Español Attack v0.1

español Spanish projects math

Español Attack
Figure 1: Español Attack v0.1
by Javantea, AltSci Concepts
Text version
Histogram version

I produced this learning tool before coming to Mexico. From basic knowledge of the language to a set of words and sentences I can throw together, this page of common words can help you train yourself what to learn first. I have done this type of language learning guide before. I also created a very nice Twitter - Google translate mashup, but both services were modified, the Google translate API became a pay API which broke my mashup.

This page represents the output of a histogram of words used in a small corpus of Spanish. This mathematical concept is quite easy to understand for linguists: tally each word used, sort by highest tally. I wrote a piece of software that does this for any corpus, including HTML and foreign texts.

Javantea out.