tickets he snatched them away from my hand.
I felt certain that the director, like the afternoon clerk, seldom moved beyond the counter, that the hall, to them, was a jungle, a dark and unwelcome place.
Neither of them, I understood, had been present at the filming session earlier.
I had seen two of them and we would soon be in another city-wide, joyous celebration with romance in the air ; ;
I was aware that when our eyes met we both quickly averted them.
I expected Brassnose -- as a man with a strain of Melanesian in his blood -- to speak to them.
`` I got Margaret Rider in one of them old box cars down there by the quarry ''.
When I question them as to what they mean by concepts like liberty and democracy, I find that they fall into two categories: the simpler ones who have simply accepted the shibboleths of their faith without analysis ; ;
I followed them in the jeep and now they did not care.
`` I suppose because it saves them some loss of body water.
When confronted with a drunk or an insane person I have no notion of what any one of them might do to me or to himself or to others.
I was having lunch not long ago ( apologies to N. V. Peale ) with three distinguished historians ( one specializing in the European Middle Ages, one in American history, and one in the Far East ), and I asked them if they could name instances where the general mores had been radically changed with `` deliberate speed, majestic instancy '' ( Francis Thompson's words for the Hound Of Heaven's Pursuit ) by judicial fiat.

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