Español Attack v0.1

Español Attack
Figure 1: Español Attack v0.1
by Javantea, AltSci Concepts
Text version
Histogram version

I produced this learning tool before coming to Mexico. From basic knowledge of the language to a set of words ... Read more »

Español Attack v0.2

You may have read my first attempt at Español attack. This is a major improvement and expansion. You can expect it to be approximately 20% better than the last version. But wait, why such a small amount? Because we are using artificial intelligence to learn a human language. Artificial intelligence is going to get very good in the ... Read more »


People have been asking what I've been up to. I've been reading, drumming, walking, and taking photos mostly. I've done a tiny bit of shopping, a bunch of eating, and a bit of sewing. I've also been sleeping irregularly, but that's a different blog post.

This one is going to be a photo blog. It's ... Read more »