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Fold-in and .
Issue # 320 ( July 1993 ) featured a Fold-in as the front cover.

is and technique
that is, he is suspect, guilty, punishable, as is anyone in Mann's stories who produces illusion, and this is true even though the constant elements of the artist-nature, technique, magic, guilt and suffering, are divided in this story between Jacoby and Lautner.
It is to say rather, I believe, that he has brought to bear on the history, the traditions, and the lore of his region a critical, skeptical mind -- the same mind which has made of him an inveterate experimenter in literary form and technique.
His technique is genuinely masterful.
And to do this requires first of all the kind of information about people which is provided by the scientists in industrial anthropology and consumer research, who, for example, tell Courtenay that three days is the `` optimum priming period for a closed social circuit to be triggered with a catalytic cue-phrase '' -- which means that an effective propaganda technique is to send an idea into circulation and then three days later reinforce or undermine it.
Since the apparatus is new, it requires experimentation and changes in technique.
He could no longer build anything, whether a private residence in his Pennsylvania county or a church in Brazil, without it being obvious that he had done it, and while here and there he was taken to task for again developing the same airy technique, they were such fanciful and sometimes even playful buildings that the public felt assured by its sense of recognition after a time, a quality of authentic uniqueness about them, which, once established by an artist as his private vision, is no longer disputable as to its other values.
Mr. Claude is a specialist in torso development and he has long favored the now-famous Weider Push-Pull Super-Set technique in which one exercise of the Super-Set is a pressing or `` pushing '' movement which accents one sector of a muscle group in a specific way, followed by a `` pulling '' exercise which works the opposing sector of the same muscle group.
You'll find, once your technique is perfected, that you can cook on a boat with a simple Bernz-O-Matic.
With a large and circumspect 20th-Century technique, he wove the materials of national heroes and events, national folklore and children's fairy tales -- Slavic dances and love songs -- into a solid musical literature which served his people well, and is providing much enjoyment to the World at large.
At the present time the research team which pioneered this new technique is primarily interested in advancing and perfecting it.
One of the most gratifying applications of an important technique of submarine detection is in the exploration of the human body.
It exhibits much the same descriptive technique and is open to much the same criticisms.
What with traders trading for so many different objectives, and what with there being so many unique and individualized market theories and trading techniques in use, and more coming into use all the time, it is hard to imagine how any particular theory or technique could acquire enough `` fans '' to invalidate itself.
Thus while his theory or technique may not be oversubscribed, it is commonplace for bullish and bearish positions to become temporarily over-subscribed.
While there are still many bugs to be ironed out, the technique is fast developing.
The choice of the heading technique is dependent upon the accuracy requirements, field conditions, and the time available to accomplish the heading.
Although this technique is simple and satisfactory, one practical difficulty does exist: the direction of true north must be known for each launch point.
It is she who says aye or nay to the intimate questions of sexual technique and mechanics -- not the husband.
A technique by which it is proposed to enter with compulsion into the very heart of a man and determine his values may often in fact seem the more unlimited aggression.

is and taking
In conformance with the maximization principle we affirm that Gentile-Jewish relations will be harmonious or inharmonious to the degree that one relation or the other is expected by the active participants to yield the greatest net advantage, taking all value outcomes and effects into consideration.
In any event, the critical productivity of that time is abundant proof that if he was taking laudanum, it was never in command of him to the extent that it had been during his vagrant years.
His suggestion that the prestige colleges be made the training institutions for medical, law and graduate schools will run into strong opposition from these colleges themselves -- even though what he is recommending is already taking shape as a trend.
Then he thought of Aaron Blaustein standing in his rich house saying: `` God is tired of taking the blame.
This problem of fair and equitable assessment of value is a difficult one to solve in that the determination of fair valuation is dependent on local assessors, who in general are non-professional and part-time personnel taking an individualistic approach to the problem.
What is important here is that many of the cities and towns recognize the need for improved fiscal practices and are taking the initiative to obtain them.
The responsibility for taking the initiative in generating ideas is that of every officer in the Department who has a policy function, regardless of rank.
He is appreciative of the expert help available to him and draws these resources into play, taking care to examine at least some of the raw material which underlies their frequently policy-oriented conclusions.
The minimum total potential energy is found by taking the derivative with respect to H and equating to zero.
State governments have been taking the lead in establishing area vocational schools, but their focus is still on area job opportunities.
The impact of noncompliance under the Wagner-Peyser Act is clear: the withdrawal of some $11 million a year of administrative funds which finance our employment service program or, as a corollary, the taking over by the Federal Government of its operation.
If anything may be predicted in the quicksilver world of retailing, it seems likely that the suburban branch will come to dominate children's clothing ( taking the kid downtown is too much of a production ), household gadgetry and the discount business in big-ticket items.
The respectability which money confers implies a different etiquette, and, upon taking up the life of a London gentleman, Pip must learn from Herbert Pocket that `` the spoon is not generally used over-hand, but under ''.
In a growing number of American homes, marriage counselors report, the wife is taking a commanding role in sexual relationships.
If communication with an entity on the `` other side '' is taking place, this too may assume the form of clairvoyant symbolism.
When her brother Winslow became a student at Brown University in 1874, she wrote him about a course in history he was taking under Professor Diman: `` What is Prof. Diman's definition of civilization, and take the world through, is its progress ever onward, or does it retrograde at times??
`` It is a duty '', said Hough, `` not to let pass this opportunity of protesting against the methods of taking and printing testimony in Equity, current in this circuit ( and probably others ), excused if not justified by the rules of the Supreme Court, especially to be found in patent causes, and flagrantly exemplified in this litigation.
They seem to feel that because they fought on the right side during the Civil War, and won, they have earned the right merely to deplore what is going on in the South, without taking any responsibility for it ; ;
As a finale is appended a close-up of one of the band taking aim and firing his revolver straight at the audience.
The White House is taking extraordinary steps to check the rapid growth of juvenile delinquency in the United States.
With loud huzzahs for the artistic success of the Presbyterian-St. Luke's Fashion show still ringing in her ears, its director, Helen Tieken Geraghty ( Mrs. Maurice P. Geraghty ) is taking off tomorrow on a 56 day world trip which should earn her even greater acclaim as director of entertainment for next summer's International Trade fair.

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